
December 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Seasonal greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. All is well back here.

Allow me bring to you our ministry report for the month of December 2016 hoping that it finds you in good health and wealth. 


“I am so impressed of how this program has transformed the ministry to children at church. The story telling and bible study techniques I learnt through this program in the first module revolutionized the ministry at church, first and foremost by helping build relationships between us the teachers and the children but also giving a better understanding of the scriptures for the children” said Annet a trainee graduate with the children’s ministry training program.

This month, we trained 24 children workers in Kenya and graduated a total 43 children workers who had completed the Children ministry training program. The graduates comprised of Sunday school teachers from 17 churches around Kasangati community located approximately 16.4km from Kampala City Center. This training program was initiated to help equip the trainees with skills pertaining children ministry but also help establish evangelistic and discipleship community children programs so as to effect transformation and spiritual growth in the lives of the community children. A total of 6 children community bible clubs have been started and 7, children church programs revived through the trainees of the program.

 “I have so far established two community bible clubs since I joined this program” said Tonny. “I was inspired to do so after hearing the impact story of Kikalamoja bible club in Jinja during the module one training. I have not at one point regretted this decision I took” he adds.

The impact of this training has been tremendous in the different sending ministries and churches. Out of this, the churches are working towards establishing a committee of children workers to oversee and monitor he children ministry activities in the communities to ensure continuity and effectiveness of the program.

Children Community Christmas program

This month the children community bible clubs have been our focus of outreach through our annual Christmas party program. The Christmas program is an annual program through which we reach and share the love of Jesus through stories, giving, sharing, eating and celebrating.

This Christmas, a total of 317 children from Bulange bible club and Rwamwanja Refugee camp Bible club were beneficiaries of this program. In a community like Rwamwanja refugee camp where almost 95% of the children have been born and raised in these impoverished camps having never had an opportunity to be exposed to life behind their boundaries, the concept of Christmas sounds another story with no experience attached to the story. Our effort to introduce Christ to this community children helped the children understand who exactly Christ is and what he did for our salvation. Unlike the past Christmases, this Christmas was impactful to the children who celebrated the day eating and listening to the Jesus story a moment never to forget.

A total of 96 children surrendered their lives to Christ through the Christmas program to the two community bible clubs.


Successful church planters have effectively used local church groups to go door-to-door delivering invitations to special services in the new church. Usually several people came to know Jesus Christ during the first week and formed the nucleus of a new congregation.

This month through the church planter program 1 church has been planted. 1,352 people reached with the Gospel with 296 salvation’s recorded. The outreaches covered 7 villages.

The church planters program is effective in 17 districts across Uganda with 49 trainees having been involved in the program. Already 23 church planters have graduated from the program and 26 are currently left with two modules to complete the program as well. A total of 25 churches have been planted this year alone bringing the total of the churches planted since the program begun to 49. Over130 small groups (Home cells) are running across the country with over 500 active members attending the groups every week.


This month, we reached a total 2,132 inmates though 3 prison outreaches in Kampala and Busia area. A total 536 inmates surrendered their lives to Christ during the outreaches. At our time of visit, we engaged the prison facilities through the sharing of the gospel, distribution of tracts, booklets and humanitarian items. The inmates were so receptive of the gospel and willingly received the gospel tracts as they were being distributed. Over 2,500 booklets were distributed to the inmates and officers on duty.

Across the Uganda, prison systems are a male-dominated area of society and many of these are between the ages of 21 to 35 years posing a threat to family and economic growth. However, this has also created a great opportunity to reach the lost in these institutions. Most of the inmates about 70% are youths below the age of 40 meaning if not well rehabilitated, still have much potential to come out and cause much more havoc and yet if helped could be of great benefit to their communities. In a move to establish preventive measures, we are beginning with outreaches and establishment of discipleship programs in these prisons.


Through these outreaches, we reached a total of 3,745 people in Busia Eastern Uganda, these outreaches we conducted through open air crusades, door to door evangelism, hospital visits and home visits. A total of 796 people surrendered their lives to Christ through the outreach programs.

As we engaged the communities during these outreaches, we were ready to face off some of the challenges through the support and donations from different friends and partners like you. The evangelistic program ran alongside with humanitarian outreach done to demonstrate the spirit of Christmas and love of God.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

  • Our ministry programs for 2017. Pray for success and new doors in new communities. 
  • Pray for the African Children Ministry (ACM) program slated for next year.
  • Lift our church planter and Raising Hope children ministry trainees unto the Lord praying for their safety and cover through the festive season into next year.
  • Pray also for Day Star primary school and for the program activities at the school even as the school breaks off for the long Christmas holiday. 
  • Last but not least pray for the new openings in Congo and Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of our ministry programs.

