

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last part of the year with great anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us.

In the midst of all this, we are grateful for what God is already doing and for this reason I would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even greater opportunities to embrace.


Evangelism. Though this whole season, we have been engaging the communities in door to door and one on one evangelistic outreaches in the communities. As a result, multitudes have heard the gospel and salvations recorded. Through this process, our focus has been on starting small groups set to transition into church plants as we wait for the official opening of churches. The evangelistic outreaches are set to transition into small groups which eventually will result into church plants. This month a total of 1,232 adult contacts were reached with the gospel with 212 salvations recorded, over 5,000 tracts have been distributed in communities this month alone. 362 children’s booklets and 65 new testament bibles and 27 full bibles

Food support. We have reached out and supported vulnerable families in the communities with basic needs including food rations. We have also partnered with churches in refugee camps to reach the vulnerable specifically in Kyaka refugee camp.

Prayer Support. For the most part we have been interceding and praying for our dear beloved partners, financer’s, sponsors and friends of the ministry. We are so grateful for this great privilege to partner with you in this great commission and service to God


“I decided to distribute food stuff to the vulnerable families in my community as a gesture of expressing the love of Jesus to these families. This opened opportunity for me to minister Christ to these families after the outreach. As of this month 5 have surrendered their lives to Christ and I am currently following up on 3 families” testifies Pr. Onen Edwin from Gulu district.

Pr. Edwin is our programs coordinator in Northern Uganda. Through him, we launched a leadership development training program under the church planters program with a total of 30 potential church planters in Gulu district located approximately 335km North of Kampala city centre. The program has already seen over 5 churches planted over 7 potential churches yet to be planted through the small groups.

The real task of Church Planters and Church Planting is to internalize the Vision, get gifted leaders around the vision to run with it; and keep the flame burning. One of the most important tasks of a leader is to identify potential new leaders. If a church or organization is to grow, finding new leaders is critical. Equally vital is the quality of leaders being discovered.


  • Please continue to pray for Gods protection through this season of the Lock down.
  • Pray for provision for our pastors in the rural settings who have been hit hard by the lockdown. Many are starving since businesses have been temporarily shut down.
  • Pray for the new converts to be rooted in their new found faith.
  • Pray for divine substance for the ministry as we work against the odds and challenges to fulfill this great call.

We are thankful for your continuous support and faith in our response to the communities and we have not ceased to pray and believe God for a new doors and blessings for you and the entire team in the different nations. We know the Lord who started this great initiative will bring it to completion.




February 2020 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I pray that all is well.

The month of February has been awesome filled with different ministry activities. I am truly excited because amidst all the outreach programs, new opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new different regions of Uganda. Please allow me bring to you this report concerning the different ministry activities for January and February 2019. We pray that in sharing this report, you will be encouraged.


 From January to February, a total of 4,321 adults were reached with the gospel, 1,224 surrendered their lives to Christ, 211 baptisms were conducted with 3 churches planted.

Through the children’s ministry training, a total of 2,311 children were reached with the gospel with 722 salvations recorded. 4 community bible clubs were stared in January and February. 

A total of 30 full bibles were distributed to church planters, 3211 new testament bibles, 320 raising hope training materials, 211 that I may know him and 411 raising hope children’s booklets.


Now, more than ever, the world is in need of a new generation of compassionate, strong, biblically-based leaders. Unfortunately, many Teens across Africa equate being a leader with corruption, bribery, and abuse of power. As a result, most teens do not understand the importance of developing strong leadership skills and hence brush off very opportunity to lead or develop leadership skills. In response Lead Today was created a program that fills this gap by guiding teens through lessons on biblical servant leadership, character strength, and practical application of leadership skills to help young people discover the path to becoming true, godly leaders. Over the years, we have discovered that school ministry is one of the most effected methods of reaching, skilling and empowering young people through a systematic and continuous program.

