
August 2017 Report

o beloved partner,

Gracious greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you very much for your commitment and love towards both the lost and God’s people. I believe you are well and everything is working out well! All is well back her and the good Lord has prospered us in all that we have been doing. We would like to appreciate you for the enormous work you are doing of winning souls to the Kingdom.

It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you yet this report. August has been a great month with fulfilment of a number of programs that have enormously yielded great results. I pray this finds you in good health and wealth.


This month, we launched a brand new church planter training program equipping up to 30 potential church planters in Rwamwanja refugee camp, located approximately 290kms from Kampala city Centre in Kamwenge district, south western Uganda in module 1 church planter training. The refugee camp is one of the largest camps hosting Congolese refugees in Uganda with a total population of over 70,000 refugees.

A total of 864 were reached with the gospel this month and a total of 193 received Christ as their personal Lord and savior through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs. 98 converts joined the discipleship programs this month and 53 baptisms conducted. 1 church was planted by the end of the Month.

The goal of this Church Planting and Training Initiative was to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among the refugees with a capability of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of the refugee communities in Rwamwanja. The initiative was coordinated and run by trained church planters from the just concluded Ibanda church planters program.


About 1,755 children were reached with the gospel this month in communities around the country through the different evangelistic outreach programs conducted by different children workers with 489 seen surrendering their lives to Christ. Three community bible clubs were started and established with an average of 22 children attending the club programs every weekend.

Two children’s ministry trainings were conducted this month in Makindye Kampala and Kabimbiri in Wakiso districts. A total of 115 children workers and workers from 43 churches were trained through this program. The Module 2 “Perfected” Training program entirely focuses on equipping trainees with basic skills on helping a child pursue godly character. Topics including understanding Gods love, healthy relationships, taking responsibility, embracing discipleship and receiving truth are key areas of interaction during the training.


A consignment of 2,000 children booklets, 47 New Testament bibles and 23 full bibles, 113 that I may know him booklets and 10 Raising Hope Teachers Manuals were distributed through the trainings and community outreaches.

We are currently in great need of Christian literature ranging from training manuals, bibles, children scripture portions, tracts and evangelistic booklets.


Please as you pray for us, we request you to focus the prayers targeting meeting of the following needs.

  • We are in great need of Raising Hope Children Ministry materials for teacher trainings and children ministry outreaches. We seem to have run out of stock for the year.
  • There is great need for bibles among church planters for both use and use in the small groups across the country. The need is enormous especially I the local dialect.
  • For our next Outreach programs this month which include one church planter program and five children’s ministry training programs.
  • Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities and a ministry vehicle for upcountry programs.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,




July 2017 Report

 Dear Beloved,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray all is fine. It is with a great sense of excitement and an overwhelming feeling of responsibility that I write these opening remarks.  

I am delighted and honored to yet again write this ministry report concerning our ministry programs for the month of July 2017. This report will hopefully define, the goals, direction, and atmosphere of the ministry I pray you will be blessed as you read through this report.


This month through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs we reached a total of 1,856 people in the communities with 567 individuals surrendering their lives to Christ. A total 98 people were baptized through the church baptism programs including 16 inmates in Ibanda district.

This month marked the conclusion of the five module church planter program in south western Uganda. A total of 26 church planters were graduated through after completing the five module training that was launched in March 2016. The program through the 16 months of training has seen a total 24 churches planted, 32 small prayer groups, 4,124 people reached with over 1,898 people surrendering their lives to Christ. The churches are wide spread in Uganda including refugee camps, the two bordering countries of Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.

“Before I Joined this program, I always desired to plant churches but was limited by the technical knowhow. We only had two churches by then. From March 2016 when I joined the program to date, we have planted six churches; four in refugee camps, one in D.R. Congo and the other in Rwanda.” Says semivumbi Stephen one of the church planters.

As we concluded the church planter program in Ibanda, we yet launched a new program in Isingiro district in the south western part of Uganda. This program saw 52 church planters recruited in this training program. This five module church planter program established is based on the created standard core process and adaptable training curriculum for church planting and training used in East and Horn of Africa. The first module program which entirety focuses on Evangelism covered the core areas of Survey- Finding a target area or place, How to meet people, How to share your testimony, How to talk to people about Jesus, How to follow-up, How to invite, among others.

The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities coordinated and run by trained local believers within a specific people group. The church planters have and are taking the initiative of reaching and establishing churches in their own communities.


