Hello Beloved,
Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last part of the year with great anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us.
I am grateful for what God is already doing and for this reason I would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead to the end of the month praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even greater opportunities to embrace.
This month we launched two church planter programs in Amuria 328kms from Kampala city centre and Busaana Island 85kms from Kampala city centre both in the Eastern part of Uganda. 22 ordinary believers were trained at the camp to help with the new church plants. A total of 89 church planters were trained this month in Busaana, Amuria and Morobi refugee camp. The module one trainings focused on equipping the trainees pertaining to evangelism.
A total of 9 churches were planted this month in Morobi Refugee camp in Moyo district. This was after a three day evangelistic and discipleship program at the refugee camp by Pr. Weli Sisito and a team he led to the camp.
A total of 2,158 people were reached through the evangelistic programs across the country with 964 people surrendering their lives to Christ with over 70% of the new converts being refugees. 657 believers joined the new church plants.
36 new believers were baptized this month including 15 inmates and 1 prison warden in Ibanda south western Uganda. These were
This month through the evangelistic and the community Bible club discipleship programs, a total of 795 children were reached with the gospel and a total 354 children surrendered their lives to Christ. 3 children club programs were established in Morobi refugee camp in West Nile region.
A total of 124 children workers were trained this month theough our Raising Hope Children Ministry program. The Raising Hope training is a three module training aimed at introducing, equipping and empowering children and youth workers with knowledge and skill to affect their communities through children ministry using different mediums including children church, community bible club and other after school programs.
Through the church planter and children ministry programs, 1,225 children booklets, 45 Raising Hope Teachers Manual, and 2,800 tracts, 14 full Bibles and 75 New Testament Bibles were distributed through the different outreaches and trainings for both children workers and church planters.
We kindly request your prayers in the following areas
- The church planters and children workers through the country.
- The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani and Moyo Districts.
- For the upcoming church planter and Raising Hope training programs in south western Uganda.
- Pray for support for the printing of Raissing Hope and that I may know Him booklets but also Bibles in English, Luganda and other Local Dialects.
As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.
· Reach out to camps in West Nile region especially in Adjumani district.
· Establish church plants and community small groups and 15 Children community bible clubs across the country.
The ministry is expanding far greater than we have imagined. We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs. As we yet celebrate this great achievement, we would also like to take this privilege to thank you for the great support you have given us all through.
May the Good Lord bless and increase you
Yours in Service
Robert Sebunya – Team Leader