We appreciate with all gratitude your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda. Your support has greatly impacted the lives of people and communities throughout the country. This year, we have been able to holistically effect individuals and communities, improve the well-being of the masses in the areas the Lord has led us.  Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavours.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year 2017.

May the almighty God Bless you.

Yours in service

Robert Sebunya




November 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Seasonal greetings hoping that all is well. The Lord has been awesomely great back here.

We grateful to bring to you this report concerning the ministry activities for November 2016 hoping they find you in great health and wealth.


So our purpose in training lay leaders is to multiply the number of evangelistic fellowships that grow to become worshipping communities.

In the month of November, 26 church planters were trained through the ongoing church planters training. The module 3 training that was conducted in Ibanda, located approximately 316 km south west of Kampala City was done with a goal to help the lay leaders / church planters start evangelistic fellowships by which new believers are to be taught basic truths so as to distinguish Truth and false, Beatitudes, and Bible doctrines begin to mature.

Since the last training four months ago, 8 churches have so far been planted, 22 small groups, 7 discipleship groups, 435 people reached with the gospel and 125 salvations recorded.

The Biblical motivation of church planting resides in the mission of the loving and merciful God… who desires that men and women become disciples of Jesus Christ and be called out/gathered into communities which are signs of and demonstrations of the coming Kingdom of God as it is written in the book of Ephesians, “His intent was that now, THROUGH THE CHURCH, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms.”  Eph 3:10

The Module 3 training basically focuses on membership focusing on helping Church Planters understand what to teach new believers, the value of commitment and belonging to one body; in accordance to Ephesians 4: 4-5, 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7, 12.


The Community children program                           

We reached a total of three communities with the gospel through the children ministry program this month. These included Rwamwanja and Kiburara this month in Eastern and southwestern parts of Uganda respectively. These outreach programs were done in conjunction with the local churches in these communities including Light of the world Evangelical church and Kiburara Gospel center church respectively.  A total of 483 children were reached with the gospel through the outreaches. 239 children surrendered their lives to Jesus.

Behind the outreach, our goal was to help establish model programs in these communities


“We need hope and spiritual support if we are to experience transformation or rehabilitation in the lives of the people in the camps” said Samuel Semivumbi a pastor of Light the world church in one of the refuge camps.

We reached a total of four communities through the church planter programs in the districts of Mbale, Jinja, and Kamwenge   this month. Through these outreaches, 1,817 people were reached directly with the gospel through one on one and open air crusades. 521 surrendered their lives to Christ through these outreach programs. 

Through the church planter program, a total of 13 small groups have been created. One new church plant and 6 discipleship groups.

The establishment of this program is to aid in training and equipping Pastors and potential church planters with skills in effective ministry and church planting with the sloe goal of establishing a living church in every community planted by skilled ordinary believers.

Prayer requests

Please pray with us for                 

  • The upcoming children ministry training and graduation in Kasangati
  • The upcoming Christmas programs in communities and refugee camps.
  •   Financial Provision for the different Ministry programs.
  • Continue to pray for the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful to God for you and the support from gateway ministries that keep us going and reaching different categories of people in the communities and prisons. We don’t cease to pray for you for the Lord to grant you strength, wisdom, joy and peace.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?



October 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. All is well back here and the Lord has surely blessed and increased us in all our dealings. Thank you for your daily labor in the Lord and support towards our programs. We truly do appreciate.

Allow me therefore share with you our achievements from the ministry outreaches undertaken in the month of September.



This month, two children’s ministry training’s were conducted in Wakiso and Kiboga districts. The two FIRM Foundation training’s brought together a total of 43 participants from 3 churches. Through this training, we emphasized on the need to reach and impact community through children especially in most communities where the gospel has for long been resisted but also not receptive.

One way to do this is through the introduction and implementation of Christ-centered, theologically sound curriculum which focuses at putting Christ at the center of what is being taught, teaching the absolute truth of the Bible in its entirety, training the next generation of Christians and equipping them to go out into communities and reach, disciple and transform communities. It’s at this point that we introduced the Firm Foundation Curriculum something that the trainees gladly embraced.

A total Visuals and Charts, 2,000 Tracts booklets were also given to three churches.

School Outreaches

This month, we reached a total of 3 schools through our school outreach program. Busaana Primary School, Day Star Primary school and Glory Education Center. A total of 931 children were reached through these programs and a total of 257 children surrendered their lives to Christ.