This month through the outreach and community bible club programs in schools and communities, we reached out to 2,148 children with the gospel. 543 of the children surrendered their lives to Christ. This month we trained a total of 172 children ministry workers in the three districts of Isingiro, Ibanda and Lwengo in southern and Southwestern parts of Uganda. One of the key ministry trainings targeted children at Nakivale refugee camp Uganda’s biggest refugee camp with over 7 nationalities.

Our next set of trainings in these regions are set for November 2017.


This month through the community outreaches, children cells, Leaders trainings and church planters follow-up programs, we distributed a consignment of 3,762 children booklets and 227 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles and 213 that I may know him booklets and 52 Raising Hope Teachers Manuals.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • For the upcoming South western Uganda Church Planters Training/program and children ministry programs
  • Continue sustaining the open doors to minister to the refugee camps in southern, central and northern Uganda
  • Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities and a ministry vehicle for upcountry programs.

We are so delighted for your continued support and we are grateful for the support towards the programs in Uganda. There is already enormous transformation and revival taking place and we believe in a short while, this transformation will not only be limited to the communities but the nation at large.

We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavours.





June 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last part of the year with great anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us.

I am grateful for what God is already doing and for this reason I would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead to the end of the month praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even greater opportunities to embrace.


This month we launched two church planter programs in Amuria 328kms from Kampala city centre and Busaana Island 85kms from Kampala city centre both in the Eastern part of Uganda. 22 ordinary believers were trained at the camp to help with the new church plants. A total of 89 church planters were trained this month in Busaana, Amuria and Morobi refugee camp. The module one trainings focused on equipping the trainees pertaining to evangelism.

A total of 9 churches were planted this month in Morobi Refugee camp in Moyo district. This was after a three day evangelistic and discipleship program at the refugee camp by Pr. Weli Sisito and a team he led to the camp.

A total of 2,158 people were reached through the evangelistic programs across the country with 964 people surrendering their lives to Christ with over 70% of the new converts being refugees. 657 believers joined the new church plants.

36 new believers were baptized this month including 15 inmates and 1 prison warden in Ibanda south western Uganda. These were


This month through the evangelistic and the community Bible club discipleship programs, a total of 795 children were reached with the gospel and a total 354 children surrendered their lives to Christ. 3 children club programs were established in Morobi refugee camp in West Nile region.

A total of 124 children workers were trained this month theough our Raising Hope Children Ministry program.  The Raising Hope training is a three module training aimed at introducing, equipping and empowering children and youth workers with knowledge and skill to affect their communities through children ministry using different mediums including children church, community bible club and other after school programs.


Through the church planter and children ministry programs, 1,225 children booklets, 45 Raising Hope Teachers Manual, and 2,800 tracts, 14 full Bibles and 75 New Testament Bibles were distributed through the different outreaches and trainings for both children workers and church planters.


We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  • The church planters and children workers through the country.
  • The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani and Moyo Districts.
  • For the upcoming church planter and Raising Hope training programs in south western Uganda.
  • Pray for support for the printing of Raissing Hope and that I may know Him booklets but also Bibles in English, Luganda and other Local Dialects.


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

·         Reach out to camps in West Nile region especially in Adjumani district.

·         Establish church plants and community small groups and 15 Children community bible clubs across the country.

The ministry is expanding far greater than we have imagined. We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs. As we yet celebrate this great achievement, we would also like to take this privilege to thank you for the great support you have given us all through.

May the Good Lord bless and increase you

Yours in Service

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader


May 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last half of the year with anticipation eager to engage and continue embracing the ministry opportunities, meet goals set for the year. I am truly excited because the opportunities continue to get better and better as the Lord continuously enables us take over new territories.

In this report, we share some of these openings and How the Lord has continued to help us achieve this through the programs. We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.


Children Workers Trainings

This month, we had a total of 5 children workers trainings happening in 5 Eastern Uganda districts of Jinja, Kamuli, Luuka and Tororo. Two trainings were undertaken in Jinja districts in Jinja town Centre and Busaana Island on Lake Victoria.  A total of 273 children workers and leaders were empowered and equipped through these trainings. The Raising Hope “connected” module one program “connected” first module training. Through this training, we empowered the trainees with skills on how to lead a child to Christ, leading children in worship, leading a children’s discussion/ Bible Study, child development and characteristics and how to teaching a lesson to meet children’s needs.

