
April 2019 Reports

Dear Partners

Glad tidings in the name of Jesus; Thanks for the great work that has seen the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the nations. I believe you are fine and doing even better than before. As for us at Mercy Link, all is well. We thank God for the successful mission outreach we had in partnership with schools, individuals and churches this past week. We can’t help but thank the good LORD and attribute this success to His greatness and ability to have made us partners. I am therefore writing to share of this goodness.


 We are excited as witness our ministry in the prison steadily growing and exploding. This month, we have been able to reach out to Gulu Prison with a lock in of 1,121 inmates.

Gulu prison is a prisons found 335 km from Kampala city Centre. This prisons have always welcomed the word of God being that they have witnessed its power first hand and seen the transformation brought by it when applied to their daily challenges. This outreach was no exception. We had the opportunity to share the word with 1,112 of the prisoners and 258 prisoners gave their lives to Christ.


This month, a total of 130 bibles were distributed through the church planter program with 30 church planters trained. 2,142 people were reached through the evangelistic programs with 412 people surrendering their lives to Christ. 2 churches were planted with 103 baptisms conducted

Through the children’s ministry training program, 36 children’s workers were graduated after completing a three module children’s ministry training and a total of 1,956 children were reached through the school, and community outreach programs with 901 salvations recorded. 4 community Bible clubs stated in the communities.


Pr. Emma is a church planter who was identified and handpicked by his pastor through the youth program at his church and sent to engage in the church planter training program we conducted in his community. Through this program, Emma was equipped with skills pertaining to Evangelism, discipleship, Membership, Leadership and Worship. The five module training program, saw him grow from being a team player in the youth ministry to planting churches in his community and surrounding districts.

“This awakened the God given gifts in me. I was built physical that is in my outlook and spiritually. The skills I attained through our first module training helped me a lot on how to evangelize and do follow-up among the new believers. From that time, I have never settled but continuously preached the gospel on radio, communities and church” he says.

However, Emma’s breakthrough was realized after the Module two training that focusses on discipleship and establishment of small groups. Emma was determined to go back after the training to try this cost effective way of panting a church. He began with a prayer team of six (6) whom he mentored into his first set of Cell (small group) leaders. Through this team he planted six small groups and continued to train more. Before the third module training, 3 churches had been planted in North Eastern Uganda.

“This has been one of the greatest things I have done for God. I have so far planted 3 churches which all begun as a home cell. I currently oversee 9 other cells with the potential to become churches.”

Through the next module trainings, Emma embarked on establishing 3 fellowship groups in 2 primary schools and 1 high school reaching 319 children weekly, establishing his own church planter program with 13 potential church planters, start a radio ministry once a week, engage in hospital and prison ministry but also family visits. In using his profession (engineering) to reach the community, Emma is in the final stages of establishing a youth innovative center, a local skills training center for youth and Adults equipping the youth with skills pertaining to Tailoring, brick laying and carpentry. Since its inception January this year, 21 youths and adults have been trained and 15 salvations recorded.

Despite of all this achievement, Emma has remained submitted to the church he worships in serving under the youth ministry. He pastors none of the churches he has planted but time and again visits them and helps where need be.

“I would love to do more than I have but a number of hindrances have halted my progress including transport, communication problems since the communities are rural but also language barriers being a great obstacle to reaching non Ateso speaking communities” he says


Please pray for us in the following areas

  1. Commit our next training programs for the month of May unto the Lord including the Kayunga and Kaliro church planter training programs and Wakiso and Hoima district children’s ministry trainings.
  2. Pray for the different church planters and children’s ministry workers in the community. Pray for the safety, provision and strengthening of the workers.
  3. Pray for the church in Mbarara prison with a lock in of 1,350 inmates and a church congregation of 356 inmates. The church is in need of tabs to use to baptize inmates who have turned to Christ. This can’t be done outside the prison walls due to the prison policies.