This past week, we launched the lead today school program in three schools in the outskirts of Kampala city. The 15 lesson, 15-week program currently reaching 47 nations worldwide and impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of teens was introduced to a total of 539 high school students and 96 pupils. The program is aimed at helping the participants realize their call to leadership, develop their leadership skills, Help discover and develop the children’s talents and gifting’s but also build the moral and academic state of the children. As we embark on this lifetime venture with a goal to reach and impact teens across Uganda, we kindly request for your moral and prayer support as we reach and develop leaders and bring about transformation in communities.


As you pray with us for the different ministry activities, please remember to pray with us for the following.

  • ·         For the upcoming children ministry trainings and also pray for the upcoming church planter programs

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly




January 2020 Report

Hello beloved,

It’s such an honor to once again write to you. Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray all is great and that good Lord has been graciously good to you. All is well as the good Lord continues to prosper and increase us through the open doors in the communities.

This month we are delighted to yet again bring to you our monthly report for the month of January 2020.


This month, we conducted a total of 2 church planter trainings through which 40 potential church planters were trained. 2 children’s ministry training programs were also conducted; 52 children’s workers were graduated after completing the three module training which had commenced 8 months ago.

This month we also officially launched the Youth Empowerment Program. The launch covered four communities in four districts. The launched saw 441 youths and teens reached and 12 youth workers equipped with 36 others awaiting training. The lead today training pack has been a great tool to use in reaching and equipping the teens and youth workers. This new months, we are set to reach 2 new communities with the program.


Name: Pr. Lubega Victor 

“The raising hope training became my rescue factor to the questions I had on how best I would reach out to the children. The idea of establishing a community bible club and running a vocational bible school was an excellent idea for me. On establishing the great ideas shared at the training, the number of children coming for the church activities shirt from 30 to 80 on average and shoots up during the school holidays. Nkulunze church has gotten more favor and trust from the parents after having seen change in the children as a result of the curriculums we have introduced through the children’s ministry program. This training has had a very effective impact to my ministry” he says.

Luwero district is located 52km north of Kampala city is remembered as the site for the fierce insurgency and brutal counter-insurgency between the government of Milton Obote and the rebel group (national resistance army) that that left thousands of civilians dead and thousands of children orphaned during the early to mid-1980’s. The impact of the war was so diverse that until today, the children and elders in community carry the scars of the war especially within the Luwero triangle the epi center of the war. Bamunaika is one of the eight town councils affected by the war that make up Luwero district. A town council that hosts Nkuluze bible gospel church.

At the beginning of this year, Pr. Victor attended one of our children’s ministry trainings. Through this training, we addressed a number of issues on how to effectively reach out to children, how to establish and run community programs. How to teach a bible lesson, how to lead a child to Christ, creating a child friendly environment, relating to children and how to build an outstanding children’s ministry that attracts crowds of parents and children designed to thrive for ages just to mention a few. Little did we know the training that victor was attending would become a transformational factor in his community as he testifies.

Churches like Nkulunze that have taken heed to reach kids, draw them in, and to equip parents to disciple their children have witnessed a radical change in their ministries especially when the children get excited about showing up and learning about Jesus. 


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

·         For the upcoming outreach and Training/program and children ministry programs.

·         Pray for the provision for the training programs across the country.

·         Continue believing God with us for a ministry car to facilitate our outreaches and transportation.

We are so delighted for your continued support and we are grateful for the support towards the programs in Uganda. There is already enormous transformation and revival taking place and we believe in a short while, this transformation will not only be limited to the communities but the nation at large.

We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavors.






Hello Beloved,

Greetings and happy new year. We hope that the good year has begun on a great and awesome note. The good lord has kept us well and I great spirit. The year has begun for us with a busy schedule as we work closely with our coordinators and master trainers in completing the scheduled trainings I the different community which has been happening through December 2019 to the beginning of January 2020. It’s to this effect that I write this short report on the trainings conducted through December to January 2020.




