The Disability Ministry


“To imitate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in reaching out to the deprived, neglected and needy people with disabilities, especially children.  Helping them to make life meaningful through education, life skills training, and business assistance to integrate well into the Society.


There exist negative attitudes and social taboos against PWDs in many parts of the World and that includes Uganda.  This leads to the neglect of these vulnerable people hampering the development of their God-given potentials.

To many parents, it is a waste of resources and an unnecessary bother to send the physically challenged such as the deaf, the blind or the cripple to school.  These children are usually marginalized.  Some parents who might be very poor but willing to send Children with Disabilities (CWDs) to School would otherwise prefer to rather educate able children.


Our priorities include the following project scopes:

  1. □   Inclusive Education (i.e. projects that improve the quality of inclusive education, or that help increase the number of children with disabilities being supported in a classroom setting)
  2. □   Disability Service (e.g. covering therapeutic expenses, funding programs and/or providing assistive devices exclusively for people with disabilities)
  3. □   Inclusive Development (i.e. activities that are important in improving the quality of life of a community, benefitting people of all abilities, including those with disabilities)


The project being funded aligns with the following category of disability-related work:

  1. Inclusive Education
  2. Disability Service
  3. Inclusive Development


Through this project, we are aiming to accomplish the following 1-3 goals: (Be specific and report the number of people impacted, the timeline, the number of volunteers/staff involved, the amount of money saved, etc)

  1. Awareness. These have been done on individual, Family, community and national levels through meetings on Village, school, churches, parish and national levels in partnership with the local churches working hand in hand with community leaders. Through the awareness programs, we work towards raising awareness and providing information that may help churches, families and communities with disabled children/people better understand their disability.  Through the awareness program, we have so far reached 25 districts with a total of 83 community leaders, and 722 individuals from the communities since January 2014.
  2. Community based rehabilitation. Disabled people must and will be active in its planning and implementation. This way they will gain in responsibility and grow in self-esteem. Through this, out Uganda they have self-help groups shall be formed which run income-generating activities such as knitting, making crafts, mending, tailoring or rearing livestock changing the trend of begging outside churches and after empower them.
  3. Discipleship/life skill programs and Scripture Placement Program. We shall be engaged evangelism and discipleship programs including rehabilitation and reconciliation support to the beneficiaries using the “Raising Hope” discipleship program. We are currently engaged in reaching and discipling children with disabilities at institutional and community levels. One such program is at Kampala School of the handicapped where 157 children with disabilities are enrolled in our discipleship and life skill programs.