We can’t help but thank the Lord for His great favor. This could not have happened without the prayers and support of partners like you. It’s on this note that we would like to thank you who have generously supported us prayerfully, financially, materially and in all other ways. There are no words good enough to thank you but our prayer is for the Lord to abundantly bless and increase your store houses.

God Bless You


March 2019 Report

Dear Partners

Glad tidings in the name of Jesus; Thanks for the great work that has seen the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the nations. I believe you are fine and doing even better than before. As for us at Mercy Link, all is well. We thank God for the successful mission outreach we had in partnership with schools, individuals and churches this past week. We can’t help but thank the good LORD and attribute this success to His greatness and ability to have made us partners. I am therefore writing to share of this goodness.


We are excited as witness our ministry in the prison steadily growing and exploding. This month, we have been able to reach out to Gulu Prison with a lock in of 1,121 inmates.

Gulu prison is a prisons found 335 km from Kampala city Centre. This prisons have always welcomed the word of God being that they have witnessed its power first hand and seen the transformation brought by it when applied to their daily challenges. This outreach was no exception. We had the opportunity to share the word with 1,112 of the prisoners and 258 prisoners gave their lives to Christ.


This month, a total of 130 bibles were distributed through the church planter program with 30 church planters trained. 2,142 people were reached through the evangelistic programs with 412 people surrendering their lives to Christ. 2 churches were planted with 103 baptisms conducted

Through the children’s ministry training program, 36 children’s workers were graduated after completing a three module children’s ministry training and a total of 1,956 children were reached through the school, and community outreach programs with 901 salvations recorded. 4 community Bible clubs stated in the communities.


Pr. Kilimani and Pr. Wafula Steve, two of our master trainers located 142kms from Kampala launched a Raising Hope Children’s ministry training program for 40 children’s workers in Iringa village, Buyende district 34km from Kamuli district. The training that was facilitated and funded by the duo saw the children’s workers equipped with skills pertaining to how to effectively evangelize and disciple children through the Module 1 (Connected) raising Hope Children’s ministry training program.

At the end of each Raising Hope children’s ministry training program, children’s facilitators with the potential to teach others are identified, retained and enrolled in our Master Trainers program. This training initiative under our leadership development program focuses on raising capable and skilled trainers like Kilimani and Wafula with the capacity to replicate the children’s ministry training programs in different communities across the country to establish programs in unreached communities. In master Trainers class, trainees are equipped with skills pertaining to reaching, discipling, and developing children. They are mentored, equipped and released to establish training programs making the best resources available to move from addition to multiplication as fast as possible hence fulfilling the principle and law of multiplication.


Please pray for us in the following areas

  • Commit our next training programs for the month of May unto the Lord including the Kayunga and Kaliro church planter training programs and Wakiso and Hoima district children’s ministry trainings.
  • Pray for the different church planters and children’s ministry workers in the community. Pray for the safety, provision and strengthening of the workers.
  • Pray for the church in Mbarara prison with a lock in of 1,350 inmates and a church congregation of 356 inmates. The church is in need of tabs to use to baptize inmates who have turned to Christ. This can’t be done outside the prison walls due to the prison policies.

We can’t help but thank the Lord for His great favor. This could not have happened without the prayers and support of partners like you. It’s on this note that we would like to thank you who have generously supported us prayerfully, financially, materially and in all other ways. There are no words good enough to thank you but our prayer is for the Lord to abundantly bless and increase your store houses.

God Bless You


February 2019 Report

Greetings beloved,

Gracious greetings to you in the name of Jesus! Thank you very much for your commitment and love towards God’s people. I believe you are well and everything is working out well! We would like to appreciate you for the enormous work you are doing of winning souls to the Kingdom.

On behalf of Mercy Link Foundation Africa, I would like to take this privilege to present to you this success report as regards our missions outreach this month.