The school outreach program is a counter measure to the challenge of radical Islam, high levels of early child pregnancies, infiltration of Homosexuality in schools, religious cults and the growing challenge of insecurity and moral decay in communities. Through the ministry, we reach the children with the Gospel leading them to salvation and planting them in school fellowship groups through which they are disciple to become strong believer’s resistant to cult and misleading groups. The outreach program has been an effective way to reach and impact the children.

A consignment of 720 booklets were distributed to the children during the outreach programs


This month, we reached a total of five communities through our community outreach programs in the districts of Kampala, Jinja, and Isingiro. These included the communities, of Katanga, Kikalamoja, Busana Island, Walukuba and Nakivale refugee camp. Through these outreaches, 3,322 people were reached directly. 123 surrendered their lives to Christ. 

3,500 booklets and 950 tracts were distributed through the program through door to door, in the market places and churches.  

Prayer requests

 Please pray with us for                 

  • The upcoming Training program in Ibanda District, Kayngwali and Rwamwanja Refugee camps.
  • Financial Provision for the different Ministry programs.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers unto the Lord praying for protection, guidance and provision.
  • For the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?



September 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings and I pray that all is well. All is well here.

I am privileged to bring to you this short report concerning our ministry programs for the month of September. It has been a great month and we have had opportunities for ministry in different communities of Uganda.



Five training were undertaken this month in the districts of Kampala central Uganda, Ishingiro in western Uganda, Kamwenge and Hoima is south western Uganda. Three of these trainings were conducted in refugee camps. A total of 127 children workers and pastors from 18 churches were trained through this program. 

The module 2 training program entirely focuses on helping children pursue godly character. Through this training program, we introduced the trainees to concept of Love, healthy relationships, discipleship, responsibility, receiving the truth among others. In camps where character is much needed, this training seemed valuable.

“We much needed this program at such a time as this” said Nzahishimante Joseph a children facilitator at one of the refugee camps. “With the ever increasing trend in crime and promiscuity, there has been need to reach and disciple the children, this is a great strategy” he added in reaction to the training program.

Two community Bible clubs and four children ministry church programs have already been started in the camps since the beginning of the program early this year.

The Community Bible club program

This month, 30 children have been graduated through the raising hope children’s ministry program. This was an initiative undertaken by Calvary Chapel Entebbe an associate partner with the ongoing raising hope children’s ministry program, We ministered to a total of 712 children in three community bible clubs in Bulange, Busabala and Kikalamojja in Kampala and Jinja districts respectively. A total of 83 new children joined the three cells this month with 53 of them giving their lives to Christ. The three clubs are undertaking different discipleship programs through which the children are being equipped to become Christ like.

We believe that before we can begin to show children how to live their lives and what principles to build their lives upon, we must first lay a foundation. The only way we can lay a foundation in the lives of our children is to show them that God created them for a reason. It’s for this purpose that we strive to help the children in the community bible clubs to understand that God made them In His Image, To Know Him, but also for a Purpose focusing on what the bible stresses on in Colossians 2:7 Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the Foundation for your life.A consignment of 452 children booklets were given to the clubs to help with the discipleship program.

The Life Skill program.

There are many distinct groups of children and youth who need ministry to address their spiritual needs, but also need the attention of missiologists to help develop effective mission strategies. As an organization, we have taken on the initiative to reach and affect the lives of children, teens and youths in the communities and schools through the teen’s life skill program to help address the different challenges children and youth face in their day today living. The life skill program complements the raising hope program and is a strategy used to reach the category of children prone to the gospel especially in schools resistant to the gospel. The urgency to undertake this program is because we believe

  • Discipleship programs must be developed to apply biblical principles in areas of necessary social and moral value formation
  • Family systems must be supported with Parents equipped to train and inform their children through teaching and role modelling.
  • Churches should promote healthy communication between families especially in communities where asking sex related questions are a taboo.
  • Counter measures must be set in place to address Subjects like teen pregnancy, homosexuality and sex to  help rectify the poor moral examples to which youth are exposed

This month we reached a total of 126 teens through the program impacting them the life skill program that is packaged with godly principles. A total of 100 booklets were distributed through the program with 37 children and youths giving their lives to Christ.


Through the church planters program this month, at least 33 new believers have been baptized, 373 reached with the gospel, with 97 surrendering their lives to Christ.  Three churches have been planted this month which brings the total number of churches planted so far to 41.

