
April Report

Dear Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name or Jesus; I pray that all is fine.

As we progress through this year, the good Lord has been gracious to us and enabled us tothrive in a number of ministry activities in different communities and institutions including schools, churches, prisons, Juvenile homes just to mention a few. These programs have also been extended to new districts and Amuria district is the most recent to having joined the fleet of new districts this month after an invitation from the sending church of one of the Church planters in the district.

I am therefore privileged to bring to you this report through which I would like to share with you the great and awesome things the Lord has done this Month of March through the different ministry activities.


The Amuria Church Planters Vision Casting Training

We had an opportunity to engage up to 23 potential church planters in a vision casting training in Amuria, located approximately 325kms from the Kampala city center in the Eastern Uganda. The training involved Reverends from the Anglican Church, lay readers, and mission’s pastors. These trainings are aimed at reaching and empowering the unreached people groups in rural, underdeveloped regions in Ugandan. Hundreds of and thousands of new living churches need to be planted in rural and small towns if there is to be transformation and community problems like poverty, witchcraft, drunkenness and many others are to be solved. 

Through the Archdeaconry of Acowa County, during the training, we challenged the leaders to rise up and take the initiative to adopt from the different ideas shared and find a way of incorporating them into the programs. 

“We have seen the light. It’s now our responsibility to rise up, adopt but also think about how to implement what we have just learnt” emphasized the Archdeaconry as he challenged the leaders and pointed out how timely the outreach has been in relation to the spiritual, social and economic needs in the communities. In relation to this, Archdeaconry Peter on behalf of the leaders requested us to return to start the training programs in the different dioceses in shortest time possible something we promised to work on.


Prison Outreach

In our prison outreach program this month, we engaged five prisons in the Central, western and southern districts of Uganda. These include Soroti prison, Amuria prison, Kampiringisa Juvenile home, Kigo prison and Masindi Prison. A total of 2,166 inmates were reached through these outreaches with 821 inmates committing their lives to Christ. 50 bibles were distributed and 2,500 tracts and booklets distributed to inmates and prison staff through these outreaches. Besides the distribution of the literature, we also gave out a consignment of humanitarian items including sugar, soap, among others. We are grateful for this great initiative that has seen the inmates benefiting from these ministry activities marking a beginning of transformation and rehabilitation in their lives.

The Jesus Film Outreach.

We had an opportunity to show two Jesus films this month in two communities in Achowa county in Amuria District. A total of 673 people attended the two Jesus film shows with 321 people giving their lives to Christ. We also distributed 320 children booklets and 380 tracts during the show.

The movie had the community on the grips with many of the viewers seeing a Jesus film for the very first time. The community was so emotional with the scenes that involved the crucifixion and death of Jesus. As the movie concluded, an opportunity was granted for the masses to commit their lives to Christ, through which the commitments were made.


School Outreaches

In our school outreach this month, we reached out to Makonge primary school in Kiyindi Eastern Buyikwe district along the shores of Lake Victoria approximately 57 kilometers from the city centre. A total of 823 pupils were reached through the outreach with 367 children gave their lives to Christ.  900 children booklets were distributed to the children and youths and 50 tracts to the teaching staff.

With a Christian background and over half of the teaching staff being professing Christians, we found the school to be ideal for our discipleship programs. For this reason, we introduced and shared the idea of starting the discipleship programs with the children in the schools fellowship groups and assembly which idea was greatly welcomed by the teaching staff and looked forwards to its implementation come next school semester. At least 650 pupils will directly engage in this program once started.

Children’s Ministry Workers Training

In the children and youth workers training this month, we engaged a total of 21 leaders in a vision casting training through which we shared about a number of our ministry programs and possible implementation of these programs in the different ministries, schools and communities in Amuria district. The training a attracted school teachers, children ministry leaders and a few evangelists from the different denominational churches in the different community churches in the district.

Like many churches in the rural communities, many of the churches in Amuria are largely comprised of children and young people with many more of these youngsters not attending church at all. In spite of this, many of these churches have no programs let alone a budget for the children and youth. This therefore puts the children at the risk of being lured into different groups and practices that may put their lives in danger. It’s therefore the responsibility of the church to ensure that this risk is minimized. For this reason, we are taking the initiative to empower the churches in this district and other rural communities to adopt children related programs and save the children from this danger.


New Openings in Eastern and Western Uganda

We are grateful for the new doors that are opening in new communities across Uganda. This month alone, we had four openings in the districts of Amuria and Soroti in the East and then Ibanda and Kamwenge in the Western. These openings have created a great need to reach and impact the communities and prisons like it has never been before.

This month we therefore engaged the district of Amuria and next month we are set for the districts of Ibanda and Kamwenge districts. Through these outreaches, we will engage in evangelistic outreaches to communities, schools, a refugee camp, show Jesus films, minister to widows in a refugee camp among many other place to women, children, men and refugees. These openings have created a greater opportunity for us to engage communities at a greater scope. 


Please continue to pray with us for the following;

·         For our upcoming outreach programs in western Uganda

·         For new openings in the communities

We thank God for all that He has enabled us to do and believe that greater things are yet to happen in the midst of these devastated communities and peoples. We particularly thank God for your support towards this cause and enabling the gospel reach to the people in the communities.

May the Good Lord Bless you

Yours faithfully

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader


March 2015 Report

Hello Partner,

Calvary greetings in the mighty name of Jesus; I pray that all is well.

I am privileged to once again share with you yet another monthly ministry update through this report focusing on the ministry accomplishments in the month of March 2015 praying that it will bring you as much joy as we are experiencing. 


The Eastern Region Church Planters Training

A total of 23 leaders attended our first local Church planter’s vision casting training in Iganga District located in Eastern Uganda approximately 117km from Kampala city. The trainees were predominantly local Pastors from Iganga,  Luwuka and Luyende districts in the East. Through this training, we emphasized on the need for the church to adopt the ideology of establishing church planters programs in the region so as to pave way for the establishment of Living Churches in communities by ordinary local believers.

With a new hope of the church rising and influencing the region seen after the training, the trainees requested for yet another similar training at a broader spectrum involving specifically the local pastors so as to lay a firm foundation for the implementation of the program.

“We need to convince the local pastors and bring them on board or else this great initiative will not take root. That’s why I insist that we should have a training like this with all the pastors.” Pr. Nicholas emphasized as he gave his closing remarks. To ensure that this happens, Nicholas one of the coordinators for the program pledged to mobilize up to 200 local pastors from the different communities for the next vision casting. With this trend of events in the region, we are hoping for a revival in the region as far as the church planting movement is concerned.


Prison Outreach

This month we had special evangelistic outreach programs to Murchison Bay and Bugungu Prisons in Kampala and Jinja in Eastern Uganda respectively sharing the gospel with 1,213 of which 432 confessed Christ. We also distributed a consignment of 24 Bibles and 1,250 tracts to the inmates and staff during the outreach. The outreach was fruitful since the prison authority has always sided with such evangelistic outreaches as a tool to empower and rehabilitate the inmates. These activities especially the discipleship programs have been of great help in rehabilitating the inmates that the prison authorities greatly recognize and value the spiritual aspect of the rehabilitation process.

The evangelistic and discipleship outreaches are programs we undertake with the full backing of backing and support of the Prison authority. 

The Community Film Outreach

This month we showed the Jesus film in Masese community with a total of 572 people turning up for the show. At the end of the show upon invitation to give their lives to Christ, 266 children youths and adults surrendered their lives to Christ. A total of 600 booklets and tracts were distributed during the show.

Two drunkards volunteered to do the distribution prior to show and went around mobilizing the masses to come for the movie show. At the end of the show, they were among the 266 who surrendered their lives to Christ. They requested us to come back and do another show.


School Outreaches

Through our school outreach programs this month, we reached a total of 685 pupils in three schools in Kampala region with 322 pupils giving their lives to Christ. Two of these schools; Golden and Good Hope primary schools located around the city were reached through distribution of scripture portions and evangelizing on the school assembly whereas at Eleon Infant School, we are currently running a discipleship program.  Approximately 700 children booklets were distributed during these outreaches.

Through these outreaches, our mode of reaching the children is usually through preaching and distribution of Christian Literature. Our mandate is to reach out to as many children and schools as we can with a broader perspective of salvation and discipleship done on the school assembly.

The Community Bible Clubs

We ministered to a total of 712 children in three community bible clubs in Bulange, Busabala and Kikalamojja in Kampala and Jinja districts respectively. A total of 83 new children joined the three cells this month with 53 of them giving their lives to Christ. The three clubs are undertaking different discipleship programs through which the children are being equipped to become Christ like.