We have had four major Children’s worker’s trainings this month and a total of 209 children’s workers were trained and equipped with skills on how to connect with children and how to connect them to God.

We undertook three church planter training programs in three districts. The Training programs focused on leadership development under the Fourth Module church planter training. Together 103 church planters in the three districts. These trainings were conducted to fulfil the mandate of planting a living church in every community by ordinary believers who are equipped with skill to do this.

A total of 1,515 people were reached with the gospel with 375 conversions. At least 79 new believers have been baptized. Two churches have been planted in Eastern and Central Uganda respectively. Over 1,952 children were reached with the gospel and 692 surrendered their lives to Christ. 3 bible clubs were stared and 122 joining the clubs.


Please pray with us for

1.   Pray for the facilitation for the scripture portions especially Bibles for both the church planter and children ministry upcoming graduation programs. As we finalize with the pending training programs, the urgent need for facilitation for the scripture portions especially Bibles once again arises.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of your prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even a he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly


January 2019 Report

Hello beloved Partner,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus.

In these times of uncertainty and difficulty, the good Lord has continued to be good and faithful to us. The Lord who has led us thus far has continued to do so this year. He has blessed and continued to avail us with the resources to accomplish this great part of the commission he has called us to. A few weeks ago, we received a free one year pass to over 10 prisons in Uganda. This has been our prayer and praise God, we got the answer. In respect to that, we have already embarked on reaching the different prisons with our first two being Luzira Maximum prison with a lock in of over 7,000 inmates. We also visited Mbarara prison with a lock in of 1,350 inmates and a church congregation of 356 inmates. Oh what a joy it was seeing the inmates praise God and receive Christ as their Lord and savior of course courtesy of your prayers and support.


Name: Natabo Poline

Sending Church: Bunalwenyi Church of God

Occupation: Children’s Pastor

District: Bunalwenyi, Mayuge District (Eastern Uganda)

 “I was inspired into establishing a children’s community bible club by the testimonies shared during the first Module training. I was moved by how the clubs had impacted the children, families and communities. After the training, I made up my mind that I was going to give it a shot” says Poline a trainee with just concluded Raising Hope training in Bunalwenyi.

Poline got to know of the training program through her pastor after a vision casting training which the pastor had attended. Having herd of the benefits of children ministry to the church and God’s intention for children. She enrolled for the program and didn’t really regret her decision.

Upon completing the first module training, Poline established her first community bible club among the community children who came to swing and play at the centre. It was not a struggle looking for the children because they came to the centre to play. However, it was task keeping them off the swings and in the club for the short time she needed them.  However, with the story telling techniques and bible study skills taught in the first module training, she was able to pull it off to date.

“I initially begun with nine children. The rest watched from a distance. With the enthusiasm and excitement, I put in my lessons, slowly the rest joined through the weeks. Today 143 children are part of the club program.” She says.

Not only has she reached to the children in Bunalwenyi but also to children in her home area. Together with Winnie her assistant, they established another club in Naitandu Community about 5kms away from Bunalwenyi. Today they minister to the children in the two community bible clubs on Tuesdays and Fridays respectively and an average of 304 children are reached with the gospel every week through the two clubs.

Communities are quickly becoming like many unreached people groups around the world. Kids are growing up with little or no understanding of who God is or the price that Jesus paid for them on the cross. They may be considered low priority to the church, but to Jesus they have always been the highest priority. That’s why at Mercy link, we prioritize children and the ministry. The children’s community bible club are such an important addition to our communities in fulfilling our vision of raising leaders, transforming communities and creating a legacy of peace.  


As you consider praying for us this month,

  1. Commit the February programs in the hand of the Lord. Specifically, the Children’s ministry programs and church planter programs.
  2. As we finalize with the pending training programs, a need for facilitation for the scripture portions especially Bibles for both the church planter and children ministry for the upcoming graduation programs once again arises. We stand and pray for provision.
  3. Pray for the church in Mbarara prison with a lock in of 1,350 inmates and a church congregation of 356 inmates. The church is in need of tabs to use to baptize inmates who have turned to Christ. This can’t be done outside the prison walls due to the prison policies.
  4. Last but not least continue praying for my Planned trip to the US in a few months’ time. Pray for guidance, new partnerships and favor.