The church planting philosophy gives the responsibility of starting new churches to the ordinary believer or lay reader. This comes with the awakening to the responsibility of all pastors to duplicate themselves, every church starting a new church, and every member winning new people to Jesus Christ. Independent of the way we embrace our call, the church planters program brings the participants to the awareness that God is calling all of us to be involved in this ministry in some way. For this reason, he church planters have embraced the call to church planting.         

Over 500 tracts, 50 full bibles, 130 New Testament bibles and 300 children booklets have been distributed through these programs.       

Prayer requests                                               

Please pray with us for          

  • For Ruth, Juliet and mark, three pupils at Day Star primary school who lost their father later this month. Pray especially for provision for their education.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers unto the Lord praying for protection, guidance and provision.
  • For the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?




August 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new territories.

The Almighty God has enabled us engage and expands our ministry activities to diverse communities of the different regions of Uganda. We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.


Raising Hope Leaders Trainings

We have had three major Children’s leaders training this month in the districts of Kampala, Kamyenge and Hoima. Two of these trainings were undertaken in the Refugee camps of Rwamwanja and Kyangwali in Kamwenge and Hoima respectively. A total of 83 children leaders and workers were trained and equipped with skills on how to connect with children and how to connect them to God. The skills training included how to lead a child to Christ, how to lead a children’s bible study, storytelling techniques, how to teach a memory verse, who a child and teacher are. Through the training, the relevance of children ministry and how it leads to church growth was highlighted through the training.

“I have always found easier to share the gospel with an adult than with a child the reason being that I didn’t know how to and also because I thought the children did not understand the gospel. I am challenged to now go and reach children especially after learning how to do so through this training.” Remarked Sheila during the training.

Rising Hope Graduation

We just concluded the first ever Raising Hope National Children ministry training with a total of 43 children workers across the country graduating in the discipline of nurturing children for Personal relationship with God, Growing with healthy character and Advancing the kingdom of God through Children.

Of the 43 graduates, 5 graduates were advanced as Master trainers due to their excellence and exception in executing their responsibilities and meeting the requirements of a master trainer. To excel in this discipline, one ought to have replicated this program by training other leaders or starting the program in their communities or districts, established at least one community bible club and conducted a vision casting training program with at least five other churches in his or her community.

“I am grateful for being considered a master trainer. My labour in ministry has not been in vain” said Mr. Amolo Peter in his short speech at the graduation. “I have crafted a vision, mission and core values for the children ministry which knowledge I obtained from the training” he adds.

At least five community clubs have been established by the master trainers.

The Community Bible club program

Community Bible clubs are the life blood of the children ministry. They are an effective tool through which unreached children have been reached. To many of both the unchurched and churched children, the clubs have become the “church outside church”.

To this effect, 53 new children joined 8 of the established community bible clubs with 23 salvations recorded. This is a great achievement especially taking into consideration that without the bible clubs, these children would not have had an opportunity to know Christ at this stage. Our mandate is to establish bible clubs in at least every community through the local church.


The Church Planting Vision is to plant a Living Church in every community, Planted by ordinary believers”. 

This month through we undertook the second module training with 26 church planters in the district of Ibanda. The training brought together over 12 churches from the South Western districts of Uganda along the Uganda Congo Border. Half of the participating churches were from the refugee camps. 

 “I have made a covenant to serve God for the rest of my life. With the skills I am obtaining from the church planters training, I hope to work towards evangelizing and discipling the masses.” Said Muhumuza Godfrey after the Training.

Muhumuza was an ordinary believer at Kiburara Gospel Church before being identified and sent for the training early this year. Through the training, he has been elevated into a potential church planter currently leading a home cell. 

The church planters program, at least 43 new believers have been baptised, 522 reached, with 103 surrendering their lives to Christ.  At least one church was planter in the refugee camp in August. A baptism program is underway for the new converts in the few coming weeks. We bless the Lord for this impact story and your generous contribution to the program.


Water is critical; for most area school children the school dinner made with the water collected is their largest and most nutritious meal of the day. In many schools especially in the rural communities, water continues to be a great problem alongside sanitation and hygiene.

Because of the challenge of water leave alone its safety, the education of many Ugandan children has been greatly affected in terms of time spent by the students to collect water from wells and swamps and open sources, many of which are polluted to water borne diseases as a result of drinking Contaminated water

It’s estimated that by eliminating the need to travel to collect water, it frees up an estimated 165 hours annually which can be used for children to focus on their education & ensures that students are provided with water which is safe to drink.

In August 2016, Day Star nursery school secured a safe water drinking project with Solarwave Uganda to provide a sola driven water purification systems and desalination systems. To help improvise purified and distilled water for the children. Anytime – Anywhere.