We believe that before we can begin to show children how to live their lives and what principles to build their lives upon, we must first lay a foundation. The only way we can lay a foundation in the lives of our children is to show them that God created them for a reason. It’s for this purpose that we strive to help the children in the community bible clubs to understand that God made them In His Image, To Know Him, but also for a Purpose focusing on what the bible stresses on in Colossians 2:7 Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the Foundation for your life.

Children’s Ministry Workers Training

Through the children workers training this month, we engage 18 teachers in an intense training in Iganga District Eastern Uganda. The training majored on how to affect communities through children and youth ministries covering topics such as; how to evangelize communities through children’s and youth ministries, Development of Communities and Children, Establishing community Children and youth clubs among others. We also provided materials for use in the ministries from the different partners in both English and the local dialect to be used in public and private schools in the communities.

The trainings encompass children and youth leaders serving in schools, churches and communities through whom we establish. The Goal of the training is to equip the leaders so that in return they can also equip the children, mentor the children but also commission them to serve in the different areas of influence. We have witness tremendous change in the attitudes and commitment of the leaders after the trainings trough the years.


 Through the economic empowerment program this month, we trained at total of 33 community women, students and Staff of Masese and Day Star primary school respectively. Through the three hour training,  the trainees were equipped with skills on how to local make quality Vaseline, liquid soap and bar soap for home use and the indigenous market to help them save and raise finances locally so as to become self sustainable in the long run.

 We strongly believe that stimulating a community’s economic life is a key component in bringing restoration to that given community that’s the reason why the economic empowerment programs are one of our key ministry activities are and intend to carry out in the communities. In doing this, emphasis is put on utilizing the available local resources in order to make the program as most cost effective as possible. To the advantage of every community, most of these local resources like Charcoal dust, water, clay and many such resources are readily available waiting to be put in use. That’s why this program is key in improving the well being of the communities.


Please continue to prayer with us for;

·         For the different people running the programs in the communities

·         For financial provision for the different programs.

We would like to thank you for greatly playing part in changing the story of Uganda and supporting the programs here.  Please pray with us for even more partners with a heart and passion for communities. You can support these programs by pressing the DONATE button on top of the page for information on how you can support.

May the good Lord continue to bless and increase you

Yours faithfully

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader


February 2015 Report

Dear Partners

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus and we are grateful for your support towards God’s work and we are very grateful for all that He has been doing and especially using you to accomplish it.

I hereby present to you this month’s ministry activity report praying that it finds you well.


In our children service programs this month, we engaged in school outreaches, and running community bible clubs in and around Kampala.

School Outreaches

In the school outreach programs this month, we reached a total of 1,054 children from Day star, Eleon and Magwa primary schools in Jinja District and Nakulabye slum 3 Kilometers from the city centre. Through these outreaches, We shared the gospel on the school assemblies and also distributing 1,200 children booklets and bibles to the children.

Through this exercise we distributed up to 200 bibles and 1,100booklets to the children.423 children gave their lives to Christ.

Children’s Ministry Leaders Training

This month we had the opportunity to train up to 32 children workers through a leader’s consultative meeting held in Kampala Uganda. The meeting targeted children and youth workers from the central, Eastern and Northern regions who were trained on how to effectively reach and run the children Ministry, tell the Gospel to children, How to communicate to different age groups, Lesson planning and how to develop their own curriculum, Teaching Life Skills to Pre-teens and Teenagers, Child Protection, Advocacy and Wellbeing.

We encouraged the leaders to work towards planting Children Community Bible Clubs with the implementation already underway.

The Community Bible Clubs

Currently we have 12 community bible clubs running in the Eastern and Central parts of the country. These provide discipleship to approximately 2,033 children every weekend in the respective districts. One such club is the Bulange community club located about 4kms from the city centre. The club disciples 120 children on average every weekend from the slums.

This month, through the club meetings we reaped 237 souls for Christ as the clubs met after the break from the third term holidays. With the goal of planting at least 5 new clubs this year, we are yet to witness a growth in these numbers.


In our community outreach programs this month, we were involved in prisons outreaches to 966 inmates in three prisons  and a ministry outreach to the 153 handicapped from Kampala.

Prison Outreach

In the prison outreach programs this month, we reached out to the prisons of Luzira Women, Kirinya remand and Women and also Kampiringisa Juvenile home. A total of 1187 inmates were reached through this program and a total of 345 gave their lives to Christ after sharing the gospel. We distributed 248 bibles to the inmates at the prisons and a consignment of 1,000 gospel tracts.

At Kapiringisa remand Home, besides sharing the Gospel we also made donations of mosquito nets, clothes and shoes to 231 juveniles after a request from the administration for a humanitarian support to the rehabilitation centre. Plans are currently underway to work with the administration to establish a discipleship program at the facility to help in the rehabilitation of the children especially from the streets of Kampala.

Ministry to the Handicapped

In our ministry to the People with disabilities (PWD) this month, we reached out to the handicapped at Kampala school of the Handicapped three Kilometers away from the city centre where we ministered the word of the Lord to the children and also distributed up to 200 scripture portions to 153 children at the facility. This came after the school opened up for the new term.  At least 54 children have their lives to Christ during the outreach.

As part of the discipleship program at the school, we are introducing the children to a six week discipleship curriculum to help root them in their faith.


In our efforts to transform communities and create a legacy of peace, we have labored to reach and empower children and youths who are not just the leaders and church tomorrow but today. One area we have put emphasis in doing this s through the school outreaches where we have had the opportunity to reach and empower them in large numbers through the fellowship groups, life skill programs, discipleship programs but also through scripture placements.

This month, we reached and started a discipleship program at Eleon Infant School Located in the Kasubi slum approximately 3kms from Kampala City. The school was started about two years ago to help rid the increasing rate of illiteracy in the community especially among the children. With the increasing rate of child related crime due to idleness and drug abuse, there has been an increased need for a program to counter the problem hence the establishment of the school. Through the outreach, we shared the gospel with the children of which 27 gave their lives to Christ and we have started a 17 week discipleship program with them. We also engaged in scripture placement program at the school distributing booklets and bibles.


As we progress in the different areas of ministry this year, please continue to prayer with us ;

·         For the children and youth leaders in the respective locations to prosper in all their ministry activities

·         For more souls to be won even as we reach new communities.

We are grateful for every effort and support you have given us and ensuring that we reach the communities with the word of God.


Yours faithfully

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader


January 2015 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the year with anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come knocking at our doors even as I write to you now.  Surely this year is proving to be unique with new ministry doors opening with each evangelistic and humanitarian step we take. We already have 10 districts lined up for us to reach and replicate our programs into from the North, South, West, East and not forgetting the central where we are rapidly replicating these programs.

I am greatly move by what God is already doing and for this reason would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead to the end of the month praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even  greater opportunities  to embrace.


These conferences are designed to help address the different challenges children and youth face in their day today living. These conferences involve parents as well being that they have the greatest influence in the lives of these children. This month we therefore undertook our first two conferences in Mbarara and Rakai Districts 267Kms and 174Kms from Kampala city respectively. 

These four day conferences have greatly impacted 623 children and teens between the ages of  318 years of age in areas of education, life, spirituality, choices, careers and above all the decision to follow Jesus. This has been possible through the different related activities including the life skill sessions, prayer moments, evangelism, positive parental sessions, praise and worship sessions and distribution of Christian Literature.  A total of 800 booklets were distributed through the program with 337 children and youths giving their lives to Christ. Through the conferences better still 35 parents were trained on effective and positive parenting. With the positive response and effectiveness of the program, this has been incorporated in our programs to be carried out annually. We thank God for the new initiative.


The leader’s trainings are conducted to equip and raise trainers from the different leaders for implementation and multiplications of the different programs in the communities.

The training process is divided into three phases with three months between each phase in order for trainees to practice and implement what they have learned.

We had the privilege of sharing and training up to 41 Leaders and Pastors in and around Kyotera and Rakai Districts. The leaders hailed from the local churches in the communities where the need for the church to bear fruit and impact the community is most needed. The communities are highly scourged with poverty as a result of the effect of the HIV/AIDS scourge in the 1980’s robbing the communities of a whole generation. As a result since the would-be bread winners died due to the scourge, many homes are vacant or basically Child led homes. Coupled to this, there are high cases of witchcraft and traditional worship of the gods. These therefore are some of the challenge the church has to encounter.