Allow me end by thanking you for considering to lift these prayer items unto the Lord. We have so much we are looking forward to in this coming month. We thank God for your continued support and partnership in fulfilling the mandate to evangelize, disciple, training and equip leaders across the country. May the good Lord bless and increase you.



2018 Ministry Report

Greetings beloved partners,

Happy New Year. I pray the year has begun on a wonderful and awesome note. Surely, the good Lord has been good to us and never ceases to amaze us every time.

The year 2019 was phenomenal for us a s a ministry marked with a number of success stories and testimonies in line with the church planter and children’s ministry programs. As a norm, as an organization we set our focus on reaching communities with gospel through our Christmas outreach programs and this year the outreach programs in December have yielded a great harvest unto the kingdom. In summary, a total of 3 churches were planted in December 2018, 2356 reached with the gospel, 322 adults saved, 2433 children reached through the clubs and outreach programs with 916 salvations registered.

 Below is the ministry result of our total achievement in 2018




The Church Planter Program


Total Number of Church Planters Trained in 2018

Total Number of Church Planters Graduated in 2018

Total Number of Master Trainers Trained in 2018

Total Number of Master Trainers Graduated in 2018

Total Number Currently undergoing Training

Total Number of Prayer Groups (Cells) Begun in 2018

Total Number of New Members Joining Prayer Groups/Cells in 2018

Total Number of Churches Planted in 2018









The Raising Hope Children’s Ministry Program


Total Number of Children Workers Trained

Total Number of Children Workers Completing Trainings

Total Number of Children Master Trainers Trained

Total Number of Children Master Trainers Completing Trainings

Total Number of Children Bible Clubs Started

Total Number of New Children Who Attended Bible Clubs

Average Number of Children Attending the Bible Clubs








Evangelism CP & RH Programs


Total Number of Adults Reached

Total Number of Adults receiving Christ

Total Number of Children Reached

Total Number of Children receiving Christ

Total Number of New Believers Baptized

Total number of Tracts and Booklets distributed








As we launch into the new season and set our goals in line with the different pending trainings and graduations in line with the church planter and Children’s ministry programs. We are so positive that the programs will yield even much more fruit than they have this year alone. We hope to see more new churches planted, more children clubs established, more souls reached and won to Christ and more new potential master trainers raised from the lots being trained as the ongoing programs progress. We are optimistic about this.

However, we also hope to see more new programs established in the communities. Among the new programs we hope to put in consideration are

1.      The Biblical Economic Empowerment program.

The goal behind this program is to equip and empower local Churches and grassroots community organizations to effectively and sustainably carry out Social and Economic activities in the church and community based on biblical principles by training, motivating, and empowering the local Church Leaders to respond to the root causes of poverty and vulnerability with a focus on creating a sense of self-sustainability and drawing communities to Christ. This past December, we had a field test with over 80 youths and teenagers approximately 42km East of Kampala City in Mukono District, Seeta Nazigo community engaging them through a one-day soft skill training in the areas of leadership skill, computer skills, baking and catering, financial training on saving, a health training on first aid, a basic tailoring training, soap making and shoe mending. The training saw the teens empowered and motivated to go and establish the learnt skills in their communities.

2.      The Community Mission Fellowship Program/House in Buddo Community.

We are currently in the Initial stages of planting a church and mission house in this community. The mission house is meant to be a pilot/model project for many “Mission Community Fellowships/ Churches” leading to the planting of many other mission churches in the communities. A children’s community club has already been established and is running in the community.