“It has been challenging to boil water for over 500 children at the school and besides we have been under pressure from school inspectors to improvise safe water to the children” says Rose the headmistress of the school. “Before this establishment, the children drunk water directly from the taps and nearby stream which brought about waterborne diseases causing the children miss school” she adds

With this project, this problem will be rectified and this challenge solved once and for all. However the milestone to cover is the payment for the system which the school is meant to cover quarterly for the next two years.

The Community Bible club program

Community Bible clubs are the life blood of the children ministry. They are an effective tool through which unreached children have been reached. To many of both the unchurched and churched children, the clubs have become the “church outside church”.

To this effect, 53 new children joined 8 of the established community bible clubs this month with 23 surrendering their lives to Christ. This is a great achievement especially taking into consideration that without the bible clubs, these children would not have had an opportunity to know Christ at this stage.

We continue to pursue the mandate to establish these clubs in at least every community through the local church.

Please pray with us for

  • The church planters training program and graduation slated for the first week of October 2016.
  • For Ruth, Juliet and mark, three pupils at Day Star primary school who lost their father later this month. Pray especially for provision for their education.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers unto the Lord praying for protection, guidance and provision.
  • For the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.

DO NOT hesitate to check out how you can support these program by visiting this link to see how you can support any of the program


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?

Robert Sebunya




July 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hoping that all is well. It is well back here.

Thank you for your loyal partnership. Through you, God graciously supplies the need resources of the organization. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we have made it our responsibility to dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. As a result, the good Lord always rewards us with fruit that we share with you in the monthly reports to the glory of His name.

It’s in this accord that I bring to you this report concerning the July 2016 ministry activities.


Teachers Trainings

The children’s ministry program goal is to nurture children for Personal relationship with God, Grow with healthy character, and Advance the kingdom through outreach. To meet this goal, we engage in a number of activities key of which is conducting children workers trainings through the Raising Hope Children Ministry training curriculum.

This month under the Raising Hope Children Ministry training program, we conducted a total of 2 trainings with 42 children workers in the Kampala city area.


The outreach programs were conducted in schools together with members of community churches in a quest to reach and disciple school going children.

A total of 1,232 children were reached through these program and 21 children surrendered their lives to Christ.

Community Bible Clubs

The community bible club program is a typical model through which our vision to “to Develop Leaders, Transform communities and create a Legacy of Peace” is continuously being met as we strive to nurture children for Personal relationship with God, Grow with healthy character, and Advance the kingdom through outreach.

To this effect, 15 community bible clubs are currently running across the country in partnership with the different community churches under our supervision. A total of 1,633 children have been reported to have attend the club activities with an average of 1,250 children per week. A total of 42 salvations have been recorded with an average of 7 per week. At least two other clubs have opened up a section for the teens who have been raised through the children’s club for the sake of continuity.


Ministry Activities

This month, a total of 2,562 people have been reached with the gospel and 345 surrendered their lives to Christ. 37 people were baptised from the lot that surrendered their lives to Christ. Two new Home cells were started bringing the total number to 86 with 13 new people joining the home cells/groups.

“The people in the community now welcome the gospel because we don’t tell them to come to our local church but to the home near them where they meet and pray with members from the local church who they are familiar to. Slow by slowly they are being to join the church” writes Betty Angera a trainee with the church planters training in her testimony of the effect of home groups to her ministry.

Like Betty, many of the church planters have adopted the small group strategy to reach and disciple the communities.


This month through Pr. Akili Safari a church planter in Rwamwanja Resettlement camp, we donated a consignment of full bibles, booklets and tracts, bags, shoes, women and baby clothes to the people at the refugee camp. This was done in conjunction with the support of local churches, and individuals in a quest to reach and impact communities with the love of Jesus.  Rwamwanja Resettlement camp is located approximately 336 km from south west of Kampala City with a total population of nearly 70,000 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Through our church planters program, we already have 10 churches planted and children ministry programs beginning at the camp.  This initiative was carried out through the light of the world church; a church plant at the settlement camp.


Scripture portions are an effective way to share the gospel especially in Muslim dominated communities, refugee camps and restricted institutions where the Gospel is hard to be preached.

This month through the school and community outreaches, children cells, Leaders trainings and church planters follow-up programs, we distributed a consignment of 4200 tracts, 3,250 children booklets and 180 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • The  ministry activities in the month of August especially the Raising Hope Graduation and the Church planters module 2 training program in South western Uganda
  • Church planters and community church plants
  • For the community discipleship programs including the community bible clubs and small group programs for the adults.
  • New ministry opportunities in refugee camps specifically in Nakivale and the communities.
  • We are still believing God for a ministry car. Please stand with us even as we continue trusting God for this need.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?