The Church Planter Program


Total Number of Church Planters Trained in 2019
Total Number of Church Planters Graduated in 2019
Total Number of Master Trainers Trained in 2019
Total Number of Master Trainers Graduated in 2019
Total Number Currently undergoing Training
Total Number of Prayer Groups (Cells) Begun in 2019
Total Number of New Members Joining Prayer Groups/Cells in 2019
Total Number of Churches Planted in 2019

The Raising Hope Children’s Ministry Program


Total Number of Children Workers Trained
Total Number of Children Workers Completing Trainings
Total Number of Children New Master Trainers recruited
Total Number of Children Master Trainers Completing Trainings
Total Number of Children Bible Clubs Started
Total Number of New Children Who Attended Bible Clubs
Average Number of Children Attending the Bible Clubs

Evangelism CP & RH Programs


Total Number of Adults Reached
Total Number of Adults receiving Christ
Total Number of Children Reached
Total Number of Children receiving Christ
Total Number of New Believers Baptized
Total number of Tracts and Booklets distributed

Scripture Placement Program


Total Number of Full Bibles Distributed
Total Number of New Testament Bibles Distributed
Total Number of “That I May Know Him” Booklets Distributed
Number of Raising Hope Booklets Distributed
Training Manuals Distributed
Lesson Guides Distributed





As we kick-start the year 2020, we are believing God for the inclusion of three key programs sett to become part of our key ministry outreach programs. These include

  1. THE ADULT LITERACY PROGRAM. The program is to be designed to help adults gain basic literacy skills in arithmetic, reading, writing, and conversational English. In addition, the students are also to receive basic computer training and instructions in business management, savings, and personal finance. These skills are so crucial in functioning effectively in today’s society. The goal of this project is for adult literacy providers in communities to develop and deliver a wide‐range of adult literacy programs. Building capacity at the local level encourages community development and provides much needed skills for community members.
  2. THE YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM.To contribute to the improvement of young people’s lives through community based Education in response to sustainable skills. Overall Objective: To empower both in and out of school youths with Vocational Skills and moving them from the relief mentality and unemployment to self-reliance. Breaking the York of vulnerability and having good working conducive environment to enable them obtain a successfully/desirable life so as to eradicate poverty in Uganda.
  3. THE HIDDEN PEOPLE MINISTRY. For the past 19 years, Robert and the team have been involved in the ministry to people with disabilities. Through this time. Our scope of operation has been largely limited to Kampala district with the ministry extended to a few districts through one time outreaches or a onetime donation.


As you pray with us for the different ministry activities, please remember to pray with us for the following.

  • For the SUCCESFUL launch of these ministry programs through 2020
  • Cover the ongoing programs in prayer. Praying specifically for the implementer in the communities including our coordinators, master trainers, facilitators, church planters, local pastors, children and youth in the communities.
  • Continue believing God with us for a ministry car to facilitate our outreaches and transportation.
  • Pray for the ministry opportunities opening up in the different communities.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. On behalf of the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda in year 2019. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country.

May the almighty God Bless you. 



November 2019 Report

Dear beloved,

I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are honored yet to having had you as a partner who has prayed and supported this ministry to what it has become now, to the point of bearing even much fruit. It’s therefore on this note that I would like to share with you the great and awesome things the Lord has done in November 2019. 

Through the children’s ministry program, at least 3,234 children were reached through the community bible clubs, school outreach programs and open air crusades. 1,223 surrendered their lives to Christ. 3 community bible clubs were formed with 212 children joining.  In the month of November, atleast 4 churches were planted in the districts of Luuka, Soroti, Amuria and Iganga. At least 9 small groups were formed this month with a total of 113 new members joining the small groups in the various districts. 111 of the new believers were baptised with a prospect of about 213 others to be baptized in December. 