3.      The Adult Literacy Program in Refugee Camps and Islands/rural communities.

The high illiteracy levels in the refugee camps and Islands across the country have been and continue to be a great challenge to our ministry activities in these areas. On many occasions we have had to foot bills here and there to translate the training materials and find translators during our trainings in these places. We believe more than before now is a great time to penetrate these communities with the Adult literacy program through the church plants and children’s ministry programs established as a means to influence and impact these communities.

4.      A Budget for the Scripture portions

As we finalize with the pending training programs, a need for facilitation for the scripture portions especially Bibles for both the church planter and children ministry for the upcoming graduation programs once again arises.


Please, pray with us in line with the mentioned areas above that the good Lord will open doors and make establishment and implementation of these programs possible in Uganda.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda in year 2018. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your undertakings.

May the almighty God Bless you. 


December 2018 Report

Greetings beloved partners,

Happy New Year. I pray the year has begun on a wonderful and awesome note. Surely, the good Lord has been good to us and never ceases to amaze us every time. I am grateful to bring to you this report as regards our December2018 activities 

Prison Ministry

Prisoners need regeneration not rehabilitation–and Jesus has commissioned His followers to reach beyond the barbed wire fences and steel bars to touch the lives of men and women bound by the shackles of sin. Unfortunately, despite the clear Biblical injunction and Christ’s example to minister to prisoners, many believers prefer to pass by on the other side of the street, as did the religious leaders in the parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:29-37). For this reason, prison populations grow larger and larger. Often, people come out of prison worse than when they went in. Just like the inmates, the wardens too have needs much related to those of the inmates which need to be met as well. 

During the Christmas season, part of our outreach programs was to the inmates in two prisons and one remand home in Kampala district. The program saw about 1,150 inmates reached with the gospel and 153 surrendering their lives to Christ. The program also involved distribution humanitarian items and funds to help create a Christmas feel and celebration for the inmates. We have established evangelistic and discipleship programs for the inmates, wardens and children in the prison compound through which we will be providing discipleship programs, basic life-skills trainings, positive parenting classes, and other programs to help transform the lives of the inmates, prison wardens, their children and their families in 10 Prisons across the country throughout 2019. 

Community Outreach program

The holiday season was an epic and memorable time for many of the children in community slums. As a ministry, we targeted the slum dwelling children in four Major Slums in Kampala City and the fifth in Jinja East of the City. Over 2,500 children were part of the Christmas outreaches crowned with a children’s Christmas party in each of the slums. Approximately 721 children surrendered their lives to Christ through the outreaches. Our effort to introduce Christ to these community children helps the children understand who exactly Christ is and what he has for our salvation thus understanding the true reason for the season. Over 70% of the children born and raised in these impoverished communities and slums have never had an opportunity to be exposed to life behind their boundaries. 

We will be taking on 2 new slum communities in the outskirts of the city this year establishing the children’s community programs in a move to bring transformation and create a legacy of peace in them. On average we reach and disciple over 3,852 children every week through the 32 children clubs established across the country.

YOUTH Empowerment Program

Uganda, one of the youngest population in the world carrying an 83% unemployment rate for young people aged 15–24 years for a population composition of 77% under 30 years of age and 52% below the age of 15, the quest for establishment of alternative programs such as economic empowerment and soft skill programs by local NGO’s and Government parastatals continue to be a great need to avert the high unemployment and poverty Levels. 

In December, we launched the youth economic empowerment program for youths and teenagers in Mukono District approximately 42km East of Kampala City in Mukono Seeta Nazigo for a one-day soft skill training with over 80 youth and teenagers engaging them in leadership skill, computer skills, baking and cooking, financial training on saving, a health training in first aid, a basic tailoring training, soap making and shoe mending. The training saw the teens empowered and motivated to go and establish the learnt skills in their communities. This program is set to be introduced in the different districts of Uganda in 2019.