The Community Bible Club

Through the community bible club programs, we directly reached a total of 152 children by the end of term holiday of May 2017. Over 200 other children were reached through a community gala organized in Ntinda a suburb in the Kampala city area. The purpose of the gala was to reach the children with the Love of Christ. A total of 96 children surrendered their lives to Christ during the gala. A total of 186 children surrendered their lives to Christ through both the gala and the community bible club programs.


Two church planter training programs were undertaken in the Kampala central business area. These two training encompassed the church planter alumni and potential church planters in the Kampala. A total of 15 church planters’ currently master trainers shared different testimonies and challenges faced in their efforts to replicate the church planter program in their different districts, church and communities. 25 church planters from the Kampala region were also engaged in the module 2 church planters training which entirely focuses on discipleship through which church planters are empowered pertaining the dynamics of small study groups, how to start small study bible groups, how to conduct them, how to teach basic doctrines, how to care, how to teach Music, how to Pray, how to forgive others among other topics.

Evangelism and Baptisms

This month a total of 493 new believers were reached with the word of God through the different church planter evangelistic outreaches. A total of 165 people surrendered their lives to Christ during the evangelistic outreaches. 62 have so far been absorbed in the small and group’s and churches with the rest being followed up through the process.

A total of 43 new believers were baptized at Light the world evangelical church this month after the new believers attended the baptism classed after professing Christ as Lord and savior. A total of 64 other believers are set to be baptized in June from three church plants.


We distributed a contingence of 800 children booklets through the community bible clubs and children galas in the Kampala area.

A total of 598 tracts and booklets were distributed during the evangelistic exercises that were carried out during the monthly evangelistic outreach programs. A total of 300New Testament Bibles and 5 full bibles were also distributed during the exercise.

Prayer Requests.

As you take time to pray for us, please pray with us for the

  • June ministry activities including Church Planter Training programs and Raising Hope Training children ministry programs in Eastern Uganda
  • Commit our different church planters and children ministry workers across the country unto the Lord.
  • Continue to pray for the urgency in terms of bibles for the rural community churches and believers. The need is so great.
  • For the ministry car that is urgently needed to reach the rural communities were our help is most needed.
  •  Rural communities where drought and famine has been so ramp leading to death, malnutrition and health issues among the populace.
  • The refugees in Uganda who are undergoing tough life threatening challenges I terms of health, feeding and shelter.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,




April 2017 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I pray that all is well.

Allow me bring to you this report concerning the different ministry activities for May 2017. This month has been awesome filled with different ministry activities but new doors of opportunities opening before us. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new different regions of Uganda.

We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.



This month, we trained a total of 115 children workers from 45 churches in Kampala city centre and Kabimbiri community one and a half hour drive away south of Kampala city. This training program focused on equipping the trainees with skills pertaining to child evangelism, lesson preparation and presentation, worship, establishment of children friendly church and community bible club.

The church has had a little impact in reaching and addressing the spiritual, social and economic challenges affecting these communities although they are a fertile ground for the gospel and outreach programs. It’s for this reason that we have set our focus on reaching and impacting these slum communities.


This month through the community bible club programs, a total of 321 children have been reached with the gospel through child evangelism, scripture placement and love activities through 5 community bible clubs.  A total of 103 children surrendered their lives to Christ with 63 of these already adopted into the bible clubs.


This month we undertook the module 4 training program with 26 church planters in South-western Uganda. The objective of the skills training was to help the Church Planters identify, train/ mentor and empower emerging and new Ministry leaders to active ministry in the Church and market place in accordance with Ephesians 4: 11-13.

 Finding and developing right leaders in Church and community in Africa remain a challenging task as the clock ticks away from the 21st century. This has solemnly been due to cases of insecurity, mistrust and lack of examples set from previous leaders on passing on leadership. In the church planter context, our emphasis is not The Leader, but on Leadership which is the art and not the personality. This involves a process of intentionally enabling and supporting the emergence of new and young leaders to positions of leadership and influence.


This month, through the outreach and discipleship programs, we reached a total of 823 people through the community evangelism programs including minis crusades, scripture placement and door to door evangelism. A total of 167 people surrendered their lives to Christ with 88 of the converts adopted into the churches and small groups.  A total of 46 people were won to Christ through the small groups this month. This was though an initiative of community door to door evangelism undertaken by the small groups in Rwamwanja refugee camp.