Sincerely yours,






June 2016 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I pray that all is well.

Allow me bring to you this report concerning the different ministry activities for June 2016. This month has been awesome filled with different ministry activities but new doors of opportunities opening before us. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new different regions of Uganda.

We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.


At least 3,123 people were reached with the gospel and 223 surrendered their lives to Christ least through the different evangelistic outreach programs including door to door and community open air crusades. 93 of the new believers were absorbed in the different churches where the programs were undertaken.

Speaking of discipleship,52 new believers undertaking the “That I may know Him” discipleship course graduated in South Western Uganda.  The three month program focused on grounding the new believers in their new found faith, and establish them in their walk with the Lord. A total of 90 new converts are slated for yet the new intake in Kajjansi central Uganda.

A total of 126 pastors were trained through our vision casting training in three Eastern districts of Uganda.  The essence of the vision casting trainings is to empower Churches in Uganda and Africa to undertake reproducible and sustainable mission through Church planting as the most appropriate method of evangelism to the nations.


The children’s ministry program aims at nurturing children for Personal relationship with God, Growing with a healthy character and advancing the kingdom through outreach. 

We graduated 57 children through the Raising hope program in Nabitula community Buyende located 169kms from Kampala a new community in Eastern Uganda. Through the function, 10 community leaders including three Muslims surrendered their lives to Christ and 200 children were reached with the gospel.

Two similar programs have been started this month in the two other districts of with 140 and 394 children respectively. These children are set to graduate in the next three months.

The community bible club program is steadily growing with an average of one new club being planted every two months this year. At least one club was established in Mayuge with 394 children bringing the total number of community bible clubs to 15 across the country.


Many communities both Christian dominated and not are faced with the challenge of bibles and other scripture potions. It’s a common phenomenon to find that the bible to people ration in a given church is 1:20. In many of the rural churches it’s only the pastor who owns a bible. Many of the believers cannot afford to buy one and even when able the distance to the nearest store is great. With the limited number of bibles, believers are faced with challenges in their spiritual growth and knowledge concerning their daily challenges in their Christian walk.


As you pray for the ministry, please endeavor to

  • Dedicate our next programs slated for July unto the Lord. These include The Church Planter training programs, Children ministry trainings, outreaches and he community bible programs.
  • Pray for the ministry need of a car which continues to hamper most of the ministry programs.
  • Also pray that God will open doors for bibles to meet the increased need for bibles in communities and for the programs initiated in the communities through the different church planters.
  •  Lift the different church planters unto the Lord praying specifically for provision, patience and wisdom I executing all that they are doing.

Partners like you are the life blood for the mission work here and it’s because of your prayers, support and encouragement that we have had the courage and determination to keep keeping on. We are therefore grateful to God for you and the support you have given us that keep us going and reaching different children and youth in the communities. Please do not to visit our DONATE page to see how you can partner with us.

May Jesus therefore fill your barns with blessings and increase you in every area of your life. 

Sincerely yours,

Robert Sebunya



May 2016 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Greetings in the name of Jesus; I pray that all is well. Allow me to extend my sincere appreciation for all that you have done and still doing to let us reach and impact communities through your prayers and the different ministry activities you support each and every month. We are truly grateful. 

Allow me take this opportunity to share with you what has transpired through this great month of May 2016 as a result of you Love and support.


“Despite of the little knowledge and skills, Christians in these communities are making a difference in Christ’s name. I believe once the church planter model is instilled here, there will even be a greater potential for the church in these communities to impact and reach the communities” says Timothy a church planter with our national church planters training program

Like Timothy, a number of our church planters program have taken the call to replicate the model in their communities serious. To this effect, a total of 743 people were reached this month with 182 giving their lives to Christ. 21 baptisms were made with 87 new people joining the different fellowships and churches.


It’s our obligation as an organization to leave no community untouched by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ministry and mission in the rural church is highly demanding of energy and imagination and for this reason, not many individuals and local organizations desire to engage in this. However with our intervention through partnerships with individuals and community local churches, growth is being realized, but much more remains to be done.


“As leaders, our focus is always on adults. That’s where we have put all our efforts yet they are the hardest people to reach and convince. It’s now that I finally see how I can reach and impact this community especially with idea of starting a community Bible club” explains Bampata Besigako a community pastor at kyangwali refugee camp in south western Uganda.