Through the training, we empowered the leaders on different ways to reach and transform their community’s one of these being through children and youth. Many churches in the ‘less developed’ world are largely comprised of children and young people. In spite of this, ministry to children is often under looked, under resourced or not happening at all. This is tragic, it’s for this reason that through these trainings we try to empower and emphasize the value of investing in these young ones. Through the training one parent attending surrendered her life to Christ.  400 booklets and teaching materials were given to the pastors.


This program was started with the aim of addressing the issue of sexuality highlighting the value and benefits of keeping sexuality pure and why God requires of us to stay pure until marriage. With the increasing cases of teenage pregnancies, defilement, rape, STD/STI among teens, and this program has become necessary as a means to empower and equip the teens/children so as to prepare them as they turn into or live through adolescence.  For instance in Uganda, adolescent pregnancy rates stand at 43% and the rates of STD/ HIV infections among adolescents is higher than in the general public. 

We encouraged the teens to refrain from engaging in sex before marriage and commit to staying pure and abstain from sex. We introduced Christ as an enabler who empowers us to stay committed to his will by the Holy Spirit a moment we used to also ask the children to commit their lives to Jesus.  

98 of the 167 teens between the ages of 10-15 years who participated in the program surrendered their lives to Christ. Clint an 11 year old boy who attended and gave his life to Christ at the end when asked how the program had impacted him stated that he had never heard such counsel from anyone and not even his teachers at school. “Everything you told us is new to me because nobody has ever told me anything like this before. Actually now I understand why people die of Aids” said Clint.  Fortunately 53 parents participated in this program and were encouraged to live pure and exemplary lives. 200 children Life skill booklets were distributed by the end of the program.


In partnership with the Uganda Christian Medical Fellowship, Rock Church Ministries and different hospitals in Kampala, we undertook a medical outreach in this newly formed district carved out of Masaka district in 2010  located 174Kms from the city centre.

As we engaged the district during this outreach, we were ready to face off some of these challenges through the support and donations from different friends and partners of medical supplies worth millions of shillings. With a team of medics from the Christian background, we The program ran simultaneously with evangelism done by different pastors and children workers on the scene.

The five day medical outreaches treated reached over 2,500 people from the communities giving drugs, administering minor and major surgeries, eye clinics, counseling, HIV and Cancer Tests and many other medical cases. We also conducted gospel crusades each day through which the Gospel was shared and multitudes received healing, deliverance and Jesus as their personal Lord and savior. At least 100 children booklets, 2,500 tracts were distributed at the medical centers and crusades and over 520 people gave their lives to Christ through the program.


The Jesus film is one key ministry tool that we use to reach communities. This ministry is so effective that everybody denomination or tribe get hooked to the show and a result we have witnessed even Muslims who come to watch the movie converting to Christianity of Kalungu showing the Jesus Film in the towns trading centre.

Through these outreaches, we reached 722 people seeing at least 332 giving their lives to Christ. Two of these shows were at the crusade whereas the third show was at the conference. These shows brought about a total of 400 tracts and 400 children booklets to be distributed. We rejoice in how impactful the shows are to the communities. Through these Jesus film shows we strive to see that those who don’t know Jesus  develop an understanding of who He was, why He came, and of what He did and also for new believers to become grounded in their new faith.


On the 25th of January 2015, we graduated the first 36 children from the Mailbox Club course that children are undertaking in different communities. Emily Maiso happened to be one of the graduates on this special occasion.

Aged only  13 years, Emily argues out her points with such confidence and faith that it becomes almost impossible to change her perspective of what she has come to believe thanks to the Explorers club discipleship program and her two influential teachers; Derrick and Patrick who faithfully took her through the program. Like 35 of her other contemporaries who participated and also graduated from this 12 week program, Emily has a story of her own to tell in line with the program.

“I am so happy because I didn’t think I would graduate with my friends. I had a lot of challenges including coming to church every Sunday.” She narrates her ordeal as she points to the church building.

Like Emily many of these teenagers have been lured into church through friends, the community bible clubs and awesome discipleship programs running in the communities in partnership with schools and churches like Kansanga Healing Centre where the graduation took place. For Emily’s case, the program attracted her attention after having witnessed children graduate from a previous program she had missed.

“Did you Know that the rapture is going to happen in the end and that the anti-Christ will come and rule the whole world?” she asks me with such a glare like it’s the worst thing that is yet to happen to mankind. This turns into a conversion that would soon attract her counterparts who immediately take me through the different things meant to happen during his (the anti-Christ) reign. She takes center stage as the discussion winds up making sure that she mentions all the other things her counterparts missed out.

This leads me to ask her what she is planning to do with all this information she has obtained. “I will have to tell my friends at school when school resumes. My friends don’t know this and I must tell them so that the anti-Christ doesn’t find them here” she explains with such concern, “I don’t want them to suffer because of him”. Besides this plan, she also looks forward to enroll for the next discipleship program scheduled for February 2015. With children like Emily empowered and bearing a vision of sharing what they have learnt with others, we are set to see their stories changed and the communities transformed with the support of partners like you.


We are set for the following ministry outreaches that we would like you to believe God with us for

·         Four Prison Outreaches

·         A church Planters Training

·         Three Jesus Film Outreaches

·         An outreach to Eastern Uganda

We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs. We can’t help but thank the Lord for this great beginning which we believe is yet to bring a great transformation in these communities especially through the programs and trainings. As we celebrate yet this great achievement, we would also like to take this privilege to thank you for the encouragement and great support you have given us all through.

Yours in Service

Mr. Robert Sebunya



The End of Year 2014 Ministry Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Season Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is fine and that you are experiencing the joy and atmosphere of peace with our God through this Christmas season as we continuously get reminded of His extravagant love for mankind expressed through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Let me begin by taking this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation for all your generous contributions towards the execution of the different organizational programs that have enabled us reach the unreached and neglected in different communities around the country. Your contributions have enabled us meet and exceed our set targets for the year 2014. As we come to the close of the year, we have reached over 30 communities in 15 districts across the country, over 45 schools, 24 prisons, doing evangelistic, humanitarian and vocational trainings and outreaches.  A total of 73,050 people have been reached with the gospel with 38,082 surrendering and recommitting their lives to Christ through the different programs.  Some of the highlights of the year include the outreach to the refugee camps in Adjumani district reaching over 5,000 refugees, the new programs introduced including the Purity campaign program, The Church Planters program and the Community empowerment Vocational training programs. We have established three new fellowship groups in schools and the community bringing the total number to 12 and shown the Jesus Film in 17 communities.  The turnouts of these programs have been so massive thanks to your continued support.








School outreaches done

                   New Schools  10

                   Old Schools    22





Prison outreach Done

                  New Prisons    8

                  Old Prisons     16





Film outreach Done





Trainings conducted                        





Community Health/Humanitarian Outreaches 





Districts Reached 




Children and  Youth Groups

                   New Cells  3

                   Cells    9


2, 133



Churches Reached



People with Disabilities









As we look forward to embrace and reach new districts in 2015, we hope to double the numbers God willingly and impact new communities bringing transformation and creating a legacy of peace. We have received numerous invitations to new communities/districts after the Consultative/ Vision Casting training and The Church planter’s training both conducted early December 2014 with 78 leaders from 35 districts. Our goal for 2015 is to extend these programs to the new communities as we continue to nature leaders to take on the already existing programs. We believe this is possible through God’s help and partners like you.

Thank you once again for your generous financial contributions, knowledge and wisdom expressed through your counsel, the quality time offered, and help in all the other forms.  The greatest part of our success is attributed to our willingness to implement the wealth of ideas given by partners like you. We eagerly look forward to continue partnering with you throughout 2015.

Together with the team at Mercy link foundation Africa, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2015.

May the almighty God bless and reward you bountifully.

Respectfully Yours,

Mr. Robert S. Mpagi



December 2014 Report

Dear Beloved Partner,

Season greetings in mighty name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, I pray that this Christmas season is filled with the beauty, love and joy of Christmas. As the management and staff of Mercy Link Foundation Africa, we would like to send our warm Christmas greetings to you, your staff and family. Through this message, we also express our utter most sincere wishes for peace, happiness and prosperity in the year 2015. We are so o having partnered with you through 2014 in taking the gospel and spreading the love of Jesus to different communities and regions of the country.

We are so thrilled that we are have ended the year better than we begun it having achieved more than we had anticipated thanks to partners like you. It’s on this note that we are excited to brings to you our last ministry activities through the month of December praying that it will bring you even much greater joy and keep the spirit of Christmas burning in you.