There was one church plant recorded this month. This w as in Kamwenge south western Uganda after an evangelistic outreach program that resulted In the church plant and establishment of a small group in the community.


This month, we distributed a consignment of 250 “that I may know Him booklets, 500 Raising hope booklets and 3,825 tracts and gospel booklets.

Many communities both Christian dominated and not are faced with the challenge of bibles and other scripture potions. It’s a common phenomenon to find that the bible to people ration in a given church is 1:20. In many of the rural churches it’s only the pastor who owns a bible. Many of the believers cannot afford to buy one and even when able the distance to the nearest store is great.


As you pray for the ministry, please endeavour to

  • Dedicate our next programs slated for May unto the Lord. These include The Church Planter training programs, Children ministry trainings, outreaches and the community bible programs.
  • Also pray that God will open doors for bibles to meet the increased need for bibles in communities and for the communities programs initiated through different church planters.
  • Lift the different church planters unto the Lord praying specifically for provision, patience and wisdom I executing all that they are doing.

Partners like you are the life blood for the mission work here and it’s because of your prayers, support and encouragement that we have had the courage and determination to keep keeping on. We are therefore grateful to God for you and the support you have given us that keep us going and reaching different children and youth in the communities.

May Jesus therefore fill your barns with blessings and increase you in every area of your life. 

Yours Sincerely

Robert Sebunya




March 2017 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray that all is well.

We are delighted to bring to you this report concerning four monthly ministry results for the month of March 2017. We pray that this finds you in good health and wealth.



This month we had an opportunity to train a total of 45 children workers in Kampala. This training program is part of our annual children ministry training program that brings together children workers from across the county who are taken through an intensive three module training and introduced to a number of skills and ideologies on children ministry particularly on how to nurture children for Personal relationship with God, Grow with healthy character, Advance the kingdom through outreach.

One of the key implementations the trainees were challenged to undertake was to establish at least a children community bible club in their communities. This is one of the key implementations the trainees will have to undertake in order to be certified.

The next module training is set to be undertaken three months from now.


This month through the outreach programs in schools and communities, 748 children were reached with the gospel. 143 of the children surrendered their lives to Christ. We believe children need to have a personal relationship with God. They cannot stand on their parent’s relationship with Christ.

We are starting up a discipleship program for the children at the school to be run by the teachers something that we look forward to introduce to every other school and church in this community.


Through the church planter program this month, two churches were planted in the Eastern and western parts of Uganda respectively.  The 11 new believers were baptised at the end of the month.

A total of 454 people were reached through the evangelistic outreach programs this month with 92 surrendering their lives to Christ. Follow-ups are being undertaken to incorporate the new believers in the small groups and churches. 9 new small groups were started through this month.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

·         Pray for successful establishment of the new Children and church planter programs in the communities.

  • Pray for the African Children Ministry Movement (ACMM) training program set for Kenya and its successful undertaking.
  • W For more souls to be won even as we reach new communities.
  • For the replication of the different programs in the new districts.

We are grateful for every effort and support you have given us and ensuring that we reach the communities with the word of God.


Robert Sebunya



February 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,


It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you this report concerning the February 2017 ministry activities. The month has been predominantly full of children ministry activities where we witnessed graduations and trainings in a new dimension across the Ugandan boarder. We pray this report finds you in good health and wealth.


This month, we graduated a total of 171 children workers who had completed the raising hope children ministry program. 62 of the graduates were from the refugee camps of Rwamwanja and Kyangwali whereas 109 where from Bugiri district in Eastern Uganda approximately 112km from Kampala city centre.

“I am grateful for this program. It has completely changed my perspective on children and how I view them. It has taught me how relevant they are to the church and totally changed my attitude on them” said Simon Kafunzi one of the trainee pastors with the program at Rwamwanja Refugee camp.

A total of seven children’s community bible clubs have been planted by the trainees at the three locations as a result of implementing what they learnt from the training. Establish children clubs is one of the key measurable outcomes of this training program. Our focus this year is to establish at least 20 more community bible clubs across the country as an organization directly under our supervision.


This month, we launched the first ever training under this chapter outside Uganda. A vision casting training conducted in buruburu town in the outcast of Nairobi city Kenya. The training brought together 16 Denominational leaders with over 100 church representations, pastors and children workers in Nairobi and the surrounding counties. One of the key objectives of this program is to Increase the capacity of children’s workers through building their knowledge and skills on child growth and development, based on Biblical foundations, enabling them to be “child relevant” in working or equipping others to work with children. This objective was truly fulfilled to an extend based on the response of the trainees

“This has been so refreshing. I have a degree in child development but I confess I have never encountered a training not even through my education more practical and envisioning as this.” Said Mr Habakkuk a children worker in Nairobi Kenya.