As schools come to a close for the year and children break off for a long break, we register high numbers of new children joining the community bible clubs. Christmas time is a season when we reach out and spread the love of Christ to children in the communities. This year, we focusing our attention on children in the community clubs of Bulange in Kampala, Mukono and Ibanda.  The essence of this is to help portray the true meaning of Christmas through different ministry activities. A number of evangelistic programs are to be considered through the outreaches including Christmas parties, the nativity film shows, distribution of tracts and Christian literature and sharing the Christmas story, engage in activities and games related to Christmas like, shading, colouring and drawing. 


“it’s the shepherd’s duty to help the sheep discover what is unique about each of them.”

As an organization that encapsulate children’s ministry as one of its core ministries, Mercy Link has always taken the initiative to help develop the next wave in the army of God. We have always believed that one of the greatest responsibilities of any church or leader is to help the people in his care to spiritually grow and reach for their personal destinies and that the movers and shakers of God’s now and future kingdom are in our children’s community bible clubs or ministry every week. Recognizing talents and spiritual gifts in the children has always been one of our chief endeavors and this is one key areas we have invested in in as far as mentoring and inspiring the young generation has been.  

Angel is a children’s facilitator at Bulange bible club. She joined the club in 2012 aged 12 years after being invited to the of Community bible club by her best friend Samantha. After joining and settling in the club, she showed interest in the club through her regular attendance and willingness to help where need was something that the teachers at the club didn’t overlook. Her love for other children especially the young and vulnerable quickly earned her favor before the toddlers and the other facilitators. Three years ago, Angel was enrolled in our teacher mentorship program and today, she teaches the 4-7 year olds something she promises to do through her vacation.


Testimonies and praise reports like Angel’s have overtime help us realize that If we want to reach the children in our communities, we need to go where they are and not expect them to come to our churches. Many children don’t know what churches are about since they are not Christians yet. We need to find out what the children relate to and speak on their level instead of Christian terminology.

We would like to thank you for faithfully supporting prayerfully, financially, materially and in all other ways for your generosity and love. There are no words good enough to thank you but our prayer is for the Lord to abundantly bless and increase your store houses. 

God Bless You

Mr. Robert S Mpagi



October 2019 Report

Hello Beloved partner,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray all is fine. It is with a great sense of excitement and an overwhelming feeling of responsibility that I write these opening remarks.  

I am delighted and honored to yet again send you this short ministry report concerning our ministry programs for the month of October 2019. This report will hopefully define, the goals, direction, and atmosphere of the ministry I pray you will be blessed as you read through this report.


There are many distinct groups of children and youth who need ministry to address their spiritual needs, but also need the attention of missiologists to help develop effective mission strategies. As an organization, we have taken on the initiative to reach and affect the lives of children, teens and youths in the communities and schools through the teen’s life skill program to help address the different challenges children and youth face in their day today living. We believe that before we can begin to show children how to live their lives and what principles to build their lives upon, we must first lay a foundation. The only way we can lay a foundation in the lives of our children is to show them that God created them for a reason. It’s for this purpose that we strive to help the children in the community bible clubs to understand that God made them In His Image, To Know Him, but also for a Purpose focusing on what the bible stresses on in Colossians 2:7 Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the Foundation for your life.


There are over 5,000,000 People with disabilities living in Uganda according to the 2014 national census making for about 10% of the national population makes up the total number of people with disabilities. About 80% of children with disabilities in Uganda are not getting education because of their disability. For this reason, the disabled just make 0.2 % of the work force despite of the income tax makes a provision of tax incentives for employers of 5% or more people with disabilities.

This October marked 50 years since Kampala School for Physically Handicapped (KSPH), the first and only special boarding School of its kind, was founded. KSPH was the brain child of the Late Henry and Fayce Barlow, whom together with a few other Parents and Professionals formed Uganda Spastics Society to set up the facility. Their goal was to Educate, rehabilitate and Equip children with Cerebral Palsy for future development. Due to the overwhelming need, the school was opened to other children with various physical and mental challenges. Today, the school has an enrollment of 180 pupils in a loving family environment ranging from the ages 6 – 18 years, from all over Uganda and East African region.