Christmas at Mercy Link is a time to give and share with communities in partnership with different organizations, communities and individuals. Through these expressions of love, we bring the true meaning of Christmas that God so loved the world that he Gave His only begotten son (John 3:16).  As a ministry, we celebrate Christmas with the disadvantaged and share the love of Christ with them. This Christmas season, we had the opportunity to do so with three different groups of children; Juveniles at Naguru remand home, Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre and Bulange children’s community club.

Naguru Remand Home and Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre Outreaches

These are two of the biggest Juvenile facilities for child offenders and the homeless in the country. Located in the centre of Kampala and in Mpigi districts respectively, the facilities were set to rehabilitate children ranging from children serving sentences for different crimes committed ranging from theft, manslaughter, drug abuse, drunkenness, crimes related to being idle and disorderly, child street beggars, homeless children rescued from the streets (street children), any other kinds of children in need of rescue.

In our pursuit to reach and share the joy of Christmas with the children, we organized Christmas parties at the facilities in partnership with the Christian Indian community in Uganda, OneHope Uganda, Julies Heart Foundation, Movit and different individuals and partners like you. We distributed Christmas gift hampers, food, snacks and drinks, humanitarian items (clothes, shoes, beddings, cosmetic etc.), Cut Christmas cakes, danced in the midst of games and fun. A Christmas movie was after shown at one of the facilities at Kampiringisa which crowned the whole celebration. A total of 476 Juveniles and 23 staff were beneficiaries of these Christmas parties.

The Bulange Children’s Club Christmas Party

The children from and around Bulange community were also beneficiaries to this event. Together with the Indian community, we reached 153 children at the club and shared Christmas gifts and snacks together with the children. The celebration was further hyped by the presence of Santa Clause who shared with the children the message of Christ after presentations from members of the Indian community. To crown the celebration, every child was given a gift hamper to carry home as a Christmas present.

A total of 629 children and 33 adults were reached through these programs. 421 children surrendered their lives to Christ and a consignment of 650 booklets, 40 tracts, 10 Bibles, and humanitarian items were distributed through the program. Thanks to your generous contribution.


We have been involved in two major trainings this month. These trainings were organized to pave way for the upcoming ministry activities next year. These included the Consultative vision casting Meeting and The Church Planters Training.

 The Church Planters Training

Mercy Link Foundation Africa in partnership with CH Global and GOYE Africa have taken on the initiative to promote and establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that  are capable of sustaining, evangelization and discipling  their own communities. The initiative is to be coordinated and run by trained local Church believers within a specific people group through the church planters program.

The five module church planters training program was initiated in December 2014 beginning with a five day Module 1training program with 30 leaders from six different regions of Northern Uganda, Western, Southern, Eastern, Central and the West Nile region. The trainees comprised of leaders from the Anglican, Pentecostal, evangelical and Baptist backgrounds with a vision to transform and cause change in their communities.The overall vision in this initiative is to produce “A LIVING CHURCH IN EVERY COMMUNITY, PLANTED BY ORDINARY BELIEVERS WHO ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRACTICAL SKILLS AND TOOLS”.

At the end of this program, the church planters had been equipped with knowledge and skills on effective church plant with the main emphasis put on Evangelism addressing questions like Is Evangelism Biblical? What is the most effective way to do evangelism in your local area and why? How do you meet people and talk about Jesus? What should the personal character of a church planter be like?

The church planters program launched is deemed to be a success based on the attitude and zeal the church planters left with. With a population of 34 million people, although 70-80 percent of Ugandan’s claims to be Christian, the church is rife “with dependence and corruption within churches, mega churches preaching prosperity gospel, high levels of violence in communities, high death tolls from AIDS to Malaria, a variety of Muslim insurgencies in the western part of the country – creating an increased need for the church to rise and bring hope to the community.

The Vision Casting Consultative Meeting

We were privileged to engage our different ministry partners, friends, churches and organizations in the first ever vision casting/ consultative meeting at Kampala Evangelical school of theology. The meeting involved a total of 64 individuals from 13 churches and 10 organizations. Through the meeting, we shared on children ministry and highlighted the different ways through which children ministry can be used as a bridge between the church and the community. Through this, we also showcased different curriculums, children materials, and programs we have started to and how these have impacted the communities.

Through this program, we also had 6 different organizations showcase their services and products including the OneHope Uganda, Family Life Network, KiBO Foundation, KEST, Teens For Christ and the 4/14 window. The purpose of this program was to bring together the local church/ministries and different organizations so that they would share different ideas, services and resources and better reach and serve the communities. Through the program, we had moments of interactions among the different stakeholders, and partnerships formed to better effectiveness in the different ministries. Thanks be to god for this initiative and the different stakeholders in the program.


We have had the privilege to show the Jesus film five times this month. These have been done in four communities around he country. These include Nsoono in Namayingo District, Bugiri District, Kitigoma in Jinja District and Kampiringisa in Mpigi District.

Two of these movies were shown in a school setting with students one at Nsoono Child Development Center and at the Victory Church children and youth Conference in Kitigoma Jinja.  Three of the other shows happened in the communities involving participants from those communities whereas one particular movie happened at the Juvenile home in Kampiringisa Rehabilitation Centre. The shows begun with distribution of children Booklets, tracts and other Christian literature to the masses in the community, a special session of praise, worship and short inspiration stories for the children; and then Christian music and audio invitation through the PA system during the set up. The movies attracted a total of 1,893 people.

Through the shows, a total of 937 people came to the saving knowledge of Christ. 1200 children booklets, 800 tracts and booklets distributed. As a measure to effectively follow-up the new converts, we partnered with the community churches to do this being that the converts’ come from these communities.


We took the purity campaign program to Jinja this month. Being that schools have been closed for the year, we have not had the opportunity to reach more children other than at the Victory Centre Church jinja youth conference.

The conference was organized under the theme “Preparing the youth for the Future.” The theme clearly falls in line with the purity campaign program. And so to do this, we engaged the youth ad children in a sexuality discussion where we highlighted different aspects in sexuality including Sex and its Misuse, the purpose of sex, and when to engage in sex. Through the discussions, we encouraged the youngsters to abstain from sexual practice and wait until marriage. This is a great step in a district where child sexual abuse are common with defilement being the highest form of child sexual abuse according to adult respondents that participated in a recent survey, at 47.4% for adults and 33% for children. This is closely followed by use of a sexually suggesting language (bad language) at 19%, fondling (bad touches) at 13%, CSEC at 10.3%, exposure to pornography at 6.3% and exposure of sexual organs by adults to children at 4%. These statistics clearly portray how necessary this program needs to be undertaken in this district.

A total of 73 youths were reached through the program and of these 23 gave their lives to Christ having invited them to commit their lives to Christ. We also encourage them to commit themselves to staying virgins until marriage. In so doing, they signed the Love waits commitment cards and thereafter dedicated themselves to staying single until marriage.


Typically people in prisons are poor and struggle with related issues such as addiction. There is another characteristic, however, that has not been well recognized. A disproportionate number of prisoners come from families where at least one other family member or relative was incarcerated. Women charged with offences differ significantly from their male counterparts. The average female offender is between the ages of 20 and 34 with an education of less than high school. Two-thirds of these women are mothers and two-thirds of them are the sole caregivers of their children. Similar percentages of women have unaddressed physical or mental health problems. This therefore leaves the lives of these children and families at a fix.

This Christmas, we decided to celebrate the festival with the women at Luzira prison. With a total of about 150 women, we reached the prisoners with the gospel sharing the hope and Joy of Christmas. Coupled to this, we also carried along humanitarian items, gifts and a Christmas cake to share with the inmates. In the course of the celebration, we shared the Gospel and 71 women gave their lives to Christ. This as then followed by a session of cutting the Christmas cake, eating and drinking and distribution of the humanitarian items.

Besides this outreach, we were also involved in other prison outreaches to Bugiri prison, Luzira prison, Murchison Bay Prison, Kirinya men and women prisons and Kasangati Prison. A total of 6,422 in mates were reached and 3,134 surrendered their lives to Christ, 6,500 booklets distributed, and consignments of humanitarian items distributed.


Kampiringisa is a children’s home/facility built to cater for the rehabilitation of children. It caters for children got from the streets (street children), child offenders, and any other kinds of children in need of rescue. Today, the facility caters for about 500 children of Karamajong origin rescued from the streets having been used to beg for money, children serving sentences for different crimes committed ranging from theft, manslaughter, drug abuse, drunkenness etc, and street children arrested for being idle and disorderly. All these are kept at the facility meant to help rehabilitate them.