“I am grateful for the church planter training because it taught me why my church failed in the first place and why I failed as a church planter. Now that I learnt my lesson, I have decided to do it right and believe with this new church plant, I will definitely thrive this time around” says Pr. Kyagulanyi Enock who is currently constructing a church structure at Nkumba for his new congregation.

 This month through the church planter program, we evangelized to a total of 698 people across the country with 219 salvation recorded. Of the follow-ups done, 111 have been absorbed in the church and the small groups across the country. , 2 churches were planted this month in Kamwenge and Kampala districts.


This month, at least 145 children booklets were distributed through the evangelic and bible club programs that saw 165 children surrender their lives to Christ.

57 full bible and 89 New Testament bibles were distributed through the outreach programs in communities

114 That I may know Him booklets were also distributed during the outreach programs in communities.

562 tracts and booklets were also distributed during the evangelistic outreach programs in 3 districts.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

  • Pray for success and new doors in new communities. 
  • Pray for the African Children Ministry Movement (ACMM) program being to take root in different countries in Africa year.
  • Lift our new church planter and Raising Hope children ministry programs and trainees unto the Lord praying for effectiveness, safety and cover through the festive season into next year.
  • Also pray for the new openings in Congo and Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of our ministry programs.

We appreciate with all gratitude your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda. Your support has greatly impacted the lives of people and communities throughout the country. We are already establishing new church planter and children ministry programs across the country. It’s a promising fresh start.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs.

May the almighty God Bless you.

Yours in service

Robert Sebunya




January 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray that all is well.

I bring to you this January report in honor of what the Lord has enabled us to achieve through this month.


A total of 18 church planters from around Kampala and surrounding districts enrolled for the church planters program that took place in January 2017. The church planter program attracted potential church planters from a total of 4 districts around Kampala. The module one program focuses on evangelism covering topics such as Survey- Finding a target area or place, How to meet people, How to share your testimony, How to talk to people about Jesus, How to follow-up, How to invite, ant how to teach music. Our target is to plant at least four churches in the slums and surrounding communities and the rest outside the slum.

“There is great potential in the trainees as seen in these contribution and desire to learn during the training. We believe we are going to yield much more results from this program through the trainees” said Pr Leonard Sekajja a trainer and recruiter in the program.

We are set for the next training program on discipleship in May 2017.


This month through the raising hope program, we reached a total of 101 teens including 43 alumni and pioneers of the club through what we dubbed the Bulange Children Club Luncheon. The luncheon was intended to bring together all the teens and youth who once attended and those currently attending the club activities. The event was graced with games, feasting but also testimonies from the alumni on how the club has helped shape their destinies and lifestyle. At least 23 children recommitted and surrendered their lives to Christ.

Through the different community bible clubs, 187 new children were reached with the gospel and 53 surrendered their lives to Christ.


A total of 658 people were reached with the gospel this month through the church planters in the different communities. 215 surrendered their lives to Christ. Four new Home cells were started and 24 new people joining the home cells/groups.

A consignment of 600 tracts, 250 children booklets and 30 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles were distributed during the outreach programs.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • The ministry activities for the month of February especially the Raising Hope Graduation and the Church planters module 4 training program in South western Uganda
  • Church planters and community church plants
  • For the community discipleship programs including the community bible clubs and small group programs for the adults.
  • New ministry opportunities in refugee camps specifically in Nakivale and the communities.
  • The trip to Kenya for the Africa regional leaders meeting.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


Robert Sebunya



2016 Final Ministry Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, We pray that all is well.

Allow us bring you the 2016 all year ministry report for the different ministry activities.