During the celebration Mr. Robert was recognized as the longest serving volunteer in the school having served for 20 years. His story was shared at the event and published in the School magazine that recapped the history of the school marking 50 years and eventually crowned with a specialrecognition and reward. He was commended for his commitment in laying a good foundation to support every child to productively develop their inner talents and abilities through life skill and spiritual trainings to attain maximum independence. For the last 20 years, Robert has served as the school chaplain teaching and mentoring the children every Sunday.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • The upcoming Church Planters Training/program and children ministry programs
  • God to Continue sustaining the open doors to minister to the refugee camps in southern, central and northern Uganda
  • Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities and a ministry vehicle for upcountry programs.

We are so delighted for your continued support and we are grateful for the support towards the programs in Uganda. There is already enormous transformation and revival taking place and we believe in a short while, this transformation will not only be limited to the communities but the nation at large.

We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavors.





September 2019 Report

Hello Beloved partner,

It’s with great pleasure that I write to you once again. Greetings in the Mighty name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ; I believe his grace has been sufficient in all areas of your lives as it has been with us here at Mercy Link.   

We would with great delight like to present to you the ministry report for September 2019 and we hope this will find you in great health and wealth.


This month through the Church planter and Children’s ministry training program, we collected a number of testimonies and progress report from our district coordinators in regard to the programs in their communities. Below is a summary of the reports

  • ·         4,113 Adults and 3211 children were reached with the gospel this month
  • ·         1,080 adult salvation’s recorded and 1,988 children surrendered their lives to Christ
  • ·         6 children’s community bible clubs were started
  • ·         322 children joining the new clubs
  • ·         322 children’s raising hope booklets distributed
  • ·         450 New Testament bibles distributed.
  • ·         213 baptisms
  • ·         4 small groups started
  • ·         113 new members joining the church and prayer groups.
  • ·         A total of 3 churches were planted.

One of the objectives in the church planter program is to create forums and develop networks to educate and sensitive national and grassroots Church leadership, planters and the Body of believers the role of Church and its full mandate in frontline Missions, and to see to engage every believer to respond to the Great Commission. The real task of Church Planters and Church Planting is to internalize the Vision, get gifted leaders around the vision to run with it; and keep the flame burning.


Pr. Emmanuel Mulawa is an alumni of the Church Planters program in Uganda. He was among the first 23 potential church planters recruited at the launch of the church planter program in 2014. In this pursuit to see this vision fulfilled, Pr. Emma at the end of September sent us a praise report of a new church plant with a membership of 31 people. DIVINE LOVE CHURCH BUTASWA the new church plant is found in 79kms from Luuka in Buyende district. The church plant happened after e series of door to door evangelism and film outreach ministry. Just a month earlier another was planted in Buyoga in Luuka district with 49 people. The manifestation of this work is attracting the attention of the church leaders in the district offering up their potential church planters for mentorship. Three potential church planters are set up for an on job church planter training in Buyende next month.

‘’The need to plant churches in our rural communities is enormous. There was a time when one Pentecostal church existed in my entire parish of more than 800 households. Transformation was not hoped for since there was no church to effect it in the lives of the people and the community. But having attended the church planters training, I became an agent of change in this community and surrounding district replicating what I had got in different potential church planters and leaders in my community. Today, churches are starting to be planted and there is hope fo4 community transformation” says pr. Emmanuel Mulawa a church planter from Luuka District 129kms from Kampala city.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • Pray for our entire church planter team that as they engage in the different church planter programs and their communities.
  • For the discipleship programs in communities, schools and refugee camps across Uganda
  • New ministry opportunities in the communities and prisons

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavours.

May the almighty God Bless you.