Prayer Request

As we ear mark the year during this period, some of the key areas we would kindly request you to stand with us in prayer for include

  1. The Buddo Community Fellowship Church Program. As discussed in our earlier reports, this ear is the year ear marked for the launch of the program which will see Community fellowship churches established across the country in the new future. Pray for guidance and provision through the process. 
  2. Need for Bibles. As we engage new communities, the need for Christian literature especially bibles are immense especially for distribution to the new believers, please stand with us in prayer for this cause.
  3. The Youth Empowerment Program. This is our newest program that requires funding and support. Please pray for partners to support the program.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda in year 2018. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your undertakings. 

May the almighty God Bless you.  


November 2018 Report

Dear Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hoping that all is well. It is well back here.

Thank you for your continued support and for the confidence that you have placed in us. I would like to assure you that we do not take this confidence for granted. Through you, God graciously supplies the need resources of the organization. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. As a result, the good Lord always rewards us with fruit that we are delighted to share with you at this juncture inform of a testimony to the glory of His name.

This month, we graduated 103 children’s workers who had successfully completed the three module raising Hope Children’s Workers program and fulfilled all the necessary requirements to qualify for the event among which include establishing community bible clubs, evangelizing to children, conducting church based and community bible study programs. We launched a total of two training programs in two separate communities in Kayunga and Kaliro Districts. The 2 training programs that attracted a total of 60 trainees are set to run from November 2018 to November 2019 after which the successful trainees will then graduate. 


The Eastern part of Uganda is predominantly known for Islam and Traditional beliefs due to the great early Arab influence during the colonial era. However, thorough the years, there has been a steady revival and transformation in these communities as churches, local Christian NGO’s and individuals have taken on the initiative to reach and share the gospel in these communities. 

The Day Star Primary School team led by Mrs. Rose Batyakunyaga have been instrumental in promoting the spread of the gospel in the region through children ministry. Many instrumental leaders like Mr. Igadube Andrew in Jinja have risen and are actively involved in establishing children ministry programs in different Eastern districts of Uganda. Mr. Andrew who has been instrumental in the establishment and running of the Children’s bible club in Kikalamoja Jinja with over 600 children has continued to run the replicate the programs in the other parts of the country including the district of Mayuge in Eastern Uganda with high child marriages and crime. It’s a common practice for children to get into marriage as early as 13 years and because of this there are many children headed families in these districts.

Today through his children ministry program, a church has been planted in the district with a congregational membership comprising of 20 Adults, 10 youths and 30 children. The cause of the church plant arising from the lack of a local church to give oversite to the children’s community club introduced in the community.

“We didn’t know which church to give the responsibility to and didn’t know whom to consult since a pastor’s fellowship in the sub county was non-existent unlike other counties and so we had no option but to establish a church with the church planter knowledge we had.” Andrew says.

Just a few days ago, the church hosted the first children’s ministry training for children’s workers from other churches in the surrounding communities impacting 50 children’s workers. With the establishment and replication of these programs, we hope to see transformation in these districts in the near future. 

“With the success story at Kikalamoja community, I believe this district can be transformed as well with the help of God. I am determined to this change happening once again should God tarry.” says Andrew as he narrates his goal. 


Christmas time is a season when we reach out and spread the love of Christ to children and prisons in the communities. This year, we focus our attention on children in the community clubs 2 prisons and Katanga one of Kampala’s biggest slums. The essence of this is to help portray the true meaning of Christmas through different ministry activities. A number of evangelistic programs are to be considered through the outreaches including Christmas parties, the nativity film shows, distribution of tracts and Christian literature and sharing the Christmas story, engage in activities and games related to Christmas like, shading, colouring and drawing. 

Please pray with us for partners who will stand with us in initiating the program. 