Among the many challenges faced at the institution is the challenge of effective rehabilitation. There is little planning around the welfare, rehabilitation or ongoing training of the children in care at the centre.  Although vocational training rooms were constructed, they appear not to be equipped or in use as the children wander aimlessly around the complex with little or nothing to occupy them. This could possibly be because there are not enough staff with the right skills and motivation to mind the children; hence service provision to the children suffers.

For this reason, starting 2015, in addition to our Tuesday visits to the centre, we are considering on starting a discipleship program(s) with the children at the centre.  This program will engage the children in different bible related topics and lessons. Coupled to this, we will also introduce life skill, vocational and purity campaign programs as we look at affecting the lives of the children holistically. With the backing of the administration we believe this will help cub on the crime rate in the city and make the nation a better place being that almost every street child gets to be brought to this centre in their life time. In other wards is a perfect catchment area for such a program. So please pray with us in this area. 


We still believe God in these areas in which we pray that you will stand with us I prayer

·       Believe with us that 2015 will even yield greater results that 2014.

·      Continue praying for an increase in our Budget: Pray that God will avail us with more funding to help us meet our targets and reach the new communities.

·      Mission Car (4 Wheel Drive): We still believe God for a missions car that would enable us reach these communities at a cheaper cost being that renting these cars is so costly with our budget unable to meet the costs.

·       Believe God with us for even new partners.


·         Reach and establish our programs in new districts in 2015

·         Continue with the church planters programs

Thank you once more for your prayer support and all the vital encouragement it brings into any ministry. We look forward to serving with in the year 2015.

God Bless You

Robert- Director


November 2014 Report

Hello Beloved

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus; I pray that all is fine and well.

As we come to a close of yet another phenomenon month, we have been privileged to once again affect communities through our transformational and discipleship programs fulfilling the great commission of reaching the world with the great good news of the gospel. This month, we have been able to do follow-ups, reach new communities through schools outreaches, leader’s trainings, movie shows, distribution of Christian literature, and above all making arrangements to yet again reach new districts. I am thrilled therefore to bring to you this report and updates on what’s transpiring.


In our purity campaign program this month, we were privileged to reach out to six Schools in Kampala, Jinja Buyikwe and Bugiri. These include Kasubi SS, Shiperoy Primary School, Makonge Modern P/S, Bugiri Modern P/S, Day star and God’s Gift primary schools. We addressed the issue of sexuality highlighting the value and benefits of keeping sexuality pure and why God requires of us to stay pure until marriage. Through this session, we also addressed the challenge and dangers of Homosexuality. We encouraged the students to commit to staying pure and abstain from sex and its misuse highlighting the costs of doing so. We introduced Christ as an enabler who empowers us to stay committed to his will by the Holy Spirit a moment we used to also ask the children to commit their lives to Jesus.

A total of 925 children from the upper sections were reached through this program and 431 children surrendered their lives to Christ.  As a measure to seal their commitment to staying sexuality pure, we encouraged them to sign the commitment cards which would remind them of their commitment to stay pure until marriage. 914 True Love Waits Commitment cards in these schools were signed by the students. We are set to undertake follow-up programs as a measure to help them stick to their commitments starting next term. A consignment of 925 life skill booklets was distributed during the program.


The Jesus film is one of the tools we use to reach to the communities. Through this ministry, we engage and share the gospel through the Jesus film which has proved to be great success as we have witnessed many people come to the saving knowledge of Christ over the years. Two communities were reached this motn using the Jesus film and these include Kiyindi in Buyikwe and Namuganza in Bugiri district.

Kiyindi is located in Eastern Buyikwe district along the shores of Lake Victoria, the community is densely populated with the populace settling in the different slum communities on the shores of the lake. Fishing is the major economic activity in the community and numerous small scale businesses are carried out in the different market areas in the slums found in this community. We strategized to show the Jesus movie in one of these local slum markets in the community. The show attracted 523 people being predominantly children. As the movie commenced, the market was filled up with people encouraging the market vendors prolong their stay in the market. Tracts and booklets were some of the literature we distributed throughout the show.

A total of 1,223 people were reached through the two shows and we saw 672 children, youth and adults give their lives to Christ.  1,000 children booklets were distributed to the children and youths and 300 tracts distributed before and after the movie.


We have been privileged to conduct two leaders’ trainings in two districts of Buyikwe and Namayunga. Located in the eastern parts of the country Namayunga is the newest district we have so far reached this year. We engaged the Nsoona community conducting a leaders training at Nsoona Child Development Centre. This vision casting training attracted a total of 48 leaders from 21 churches with the leaders being trained on how to engage communities through children and youth ministries. This training was organized courtesy of a compassion project in the community that caters for community children. During the training, the participants were challenged to reach and affect communities around them through the different programs introduced during the training. We are scheduled for the next training early next year.

A similar training was conducted in Kiyindi Buyikwe district that saw 43 leaders under the rock church ministries from the Eastern, Western and Central Uganda trained on how to affect communities through establishment of community bible clubs. Through this training, we shared on how to establish a community club, why and when to set it and the benefits there of to the community and the church in general. The participants subscribed to this ideology and committed to start clubs in the communities as we availed them with the necessary resources required to run the clubs including the curriculums.

A total of 91 leaders were trained through these programs with 500 booklets, 1, 000 tracts and 91 teachers’ booklets given to the leaders from the 28 churches represented at the trainings.


In our school outreach this month we managed to reach six schools through the evangelistic programs this month on the school assemblies in the different schools in Kampala, Jinja, Buyikwe, Namayingo and Bugiri. A total of five primaries and one secondary school were reached through the programs. Through the programs, our emphasis was put on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children that saw 2,455 children reached through the program. This is an initiative aimed at seeing that children are reached with the gospel and help to make the right decisions through the life skill programs conducted in the schools.

One particular school where this outreach had the greatest impact was at Makonge public primary school in Kiyindi Buyikwe district. The school hosts over 1,000 pupils coming from the different slum communities in this vast village. Located on the shore of lake Victoria, the school provides education services to the many children found in the communities belonging to fishermen and businessmen who inhabit the community. We shared the salvation story being that it was our first time to encounter this school. They had knowledge on the Jesus story as we later got to realize that the teaching staff is comprised of some pastors from the community churches. We distributed a consignment of tracts and booklets to the children to aid in their discipleship and better understanding of the commitment they had just made. At the end of the sharing, 533 children raised their hands to make a commitment to the Lord.

A total of 1,113 children gave their lives to Christ and 2,200 booklets and 500 tracts to the teaching and non teaching staff were distributed through the school outreaches.


In our economic empowerment program this month we brought together 50 paticipants from Day Star Primary school, God’s Gift primary school and “Awammu Ne Katonda” Women’s Group from the Kikalamoja Community. The training was based on manufacturing homemade petroleum jelly/Vaseline using both local and industrial raw materials. This two hour training saw the participants who comprised mainly of pupils from both schools, staff and women learn how to make both ordinary and herbal Vaseline locally. At the end of which the participants walked away with Vaseline of their own. They were encouraged to share this knowledge with the other children and staff.

From lessons learnt from the previous trainings, Day Star primary school has resorted on manufacturing their own liquid soap which is being done on a large scale. This has greatly reduced on the coast of buying liquid soap from the market. The school is already seeking tender to supply soap to other schools both in and out of jinja. With this lesson learnt, the school is planning to start on a program to make “Day Star Vaseline.” We bless God for this tangible returns from this program.


Through our prison outreach this month, we have engaged five prisons of Bugungu, Luzira, Maluku, Bugiri and Kasangati Prisons. During our outreach to Bugiri prison, we shared the gospel with 135 inmates. Through this outreach, we also got the opportunity to talk to the OC of the main prison who thanked us for the job well done. He encouraged us to improvise for the police officers as well noting that as much as the inmates need spiritual and physical help, the inmates are in need as well something we will take into consideration on our next visit.

Through the outreaches 3,121 were reached with 1,112 inmates giving their lives and rededicating their lives to Christ and consignments of humanitarian items were donated to the inmates and 10 Bibles.