Total No Reached

The Church Planter Program


 Total No of Leaders Trained in Uganda in 2016


         Total No of Leaders Trained outside Uganda in 2016


Total No of Leaders Completing the Program 2016


Total No Currently undergoing Training


Total No of  Small Prayer Groups (Cells) Begun in 2016


Total No of Prayer Groups (Cells) to date


Total No of Churches Planted in 2016


Total No of Churches Planted Since 2014


Children Ministry Program (Raising Hope)


Total No of Children Workers Trained


          Total No of Children Workers Completing Training’s


Total No of Children Bible Clubs  Started


Total No of New Children who Attended Bible Clubs


Total No of Children Attending The Bible Clubs


                   Total No of Bible Clubs   




Total No of Adults Reached


                             Total No of Adults receiving Christ


Total No of Children Reached


                           Total No of Children receiving Christ


Total No of New Believers Baptized


Total No of Adult Scripture portions distributed


Total No of Children Scripture portions distributed


Bibles Distributed (Full and New Testament Bibles )


Hidden Children (Handicapped Ministry)


 Total No of Children reached


                                        Total No receiving Christ


Total No of Children undergoing discipleship


                                     Prison Ministry


Total No of Prisons Reached


Total No of inmates Reached


Total No of Inmate Salvation’s Recorded


Total No of Inmates Being Discipled


WAY FORWARD                         

As we set to continue building the different programs established this year. We plan to broaden the scope of these programs by replicating the programs I the different districts and communities across Uganda. Below is a summary of some of the ministry strategic plans.

Church Planting: We thank the Lord for enabling us successfully graduate 23 Church planters, plant over 45 churches and establish over 130 Small groups in communities through the church planters program. Over vision for next year is to establish over 5 similar programs in three districts and two refugee camps. Strengthening the viability of the church planters program through training and expanding the scope of the church planter programs.

The Children Ministry Program. We have a bigger vision of establishing this program across Africa. In doing this, we are establishing the Africa Children ministry (ACM) that is going to take effect starting Jabuary 2017. The program focuses on teaching a Christ-centred, theologically sound curriculum with Christ at the centre of what we’re teaching by teaching the absolute truth of the Bible in its entirety, training the next generation of Christians and equipping them to go out into communities, schools, families, orphanages, prisons, refugee camps but also creating child friendly programs like Community bible clubs, VBS/after school and related programs so as to equip children to go out into the world and to be Christ effecting change and bringing transformation in Africa. The Goal of the program is not just to give children a faith that they would have to come back to, but a relationship that would keep them connected to Christ for their whole life.

The Disability Ministry: We have developed the following Emergency Response and Development Plan for the disability program in Uganda. The Ministry to people with Disabilities Plan (MPWDP) is intended to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of 550 people with disability in five districts of Uganda. The project for the start will be scalable to a fewer districts based on available funds undertaken with long-term considerations on rehabilitation, recovery and development integrating the physical and spiritual needs of the affected population must under-gird planning and implementation.

Leadership Develop in Prisons: We still plan on with the plan to train prison cadets at the prisons training school with leadership and discipleship skills to establish small groups and churches upon being passed as prison workers at the different prison facilities around the country. This is an opportunity to reach and engage inmates with the Gospel and disciple them while still in prison through and by the Cadets.

Establish Training and Guest House Facilities. This is a plan we look forward to implement in the near future on the 10 acre piece of land the Lord has blessed the ministry with. This will cut the cost of hiring training and guest house facilities for the different programs but also enable the ministry grow its magnitude of impact through its training programs but also boost its income through the commercial use of the guest house facilities.


We are faced with a No of challenges in these undertaking among which include;

The Budget: our scope of reach and impact has for far been limited by our monthly and annual budgets. The current budget has greatly affect our evangelistic, church planter, children ministry, trainings, outreach and discipleship programs. Our prayer has been and still is for the Lord to enables us receive adequate funding.

Christian Literature: this has still been a great challenge in as far as our ministry programs are concerned. We have and are in constant need of Bibles/ study bibles, Children booklets, leadership books for the leaders, tracts and booklets for evangelism.


Please continue to pray with us for the areas mentioned above and for potential partners to partly support the programs.

May Christ bless and increase you in every area of your life. 

Sincerely yours,

Robert Sebunya



December 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Seasonal greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. All is well back here.

Allow me bring to you our ministry report for the month of December 2016 hoping that it finds you in good health and wealth. 


“I am so impressed of how this program has transformed the ministry to children at church. The story telling and bible study techniques I learnt through this program in the first module revolutionized the ministry at church, first and foremost by helping build relationships between us the teachers and the children but also giving a better understanding of the scriptures for the children” said Annet a trainee graduate with the children’s ministry training program.