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  1. The Community Mission Fellowship Program/House. The mission house is meant to be a pilot/model project for many “Mission Community Fellowships/ Churches” leading to the planting of many other mission churches in the communities. Pray over the Mission house at Buddo praying for financial provision for its completion. 
  2. The Buddo Children’s Community Club and Mission Outreaches. A Month ago we launched a children’s community bible club program with 20 children in the community which is set to run every Saturday. For the past one month the children have been faithfully coming to the club and we have seen the lives of the children transforming steadily. Pray for the growth of the program and for it not just to affect the children but the whole community.
  3. Christmas Outreaches: Please continue pray for the Christmas projects and for them to have impact in the communities. 

As we continue to build a stronger partnership together, we fully recognize that your support and the continued trust that you place in us is the foundation of our success. We are grateful to God for your continued support of the programs. Please help us spread the good news and reach the lost in the communities.  

May the almighty God bless you



October 2018 Report

Hello Beloveds, 

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray all is great. All is well back here and the Lord has surely blessed and increased us in all our dealings. Thank you for your labor in the Lord and support towards our programs. 

This month several children’s workers and church planters graduated after completing the raising hope children’s ministry and church planter trainings respectively. We trained church planters and children’s workers in Bugiri district and Mukono districts. The next module training is scheduled for January 2019. 


The Case of Kikalamoja Masese III, Walukuba Division, Jinja Municipality.

Masese III village is a slum found in Walukuba division. The core poor of Jinja Municipality inhabit Masese III and survive in this no-man’s-land alienated and ostracized by the Jinja Community. Majority of residents are Karimojong who settled here in the 1980s. 

In June 2012, we implemented our first community project in Kikalamoja after conducting a Children’s and Youth ministry training with the staff of Day Star primary school and the local leadership in the community. With the human resource being the teachers and the community churches, we set the pilot Bible Club in the middle of the Kikaramoja community. Eleven months down the road, the club that had begun with 28 children had over 800 children attending every Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00pm with 196 youths joining the youth Hub.

With the turn of events and physical change in the lives of the children characterized by, change in the Moral lives of the children, change in appearance from the life skill and life application lessons, change in attitude towards work, the children adopting a new language. A Godly language quoting scriptures visa vie using foul language, improvement in grades especially in Religious education because of these lessons learnt, children starting to change names in relation to the Bible characters they have learnt about at the club and most of all the children being a able to say prayers in English, this prompted the parents to request for a program for the adults which has led to the birth of the Adult Literacy program at the school with 53 adults enrolling, “Awamu Ne Katonda” (Together with God) a community women’s empowerment group.

Today 4 bible clubs have been birthed from this one bible club with over 50 children impacted every weekend.


In line with this, our prayer requests are therefore 

  • The upcoming Training programs. For an increase in our monthly Budget so that we may be in position to reach and implement these programs.
  • Pray for our church planters and children workers praying for protection, guidance and provision. 
  • For the New doors already opening in for programs in the next coming years. 

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of  your prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.




September 2018 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. All is well back here and the Lord has surely blessed and increased us in all our dealings. Thank you for your daily labor in the Lord and support towards our programs. We truly do appreciate. 

Allow me share with you our achievements from the ministry outreaches undertaken in the month of September. 


This month, we trained a total of 28 potential church planters in Gulu districts Northern Uganda located approximately 335kms from Kampala city Centre respectively, 501 people were reached with the Gospel and 121 people surrendered their lives to Christ, 413 children were reached with the gospel and 197 surrendered their lives to Christ, 83 people were baptised this month, 1 church planted through the church planters program, 125 full bibles distributed and 83 New Testament bibles distributed 


NAME: Samuel Magumba

Designation: Church Planter

“The Church Planter training helped shape me for ministry and build confidence in me as I serve. It’s hard to believe but now I help my fellow leaders develop their skill in serving others” says Stephen.