In partnership with Julie’s Heart Foundation and OneHope Uganda, we engaged in an evangelistic/humanitarian outreach cu rrently catering for over 200 children. Prior to this outreach, we were able to mobilize some mosquito nets, blankets, baby and children clothes, sweets, booklets and some financial gifts towards this cause. The outreach involved a moment of singing, dancing, games and fun. Trough this time, we sang and taught new songs and also that we danced to together with the children and youth at the facility. This had an embedment of fun and laughter. We also had moments of children speaking the karamojong dialect brought from the streets singing praise and worship songs to the team and the whole congregation. The sessions had moments of introduction, sharing and a bible story telling with a story told from the Raising Hope Curriculum about Nehemiah with the emphasis put on the rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Through the lesson, the children were urged to develop the habit of working together towards achieving the set goals at the centre and in doing so; they will develop the lifestyle of living in unity and supporting one another. With the help of the administration, this culture is to be introduced and maintained with every incoming child at the facility. The session was concluded with a moment of prayer with the children raising their hands to be prayed for, for God to change their stories and deliver them from their predicaments. It’s also during this time that we gave them the opportunity to make Jesus their Lord and Savior to which 86 children responded to and raising their hands to make Jesus their Lord and savior.

To crown the moment, we officially handed in all the humanitarian items bought to the administration at the facility in the midst of cheers and shouts from the children. The children sang songs of jubilation as they received the items from the team. The administrator thanked the team for having thought and reached out to the institution through this program and requested us to continue doing so as the need is still vast. With this in consideration, we scheduled our next visit to be on the Tuesday 16th December 2014 when we look forward to celebrate Christmas with the children at the centre.


The first recorded case of HIV in Uganda was recorded in Rakai district and the district has been hard hit by the disease. Since the disease was discovered in Rakai in 1982, millions of people have died, leaving behind more than 1.2 million orphans. For this reason, the district has been labeled ground zero. The scourge has reduced life expectance, depleted the country’s labor force, reduced food security and weakened educational and health services in the country.  As a result, poverty has terribly encroached on the population affecting almost all the spheres of influence especially the education sector.

After the scourge hit in the early 80’s many adults died leaving behind many children and as a result, today, the children do not go to school because they do not have money to cater for their school dues. Generally, the children have no one to turn to, to cater for their food and clothes and so have found a safe haven on the streets living as street children. As a result, these factors above have lured the energetic slum dwelling youths into venturing in crime related activities like drug abuse, robbery, prostitution, demonstration and strikes, murder, child sacrifice, rape and defilement etc. in a measure to cub this vice, the capital city authority together with the police have engaged in a campaign to round up these children and relocate them in the outskirts of the city at one of the places the children dread; Kampiringisa rehabilitation Centre.

Uganda may have reduced the rate of new infections per year, but the current infection rate of 375 young people (15-24) per day is still very high. This year’s World AIDS Day theme is: “Getting to Zero; My responsibility.” We are already walking this theme through our ministry outreaches to the rehabilitation centre. We believe when we do empower these children at the centre, we will help bring this scourge to zero. The rehabilitation centre is so strategic because at least once in a life lifetime, every street child gets to be detained at the centre. This is one catchment area where these children can be reached. Using the “Raising Hope” curriculum and Life Skill programs at the centre we are set to rehabilitate and nature these children into becoming better people in the future. We are currently working with approximately 500 children and youth at the rehabilitation centre and Naguru Juvenile home a detention centre for juveniles. Through our first ministry outreaches to the centre, we have donated humanitarian items to the children including blankets, bed sheets, mosquito nets, clothes, shoes etc. we are currently raising support for a Christmas party for the children at the facility on the 16th December 2014.

One greatest challenge in line with running this program is the Raising Hope curriculum. We ran out of the booklets and manuals after the outreach to Adjumani and have since had challenges using the curriculum. So please pray with us in this area.


As we come to the close of the year, our prayer requests are as follows

  1. Pray for the next outreach program to Eastern Uganda
  2. Pray for the forth coming Church planters training in Uganda
  3. Pray and believe with us for new doors in new communities.
  4. Pray for commitment and strength for the different partners in the communities where we have programs running.
  5. Pray for the program at Kampiringisa Rehabilitation home.

We still believe God for ministry car (Four Wheel) so please believe God with us for this.


We are set for a

  1. Follow-up program to Namayingo District
  2. Christmas party at Kampiringisa rehabilitation Centre
  3. Eastern Uganda Outreach
  4. The Church planters program

 We are truly grateful for all the support and encouragement we constantly receive as we embark on these ministry outreaches. You can continue to support these programs by financially or giving in kind by clicking the DONATE button and using any of the options provided.

May the almighty God bless you

Yours faithfully



October 2014 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. The Lord has been good and caused us to yet again prosper and sail through our set goals for this month.

We feel obligated to share with you in detail these accomplishments through this report.  It’s through you generous contribution towards the ministry that we are enabled to do all that we have been and are still doing. Feel free to find this report and other ministry activities on


This month has been phenomenon as we reached 7 schools this month alone.  This include two schools in Jinja, four in Kampala, one in Bugiri, and one in Wakiso district.  Of the eight schools reached three were schools not previously reached where as the rest were schools that in which we have discipleship programs running.

A total of 4,028 Pupils and students have been reached through these outreach programs. During these outreaches, we shared with the children about the salvation of man starting right from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden to the resurrection of Christ and his invitation to us to believe in Him.  A total of 2,023 students responded to the gospel. Up to 4,200 children booklets and 100 tracts were distributed to children.

THE JESUS FILM SHOW                                                                         

The “Godman” is an intriguing Jesus movie we have used to reach and penetrate the communities. This time round, the effects of this movie has been great as we engage three communities this month. These include Makindye community, The YMCA and Namuganza community in Bugiri District.

A total of 2,403 attended the movie shows from the three locations with the Majority being children.  The communities were so receptive to show as even Muslims responded to the show watching the movie and reading from the children booklets distributed in communities like Namuganza in Bugiri. A total of 1,501 people gave their lives to Christ through the movie outreaches. 1,000 children booklets and 1400 tracts were distributed.


We have had the opportunity to reach out to a total of four prison and a juvenile home this month. Thee include, Bulawula prison in Bugiri district, Masindi Prison, Kamuli Prison, Kigo prison kampiringisa and Bugungu Prison.

Masindi district was one of the prisons in which we conducted an outreach in partnership with Rock Church Ministries. The prison houses up to about 1,345 inmates a number we found in the lock in that day. Through the head of the prison, we had the opportunity to speak to the inmates at the square. We share under the theme “God loves you because you are special.” During the sharing we highlighted a number of bible characters who went through prison on their way to success. As the sharing ended with an invitation made to receive Christ, 221 inmates made a commitment to accept Jesus and become His disciples. 

Through the ministry, we reached 6,040 inmates and introduced them to a number discipleship tools which when undertaken will take a period of one year. One key aspect we emphasized on some of the prisons like Masindi prison was the issue of Baptism which having received affirmation from the inmates on the need for it to be undertaken. At least 2,390 inmates gave their lives to Christ through this program. A consignment of 4,000 tracts in Kiswahili, and Luganda were distributed to the staff and inmates, over 150 discipleship materials, and financial support to both the staff and inmates.

LEADERS TRAINING                                     

We have been privileged to have conducted three 17 stories trainings this month. Masindi, Bugiri and Kamuli are three of the districts where these trainings have taken place. 144 leaders from 50 churches were involved  in these children ministry trainings. These trainings highlighted the value of children ministries to a church, ‘how to evangelize communities through children’s ministries and why the church needs to put much emphasis on grooming these ministries. The training was to pave way for the upcoming training specifically organized for children and youth leaders.

Through this training, we introduced the leaders a number of curriculum’s and booklets.


Purity Talk Workshops                     

We had these happening in three schools in Jinja and Bugiri. These workshops focus on promoting purity especially spiritual and sexual purity in the lives of children. Through the program, we engage the children in life skill programs related to sex and sexuality, body change, children rights and well being, abstinence in which we also incorporate biblical aspects of right living.

Through this program, we looked at addressing the challenge of early sex and misuse of sex through different sex practices. The children were advised to desist from the temptation of engaging in early and various sex practices but wait till the right time. They were also equipped with measures to curb the escalating challenge of child sex abuse. Through the programs, the children were asked to make commitments to abstain and stand their ground a moment that had children breaking down and cry even as they did so. At least 583 children were impact through the program this week and a consignment of 600 Life Skill books and tracts given out to the participants.

Workshop with Street Children and Child Offenders

Kampiringisa is a children’s home/facility built to cater for the rehabilitation of children. It caters for children got from the streets (street children), child offenders, and any other kinds of children in need of rescue. Today, the facility caters for about 295 children of Karamajong origin rescued from the streets having been used to beg for money, children serving sentences for different crimes committed ranging from theft, manslaughter, drug abuse, drunkenness etc, and street children are brought in for being idle and disorderly. All these are kept at the facility meant to help rehabilitate them.