This month, we trained 24 children workers in Kenya and graduated a total 43 children workers who had completed the Children ministry training program. The graduates comprised of Sunday school teachers from 17 churches around Kasangati community located approximately 16.4km from Kampala City Center. This training program was initiated to help equip the trainees with skills pertaining children ministry but also help establish evangelistic and discipleship community children programs so as to effect transformation and spiritual growth in the lives of the community children. A total of 6 children community bible clubs have been started and 7, children church programs revived through the trainees of the program.

 “I have so far established two community bible clubs since I joined this program” said Tonny. “I was inspired to do so after hearing the impact story of Kikalamoja bible club in Jinja during the module one training. I have not at one point regretted this decision I took” he adds.

The impact of this training has been tremendous in the different sending ministries and churches. Out of this, the churches are working towards establishing a committee of children workers to oversee and monitor he children ministry activities in the communities to ensure continuity and effectiveness of the program.

Children Community Christmas program

This month the children community bible clubs have been our focus of outreach through our annual Christmas party program. The Christmas program is an annual program through which we reach and share the love of Jesus through stories, giving, sharing, eating and celebrating.

This Christmas, a total of 317 children from Bulange bible club and Rwamwanja Refugee camp Bible club were beneficiaries of this program. In a community like Rwamwanja refugee camp where almost 95% of the children have been born and raised in these impoverished camps having never had an opportunity to be exposed to life behind their boundaries, the concept of Christmas sounds another story with no experience attached to the story. Our effort to introduce Christ to this community children helped the children understand who exactly Christ is and what he did for our salvation. Unlike the past Christmases, this Christmas was impactful to the children who celebrated the day eating and listening to the Jesus story a moment never to forget.

A total of 96 children surrendered their lives to Christ through the Christmas program to the two community bible clubs.


Successful church planters have effectively used local church groups to go door-to-door delivering invitations to special services in the new church. Usually several people came to know Jesus Christ during the first week and formed the nucleus of a new congregation.

This month through the church planter program 1 church has been planted. 1,352 people reached with the Gospel with 296 salvation’s recorded. The outreaches covered 7 villages.

The church planters program is effective in 17 districts across Uganda with 49 trainees having been involved in the program. Already 23 church planters have graduated from the program and 26 are currently left with two modules to complete the program as well. A total of 25 churches have been planted this year alone bringing the total of the churches planted since the program begun to 49. Over130 small groups (Home cells) are running across the country with over 500 active members attending the groups every week.


This month, we reached a total 2,132 inmates though 3 prison outreaches in Kampala and Busia area. A total 536 inmates surrendered their lives to Christ during the outreaches. At our time of visit, we engaged the prison facilities through the sharing of the gospel, distribution of tracts, booklets and humanitarian items. The inmates were so receptive of the gospel and willingly received the gospel tracts as they were being distributed. Over 2,500 booklets were distributed to the inmates and officers on duty.

Across the Uganda, prison systems are a male-dominated area of society and many of these are between the ages of 21 to 35 years posing a threat to family and economic growth. However, this has also created a great opportunity to reach the lost in these institutions. Most of the inmates about 70% are youths below the age of 40 meaning if not well rehabilitated, still have much potential to come out and cause much more havoc and yet if helped could be of great benefit to their communities. In a move to establish preventive measures, we are beginning with outreaches and establishment of discipleship programs in these prisons.


Through these outreaches, we reached a total of 3,745 people in Busia Eastern Uganda, these outreaches we conducted through open air crusades, door to door evangelism, hospital visits and home visits. A total of 796 people surrendered their lives to Christ through the outreach programs.

As we engaged the communities during these outreaches, we were ready to face off some of the challenges through the support and donations from different friends and partners like you. The evangelistic program ran alongside with humanitarian outreach done to demonstrate the spirit of Christmas and love of God.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

  • Our ministry programs for 2017. Pray for success and new doors in new communities. 
  • Pray for the African Children Ministry (ACM) program slated for next year.
  • Lift our church planter and Raising Hope children ministry trainees unto the Lord praying for their safety and cover through the festive season into next year.
  • Pray also for Day Star primary school and for the program activities at the school even as the school breaks off for the long Christmas holiday. 
  • Last but not least pray for the new openings in Congo and Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of our ministry programs.

We appreciate with all gratitude your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda. Your support has greatly impacted the lives of people and communities throughout the country. This year, we have been able to holistically effect individuals and communities, improve the well-being of the masses in the areas the Lord has led us.  Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavours.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year 2017.

May the almighty God Bless you.

Yours in service

Robert Sebunya