Having enrolled and successfully completed the church planters program, Samuel was inspired to plant a church in Wansimba a Muslim dominated community. Like many Muslim dominated communities in the district, Wansimba community had no church in it. Actually according to Samuel, initially the nearest Pentecostal church to the village is 10kms away. It’s to this church that the believers tracked to attend service on Sundays. This multi linguistic community according to Samuel had been neglected and in so doing is a terrible state. The chronic poverty, drunkenness, joblessness, crime, idol worship and the poor health state of the locals is so evident in the community and the people. 

Through the church planter program, we equipped the church planters with skills pertaining to leadership but also always encourage them to mentor leaders for posterity and leverage on time because the task is too big for one person; for one is indispensable for God is not a respecter of persons. We encourage Church planters once they identify the right virtues in a believer to take the responsibility to develop them through mentoring to what God requires of them.

Samuel has planted a church in the community currently with over 50 children and 30 adults. He has continued to mentor a number of young people in this church who are currently serving in different areas of service in the ministry even as it grows. 

“I have mentored a 25-year-old Samuel Walunsasa whom I have appointed as the pastor to the new church in a few months” said Stephen. The church is currently under the pastoral care of a deacon from the mother church Samuel earlier planted. 


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for Programs.

  1. Pray for the October Church Planter Programs Bugiri, Rwamwanja, and a children’s ministry program in Amuria, Mukono Church.
  2. Pray for the church in Uganda and the different church planter programs established in the different parts of the country. 

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of your prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly?



August 2018 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new territories. The Almighty God has enabled us engage and expands our ministry activities to diverse communities of the different regions of Uganda. We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.

This month we graduated a total of 65 church planters after concluding the five module church planter’s programs, A total of 912 adults were reached with the gospel and 211 surrendered their lives to Christ. 106 people were baptised from the lot that surrendered their lives to Christ.   

A total of 109 children’s workers were training through which a total of 43 churches were represented South and east of Uganda. 4 community bible clubs were established this month with a total 106 children joining the clubs. 452 children were reached with the gospel with 127 surrendering their lives to Christ.


NAME: Pr. Akili Safari

CHURCH: Light The World Evangelical Church

AREAS OF OPERATION: Kampala/ Rwamwanja, Kyangwali Refugee Camps and DR Congo

“I planted my first church after the module 1 church planters training in 2015 and after that I have never ceased to plant churches. The training taught me a lot concerning church planting in the simplest form possible but also dealt with the myth that church planting could only be done by pastors and bishops and as a result I have been able to raise leaders who now pastor churches” he says.

16 churches have been planted by Pr. Akili under the Light of the World Evangelical Church plant program he founded since December 2014 when he joined the church planters program in Kampala Uganda. 11 of the church plants are in Uganda (8 of these in 2 refugee camps), 3 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1 in Kenya, and 1 in Rwanda. Over 30 small groups, 105 recorded baptisms, 4 children’s community bible clubs and an orphanage for refuge children’s are among some of his achievements attained after joining the church planter program. Through the church planter replication program 19 potential church planters have graduated as church planters from the refugee camps and 25 are currently undertaking the forth module church planters program in Rwamwanja refugee camp in South western Uganda through his leadership training program.

Being a refugee from Congo living in Uganda, Akili has not lost the passion to reach his own people currently living in the different refugee camps. Besides the refugee camps, Akili has also had church plants among the unreached people groups among which include the Batwa Pygmies in DR Congo.

“About 7 years ago, God gave me a burden to reach the Pygmies people in Congo. I have been reaching them with the gospel since and have planted a church among them pastored by one of the natives” He says.

The Congo Pygmies (southern Batwa) are a group of unreached, uncivilized (approximately 0.5% educated) tribal societies, traditionally surviving in a searcher and hunter-gatherer lifestyle and very spiritual in nature worshiping spirits and ancestral gods.

Prayer requests

Please pray with us for

  • The church planters and children workers through the country.
  • For the upcoming training programs in Isingiro, Gulu Wakiso and Kayunga Districts.
  • For a continuous flow for the provision of scripture portions through the year and a strong ministry Car.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