During the outreach, we shared the Gospel with the children and gave them an opportunity to receive Christ. 156 of which did respond to the gospel. We commenced the event with a book and sweet distribution something that excited the children. We are set in partnership with the authorities to undertake life skill programs at the facility. 300 booklets and 80 tracts were distributed during the program.

THE KAMPALA CITY CARNIVAL                                         

We were privileged to be part of the 2nd Kampala City carnival. The annual festival is held in October every year and this happened to be the second of such gathering people from every walk of life, different districts and communities. As the events at the carnival unfolded, we engaged in an evangelistic drive distributing children booklets, tracts and flyers. We actively participated in the children activity sharing about Christ and sharing the story of Jesus in written form but also reaching to the parents and general populace in general.

Through this activity, we distributed 2,000 booklets to the children and 5,000 tracts and flyers to the adults through the event.  Please pray for the seeds which were cast on this day to flourish


One unique aspect of the outreach this month was the Purity campaign program. Through this program, we had the opportunity to share with different children on the issue of sex focusing on homosexuality and its dangers. This was a strange concept to many of the children being that such information is not usually shared freely with the pupils. With the number of such cases and cases of early child sex on the increase, there is great need to take on this campaign.

During the program at one of the Primary schools, we shared on the topic and other different child abuse practices that affect the lives of children. Through the sharing, we hinted on the areas of child sacrifice, witchcraft, sorcery, cannibalism and other related issues that affect children especially in communities like Kitigoma and Masese in jinja. During the sharing when asked if the children were familiar or had come across such scenarios the children were I agreement and when asked if this ever occurred in their families, one of the boys through a lot of struggle raised his hand confessing that his family was engage in much sorcery and cannibalism. To crown the session, we asked the children to repent and pray for the families in line with these areas a moment that saw the children breakdown and weep as they cried out to God to deliver their families.


Our prayer request this month are

  1.  Pray with us for the Church Planters Program in December
  2. Continue to pray for an increase in our monthly Budget so that we may be in position to reach and implement programs new and old districts/Islands that may open up for the program
  3. There is also a great need for a ministry car that would enable us to access these areas.


 As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

  •  Undertake the Church \Planters program
  •  Reach out to Budaka district one of the most dominated Islam  dominated communities.
  • Replicate the Economic empowerment programs in different communities, 
  • Replicate the discipleship programs in Bugungu Prison and other prisons in the Eastern Region.

 We thank God for all that you are doing to make us able to reach and impact these communities. Your prayers and financial support has given us this privilege to transform communities and create a legacy of peace. Thank you for all that you are doing and for your generous support towards the successful implementations of thee programs. Your prayers and financial support create a great difference in the communities and lives of thousands even as we work towards transforming communities and creating a legacy of peace. You can continue to support these programs by financially or giving in kind by clicking the DONATE button and using any of the options provided.

 May the almighty God bless you.

Yours in Service                                                  

 Robert Sebunya – Team Leader



September 2014 Report

Greetings Beloved,

Calvary greetings in the name of Jesus; I pray all is fine. I am grateful for your commitment to visit and love to know more about our ministry activities. I together with the team, are grateful for all that you do and continuously pray for you for wealth, well being and success in all that you do.

We are privileged to once again share the ministry program accomplishments through this monthly update report through which we bring to you our ministry accomplishments. I pray this will encourage and cause you to desire to continue or subscribe to support any of our ministry activities through the different ways availed. This report and other ministry information are also readily available on our BlogSpot ( So be free to visit the links and get to know more about us and the ministry activities.


The rural communities have been the backbone of the ministry where many of our ministry activities are actively running. In our missions outreach to rural communities program this month, we were privileged to have been part of a community transformation outreach program in Pallisa District. Located in the Eastern part of the country, Pallisa is bordered by Budaka, Manafwa, Mbale and other numerous districts. Unlike other surrounding districts, Pallisa had been on our list of new districts to reach and with this opportunity; this brings the total of the districts of our operation to 12.

The Maizimasa Evangelistic Outreach

Located in Pallisa district, on this mission outreach, we engaged the community church leaders in a leader’s seminar. This seminar attracted a total of 56 leaders from the community. Through this seminah, we trained the leaders on effective ministry using children and youth ministries, discipleship, community based projects and community health programs. One focus we entirely put our focus on was the issue of starting up a children and youth community bible club  in the community something we implemented at the end of the training establishing the first children Club comprised of 134 children and a youth club of 48 youths.

We crowned the four day event with a crusade and Christian movie shows attracting 813 locals from the community characterized by sessions of healing, deliverance and salvation for non believers.

Through the outreach, at least 2,100 tracts, 1,000 children and youth booklets were distributed and 213 people gave their lives to Christ.


In our urban community ministry outreach this month, we reached the slum of Katanga. Katanga is a slum community about three Kilometers from Kampala city. It’s part of Makerere community. The community harbors Marijuana –smoking hooligans, who rob people moving through to their homes owning to its being notorious for crime and hooliganism.  From the high rate of crime that characterizes the area to the children abandoned by the parents who spend most of their time in drinking joints, the community has accommodated all.  This community is home to low-income earners including petty traders, taxi touts, food vendors, local brew dealers and casual laborers attributing to the high level of poverty and slummy environment. The community accounts for one of the highest numbers of street children arising as a result of death, abandonment and mistreatment from their parents. These factors above have already lured the energetic slum dwelling youths into venturing in crime related activities like drug abuse, robbery, prostitution, demonstration and strikes, murder, child sacrifice, rape and defilement etc.

Through the film ministry, we engaged the community not only by showing the Jesus film but also distributed tracts and booklets and conducted a mini crusade through which we made an invitation for the youth and children to make Jesus their personal Lord and savior. A total of 327 children and youths from the slum came for the show and 213 gave their lives to Christ. 400 children booklets were distributed and a number of tracts.


The Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) Wandegeya, Katanga Slum and Prisons

The past week has been tremendous in as far as the accomplishment of this program has been concerned. In partnership with The Mustard seed foundation, we have established our first Peer discipleship group in YMCA Wandegeya right here in Kampala. The group upon its first meeting had up to 15 students at the faculty of over 4,000 students and two weeks down the road almost 30 students have joined the group with number steadily rising. Through this program we are leading the participants in a bible study discipling program in which they are required to read at least three chapters a day and meet once a week in their discussion study groups to share their experiences and go through the study guide. Through these groups, the members have the opportunity to invite their friends especially the non believers, to join, get converted and disciple in the group and later invited to join the church a measure of reaching those who are not willing to come to church.  In line with this, we are set to have a campus crusade at the school premise in two weeks time.

We are underway starting a similar program in Katanga Slum. Together with the churches in the community, we look forward to engage the youth’s and teens in the community in a similar program tailor made for the slums.  Through this program, we hope to establish clubs through which they will be engaged and be discipled to become better people in the community.  With the trainings underway and the grounds set for the activities through the different community activities like film shows and mini crusades already taking place, we believe to take effect as soon as possible beginning with a children’s club and move to and teens/youth clubs in a measure to reach families and transform the community.


As schools opened for the new term, we were privileged to be involved in two school outreaches. This month, we managed to reach two schools within Kampala namely Family Primary school and Good Hope Nursery and Primary school.

Family primary school is one that has joined a fleet of new schools reached this year. With doors open to do life skill lessons and establish a fellowship group in the school, we engaged the school through an evangelistic outreach on the school assembly where we ministered to 360 children and 13 teachers. Through the outreach we shared the gospel highlighting the finished work at the cross after which we invited the children to receive Jesus as Lord with 289 children and 6 teachers making the decision. We are set to start a discipleship program at the school through one of the teachers and also continue with life skill programs for the upper class.

Talking of life skill lessons, we resumed with the program at Good Hope Primary school with a review of the lessons done in the previous term. Through this, we started a discipleship program of the 17 stories for about 185 children from the lower class. This program is already underway with teaches participating in the implementation process of the program.

At least 400 booklets and 30 tracts were through this program.


Mercy link believes that people with disabilities are an integral part of the society. We believe children with disabilities have the potential to lead a fulfilling life and to contribute to the social, cultural and economic vitality of their communities. This belief has therefore build a foundation to support and advocate for children/people with disabilities through its arm called “Hidden Children”.

This month, we had the privilege to partner with the Indian Community in Kampala and had an outreach to the children at the school. Through the initiative we had the privilege to donate humanitarian items to the children and share a number of ideas and encouragement with the children. This mission was meant to build hope and self confidence in the children.  At the end of the outreach, the children had the privilege to share with the visitors o different topics and dine together to build abound between themselves. We were privileged to be a bridge between the two.