Yours in service


Director Mercy Link


August 2019 Report

Greetings beloved partner,

Glad tidings to you our co-worker in ministry, thanks for the great work that has seen the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the Nations. The Lord has increasingly blessed us and expanded our territories as we continue to reach new communities and share the good news. 

It’s therefore with great pleasure that I bring to you this report. In this accord allow us bring you our month report for the month of August 2019. 


This month through the church planters program saw at least 2,117 people reached and 811 salvations recorded. 326 of the new converts and formerly new believers were baptized. 4 churches planted. 

Through the children’s ministry programs, 3,651 children were reached with the gospel through the evangelistic outreach programs with 1,188 salvation recorded. 356 of the new converts joined the bible clubs with the rest yet to be followed up.


“I have been to bible school and graduated. I can boldly state that all that I learnt in the church planters training was what I knew but one fact remains, I didn’t receive it in as a practical way that I did at the church planter program.” testifies Stephen.

Stephen is the chairman of the pastor’s fellowship in Amuria. He is part of the team that approved the establishment of the church planters program in Amuria after attending our vision casting training for the church leaders in Amuria.  Besides approving the training program, he attended all the training programs and always encouraged the pastors to study and implement what they had learnt through the training. He was also actively involved in the training program as a translator for those who didn’t understand English. 

“I chose to attend the training programs because I wanted to be an inspiration to the pastors. Most of them have not had the opportunity to go to a bible school and this was a very great opportunity for them to learn some of these skills taught in the bible school. However, the key reason why I attend the rest of the trainings was because of how the first module training affected my life. I had learnt about evangelism. Putting the skills in practice had become a challenge. This training activated something in me that had been lost and I could not resist coming back for the remaining trainings.” He says.

Stephen not only attended and completed the training program but went on to enroll for the master trainers program and has taken on the initiative to implement what he has learnt through the module trainings in his church.  He has taken the lead in inspiring his followers on the pastor’s fellowship in establishing what had been passed on through the church planters program. 


As you pray for us, Please stand with us for the following Prayer requests

  1. Commit the programs for the next quarter unto the Lord (Trainings, outreaches, etc)
  2. Lift our Church planters unto the Lord remembering Pr. Fred Mulinzi and Pr. Kasaga Agnes two of our Church planters who are seeking for land to relocate their churches. 
  3. Lift individual employees, volunteers and unto the LORD. 
  4. Pray also for Day Star primary school and for the program activities at the school. Pray specifically for the financial support and new enrollment
  5. Pray for the new openings in Congo, Burundi and Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of our ministry programs.

We thank you for your continued support and faith in what we do to the glory and expansion of the kingdom of God. We are excited about the next quarter and look forward to great achievements should the Lord tarry.

May the almighty god bless you.


July 2019 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hoping that all is well. It is well back here.

Thank you for your loyal partnership. Through you, God graciously supplies the need resources of the organization. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we have made it our responsibility to dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. As a result, the good Lord always rewards us with fruit that we share with you in the monthly reports to the glory of His name. It’s in this accord that I bring to you this report concerning the July ministry activities.

This month we graduated 103 children’s workers who completed our training, 8 Children’s bible clubs were started, 3,214 children reached and 1,856 salvations recorded. Through our church planter and leadership development programs, 5 churches were planted. 3,215 people reached with the gospel, 1356 received Christ as their Lord and savior, 459 baptisms conducted, 653 joining churches, 13 small groups started, 2 new church planter programs started by individual master trainers.

We can’t thank God enough for this great achievement this month alone.


Two years ago, we encountered Kenny through a partner who recommended him to us after observing his plight in reaching and discipling children in his church and community in Gobero an hour’s drive in the outskirts of Kampala city Centre. We had the privilege of sharing with Kenny skills on the dynamics of reaching and discipling children through the Raising Hope children ministry training program.