This month, a total of 93 children workers were trained, over 1,600 children and 108 teacher’ training booklets  were used given out during these training programs. We had the children’s training program in two refugee camps of Kyangwali and Rwamwanja in South Western Uganda training a total of 69 leaders from 23 local churches in the camps. the training’s were undertaken with the objective of empowering church and community leaders with skills in reaching and discipling children and youth through children and youth.

Children’s Community Bible Clubs.

This month, one new community bible club was started in Mayuge District in Eastern Uganda. The community club was started in partnership with a community church that is set to take on the club programs under the supervision of the assistant pastor.  A total of 394 children joined the club on its launch with over 100 surrendering their lives to Christ. Mr Igadube Andrew, one of the proprietors of the club who also over sees the Kikalamoja Bible club in Jinja with over 650 children said the club was started with the goal to reach, and rescue the young generation through evangelism and discipleship in a community where the Christian values have been lost.

“The community and leaders ought to understand the value of training children the godly way he says.

A total 512 children joined the different bible clubs this month. 132 surrendered their lives to Christ and 550 children booklets were distributed through the bible clubs.


This month through our outreach programs this month, a total of over 2,500 children booklets, 125 teachers’ manuals, 455 “That I may know him” discipleship  Manuals,  11,500 adult evangelistic booklets and tracts distributed.


We are grateful for your continued support towards our program especially in the area of prayer. The prayers of a righteous man availed much. James 5:16. As you pray for us this month, please pray for

  • The ministry activities in the month of June 2016 including outreaches, establishment of the children ministry programs at the refugee camps, follow-ups and new community partners.  
  • Continue to pray for our entire church planter team that as they engage in the different church planter programs and their communities.
  • Let’s continue to pray for Pr. Joshua Majanga and Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel two of our Church planters whose churches under construction require roofing and rehabilitation.
  • As schools open up for the new term, pray for the re-establishment of the existing discipleship programs and new doors to open in communities, schools and refugee camps.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,



April 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the name of Jesus; I pray that all is well. Allow me to extend my sincere appreciation for all that you have done and still doing to let us reach and impact communities through your prayers and the different ministry activities you support each and every month. We are truly grateful. 

It’s therefore with great pleasure that I write to you send you a feedback on our ministry programs for the month of April 2016 hoping that it finds you in good health and wealth.

This month, we trained a total of 234 pastors, children and youth workers through our children ministry program. The emphasis behind these training’s is focused on developing leaders and equipping them with practical skills to reach and affect their communities through establishment of transnational programs like community bible clubs, school outreach/fellowship groups, children church programs through which to implement the raising hope evangelistic and discipleship curriculum.

We reached a total of eight schools through our school outreach speaking to a total of 4,013 children with 1,122 surrendering their lives to Christ. Through this program a total of 483 school children are undertaking the raising hope discipleship program through school fellowship programs.

The community bible club programs continue to be an effective medium through which to reach, disciple and mentor the unchurched children in the community. 1,254 children have been reached through the community bible club programs this month with 176 converts being made of the new children. One new community club has been birthed out of the bible club at Kikalamoja in Eastern Uganda.

“We have been relieved of much of our duties at the club and church with much of the ministry activities executed by the child ministers we have mentored through the bible club ministry program” said Igadube Andrew the over seer at the Kikalamoja bible club.

Through the church planter program this month, 4,113 people were reached with the gospel this month with 986 salvation’s, 136 baptisms and 213 new members joining the church and fellowship groups. A total of 2 churches have been planted with 53 congregational members. At least 8 small groups have been formed as a result of these programs at the camp this month.

As result of the school outreach, community club, training’s, and church planter programs, a total of 250 raising hope teachers training manuals were distributed, 5,322 children booklets, 790 discipleship booklets and 320 New Testament bibles.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • The ministry activities in the month of May. Among these include outreaches to three refugee camps in the Uganda DR Congo Boarder.
  • For just the concluded programs in Eastern Uganda. Pray that these programs will take effect and that the trainees will take them serious
  •  Pray for our entire church planter team that as they engage in the different church planter programs and their communities.
  •  Pr. Joshua Majanga and Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel two of our Church planters whose churches under construction require roofing and rehabilitation.
  • For the discipleship programs in communities, schools and prisons,
  • We still believe God for a ministry car. Please believe God with us for the urgent need.

On behalf of the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. It’s because of your willingness to stand with us that we are determined to endeavor to improve the well-being and holistically effect individuals and communities in the areas the Lord leads us through church planting and the raising hope ministry programs.  Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavors.

May the almighty God Bless you.

Yours I service




March 2016 Report

Greetings Beloved,

Allow me begin by extending my sincere appreciation for your continued support towards this ministry. We are truly grateful and value your partnership. Calvary greetings from the staff, volunteers and the entire board of Directors. We pray the good Lord has kept you well and preserved you by His grace.

It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you this report concerning our ministry programs for the month of March across the county.

The church planting program is a ministry programs initiated to equip an ordinary believer to affect, impact and transform communities by equipping them with good knowledge of the Bible, practical skills, envisaged for Church Planting to plant living Churches in their communities through a five module training encompasses Evangelism, Discipleship, Membership, leadership and Worship/Multiplication.

This year having launched a second training program early march bringing the number of the training programs to two, with 41 church planters currently undergoing the training program.  4 churches have so far been planted through this program this month. A total of 866 have been reached with the gospel and 207 surrendered their lives to Christ including 53 inmates from the outreaches in communities, prison and two refugee camps of Kyangwali and Rwamwanja . 103 baptisms conducted and various Christian materials including discipleship materials, tracts and children booklets distributed

103 children and youth workers were trained this month empowering the leaders with skills on reaching, equipping and discipling youths with knowledge pertaining to godliness and right living in communities where violence and crime have taken a toll and churches have been less effective to reaching children and youth with the Gospel.

A total of 3,215 pupils in 8 schools have been reached through the school outreach programs of which 987 surrendered their lives to Christ.  Three discipleship groups have been established in 3 of the 8 schools reached. A total of 313 pupils and high school students are being discipled through these programs.

The community bible club programs have brought together 1,875 this month. 134 have so far been won since the beginning of March 2016. Plans are underway to include mass child evangelism campaigns, camps, Holiday Vocational bible School programs, scripture portion distribution and training child evangelists in a measure to reach other children in the communities.

Planned Programs

As we engage the new month, we are set for yet greater, programs ahead. Among these include.

       The National Children Ministry training program

       School Outreaches

       Small group programs in schools and communities,

       Eastern Uganda Raising Hope Training tour in Luuka, Iganga, Bugiri and Jinja

       Outreaches to Refugee camps and starting Children ministry, church planter, discipleship and economic empowerment programs in the Refugee camps of Sango Bay, Kyangwali and Rwamwanja

       Establishing the “That I may know Him” program at Kampiringisa Juvenile Remand Home


As we engage in these training programs, we are faced with a number of challenges among which include

       The Budget: our scope of reach and impact has for far been limited by our monthly and annual budgets. The current budget has greatly affect our evangelistic, church planter, children ministry, trainings, outreach and discipleship programs. Our prayer has been and still is for the Lord to enables us receive adequate funding.

       Christian Literature: this has still been a great challenge in as far as our ministry programs are concerned. We have and are in constant need of Bibles/ study bibles, Story of Jesus (SOJ) booklets, Manga Messiah booklets, leadership books for the leaders, tracts and booklets for evangelism.

       Mobility: we have been in a constant need of a ministry car for mobility especially up country where the terrains are rough. This has been a great hindrance.

       Training Centre: we are in need of a training facility where we can periodically train the leaders and commission them to affect their communities.

 Prayer Requests

As you pray for us, please stand with us for the following Prayer requests

       Commit the programs for the next quarter unto the Lord (Trainings, outreaches, new curriculum etc)

       Lift our Church planters unto the Lord remembering Pr. Enock Mujjuni and Pr. Joshua Majanga two of our Church planters whose churches under construction are currently at the roofing stage with need for iron sheets for roofing. And also Pr. Jude whose Church needs drums.

       Need for a ministry Car to handle up country ministry activities where the terrain is rough

       Lift individual employees, volunteers and partners unto the LORD.

       Pray also for Day Star primary school and for the program activities at the school. Pray specifically for the financial support and new enrolments

       Pray for the new openings in Kenya, Congo, Swaziland and Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of our ministry programs.

       Pray for Christine one of our raising hope community bible club program in eastern Uganda whose ministry is under attack from a community organization run by Homosexuals.

       Pray for Finances and new partners for the ministry.

       Doors to open for ministry across the Globe.

       The Economic Empowerment centre Building program and programs at Kamuli Dambwe. 

We are truly grateful for your continued support for the programs. That’s cant convey our gratitude but we pray that the almighty God will continue to add unto you like minded partners and continued support to bless individuals and organizations across the Globe. Please do not hesitate to find out how you can support these programs by clicking the DONATE button at the top of the page. Please help us spread the good news and reach the lost in the communities. 

May the almighty God bless you.

Mr. Robert