A few months ago, Kenny relocated to Kyamusisi Mityana district 70kms from the city Centre and established a school program for 50 pupils and a bible club that meets every Saturday from 9am-3pm discipling the community children using the word of God. Kenny provides lunch that comprises of rice and beans every time the children come on Saturday.

“The Lord brought me to a place where no one knew me and has prospered me in this place. I have planted a children’s club and a school for children in this new community using the materials and knowledge I acquired from the training reaching over 100 children every week” says Kenny our children’s worker in Mityana.

Kenny has a vision of reaching the villages surrounding his community. We are planning a training program with him and support of his church to train children workers in these five villages through the raising hope training program next year. As a pioneer, Kenny will oversee the progress of the program in the villages.


As you pray with us for the different ministry activities, please remember to pray with us for the following.

·         For the upcoming children ministry trainings in August 2019.

  1. Also pray for Pr. Ronald Kilimani Kabanda our master trainer confined to a prison after one of the believers drowned during a baptism ceremony
  2. Pray for the ministry opportunities opening up in the different communities for our master trainers.
  3. Also pray scripture portions in form of tracts and bibles that are needed in the communities.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,



June 2019 Report

Dear Partner,

Glad tidings in the name of Jesus; Thanks for the great work that has seen the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the nations. I believe you are fine and doing even better than before. As for us at Mercy Link, all is well. We thank God for the successful mission outreach we had in partnership with schools, individuals and churches this past week. We can’t help but thank the good LORD and attribute this success to His greatness and ability to have made us partners. I am therefore writing to share of this goodness through this report.


  • This month, a total of 3255 children were reached through the children’s ministry programs in communities and through school outreach programs. 1522 children surrendered their lives to Christ. 4 community bible clubs were started in the course of the outreaches.
  • A total of 1,461 adults were reached with the gospel and 325 surrendered their lives to Christ. A total 83 people were baptized and 2 churches planted.

A total of 248 new testament bibles were distributed and 652 children’s Raising hope booklets distributed during the outreaches.


“This training has been so vital at this beginning stage of this ministry. I really needed this so much especially at this point when we are just beginning this ministry. Yes, we have tried to evangelize but not with such much information after the Mercy Link training. The idea of establishing a follow-up group is so important to us as it will keep us occupied in developing the new believer to the discipleship stage.”

Osbert is a potential church planter in Kampala from covenant global ministries. Under the watch of his pastor Rev Moses Nkwatsibwe, Osbert is in the process of helping plant a living church in Bakuli, in the heart of Kampala City. In doing this, he has been tasked with two other members of the church to attend a church planters training program under our training. Having currently done the first module training, the team led by Osbert has embarked on establishing and running a fellowship at the venue for the intended church plant. Through the first module training, we equipped Osbert with skills on how to do effective evangelism in the community around him and run a follow-up group for the new believers.

“It’s such an honor laying a foundation for this church establishment” Osbert confesses. “Planting a living church is a mandate that was passed to us by my pastor and being in the process of doing so and in the right way brings so much joy with it. I bless God for that thanks to the church planters program” he says.

The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities. Our goal in equipping potential church planters like Osbert is to train and equip the trainees, in cooperation with the local Church, to become skilled in ministry so as to witness knowledge, skills and experience integrated in the person(s) who ministers.


As we engage the new month, please pray for us for,

  1. The communities continue to be in urgent need of bibles and Christian literature for personal discipleship and spiritual growth. We continue to believe God for provision in this area. Please continue believing god with us for this.
  2. The July 2019 programs including the church planter and children’s ministry training programs.
  3. Commit our church planters and children’s workers in the communities praying for strength, provision and commitment.
  4. Pray for protection and wisdom over the volunteering team at mercy link through the month as we travel and train the different groups specifically the master trainers across the country.

We can’t help but thank the Lord for His great favor and for this great connection he has given us. We believe that greater things are yet set to happen as we continue reaching the utter most parts of Uganda.

May the Lord to abundantly bless and increase your store houses.

God Bless You