We have also been instrumental in building skills in the children this month through our life skill program in which we shared a number a number of topics ranging from Respect, God Manners, Sexuality and Time Keeping. These skills we believe are helping them cope up with the challenging trend the world today is operating on. About 168 children have benefited from this program this month.


This month, we have had the privilege to reach out to four prisons of Maluku in Mbale, Kasangati, Murchison Bay and Bugungu Prisons. These outreaches have been evangelistic but also emphasizing the discipleship in the prisons where the discipleship programs are running. Through thes outreaches, we have shared the gospel with at least 6,536 inmates with 2,135 giving and recommitting their lives to Christ. We have also given 96 bibles in English and Luganda, tracts and booklets for them to read. Coupled to this, we have also given a number of humanitarian items to improve on their day to day living. We thank God for you for its your generous support enabling us reach the inmates.


Professor Charles Wambebe

Mr. Charles Wambebe was a professor of Pharmacology at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and Georgetown University Medical Centre, Washington DC, USA. He worked with the WHO and also served as Pioneer Director General of the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja, Nigeria. Professor Wambebe received many international and national awards including The Academy of Science for the Developing Countries (TWAS) prize in Medical Sciences and Building Scientific Institutions in Africa. Furthermore, Professor Charles Wambebe is a Fellow of TWAS, Africa Academy of Science, Nigeria Academy of Science, among others. In a vision in 2007, the Lord called Professor Wambebe into Apostolic Ministry and commanded him to plant churches starting in villages in Uganda. The Lord also directed that the core of the ministry would be discipleship. In obedience to the call by God, he obeyed and launched Rock Church Ministries in Kiyindi Village, Uganda in April 2008 with a discipleship seminar for about 100 Pastors and Church elders. Subsequently, Rock Church Ministries has been launched in Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria with over 42 branches.

Through a training program with alpha Uganda, we got in touch with the pastor of Rock Church Bugiri who later introduced us to the professor. We have been privileged to partner with Professor Wambebe, launching children and youth ministries in the different Rock Churches around the country. Coupled to this, together through the discipleship, crusades and Community film ministry, we are helping strengthen and launch new Rock ministry Churches in the communities. Today, we have helped the ministry secure a permission letter to different prisons and we are grateful to partner with such a selfless ministry.


We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

1.    We still believe God for finances to facilitate our programs and a ministry car.

2.    As school commences, we are faced with a challenge of raising fees for some of the children under our girl child and Hidden children programs. Pray for partners in this area who will commit themselves to stand with these children.

3.    The Month of October is an engaging month for us in whom we are looking forward to penetrate the new districts of Masaka, Luwero, Masindi and Mpigi districts. We also look forward to engage new schools in and outside Kampala. Please pray for Gods direct. ion and favor


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

·         Reach out to 12 new schools in and outside Kampala

·         Train at least 150 leaders in children and youth Ministry

·         Engage 5 new communities

·         Do follow-ups in two districts.

We thank God for the generous contribution of our partners towards the success of the program financially and through prayer. As you realize all these programs require finances without which, we may not fully accomplish that that we ought to do. Please do pray with us for even more partners that we may be in position to reach even more communities. If you would like to support this ministry in any way, do not hesitate to contact us through any of our links provided. For any financial support, please kindly Click on the DONATE button on the top of the page for detail.

May the good Lord continue to bless and increase you.

Yours faithfully

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader


August 2014 Report

 Dear Partner,

I once again greet you in the mighty name of Jesus and I am grateful for all that the Lord has enabled us in partnership with you to accomplish this month. That is why we are so grateful to those of you who have remained faithful, and those who have stepped in and are making sure this work not only continues but continues to grow; whether it is standing with us in prayer or support in any other form. This is truly God’s work and we are very grateful for all that He has been doing. We are very grateful that the Lord has been using many of you to accomplish it.

As you may have already noticed, we offer information in regards to ministries, events, missions and learning and growth opportunities that are taking place here. Combined with our blog (, our goal is to connect you to what is happening within the organization. It’s on this note that I present to you this month’s ministry activity report.


In a quest to reach and bring transformation to the unreached communities, we have embarked on engaging in purposed mission outreaches to rural communities where the impact of the Gospel has not been greatly experienced. It’s on this account that this month we reached the two rural communities in Masaka and Buyikwe Districts.

The Misenyi Evangelistic Outreach

Misenyi is a rural community in Bukulula Sub County in Masaka District. Masaka is a gateway to the western part of Uganda and it’s through this district that most commuters’ en-route to the western districts travels. This outreach was organized with the intention of reaching the communities church leaders, children and youth but also the entire community since it’s greatly influenced by witchcraft, Islam and traditional beliefs, causing a strong resistance to the gospel. Together with The Rock Ministries, we faced this challenge in a threefold approached using a leaders seminar, a crusade and film as means to reach the community.

The leader’s seminar attracted a total of 35 leaders from the community churches and surrounding towns through which we empowered the leaders on effective ministry using children and youth ministries, discipleship, community based projects and community health programs. Through the training, we introduced different tools and curriculum to enhance this with the ministries and encouraged the leaders to involve the church in their execution.

We also had open air crusades in the evenings where we shared the Gospel inviting the masses to give their lives to Christ. The crusades attracted about 500 of the masses in the community who experienced the healing and deliverance power of the Lord. The word was seasoned and presented to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the masses with a multitude of masses coming forward to receive healing, deliverance and give their lives to Christ. Children and youth were not neglected as special sessions were organized for them that also involved distribution of booklets. The crusades commenced with the Christian movies that attracted even more masses as these happened at night encouraging even those who would have otherwise not come due to fear to show up.

Through the outreach, at least 3,500 tracts were distributed, 1,000 children and youth booklets, five visuals and a number of other Christian literature.

The Kiyindi Evangelistic Outreach

Kiyindi is another rural village in Buyikwe district east of the country. The eastern region is predominantly Muslim dominated. Iganga in the eastern district has the highest percentage of Muslims in the country. Buyikwe like its counterpart is predominantly Muslim with major mosques distributed in a radius of at least 1-2 km/s to cater for the high numbers of Muslims in the communities.  This has therefore caused less Christian activity and impact of the gospel in the region due to oppression and opposition. The church leaders due to the rural locations of the churches have not had access to adequate trainings and resources to use to win souls and have an impact in the communities.

In conjunction with Rock Church Kiyindi, we conducted a leader’s vision casting training with a total of 70 pastors and church elders. This training was aimed at equipping the leaders on the dynamics of ministry visa vie the ever changing trend of life style. Through the training, we also shared some of the dynamics of effectively reaching children and youth and how these can be incorporated in the church programs. Through the trainings, we challenged the leaders to think out of the box and seek opportunities in the communities to reach and impact the masses something the leaders committed themselves to do.

Besides the training, we also engaged in an evangelistic outreach targeting children and youth in this community at the shores of Lake Victoria. 500 children were reached through the book distribution program sharing the gospel with the school going children. This program also saw over 1,000 children booklets distributed through the outreach and training.


“The rehabilitation of prisoners is multifaceted. It involves all of us including the entire community, the religious fraternity, community leaders, neighbors and the entire family members. It’s therefore imperative to ask ourselves what contribution have we given to the Prison/prisoners rather than pointing fingers at the government and the prison institution.” We are grateful for your generous contribution such that we are looking forward to meeting the former and not ask the latter.

This month, we have been blessed to reach total of four prisons of Masaka main and remand, Lugazi, Bugiri and Murchison Bay prisons in the east, central and western parts of the country.  Through the outreaches, we had had the opportunity to minister to 5,132 inmates in the four prisons. As a result of these outreaches to the prisons this month, 2,137 inmates gave and rededicated their lives to Christ, 50 bibles were distributed and 4,000 tracts and booklets distributed to inmates and prison staff through these outreaches. Besides the distribution of the literature, we also gave out a consignment of humanitarian items including sugar, soap, among others. We are grateful for this great initiative that has seen the inmates benefiting from these ministry activities mark a beginning of transformation and rehabilitation in their lives.


Through one of the discipleship programs this month, together with Kansanga Healing Church, we have had the opportunity to graduate 30 teens in an intense 3 months discipleship program courtesy of Operation Christmas Children. The twelve lesson program in the Greatest Journey Curriculum had taken effect from May to date and finally saw the teens graduate and receive certificates during a special celebration event organized by the church. This program involved different aspects including, bible reading, scripture memorization, weekly personal challenges, assignments, and role play. Through all this, the children were spiritually equipped built to take a stand in their Christian walk and empowered to face and overcome opposition, doubt and challenges.

We are grateful to yet again add another group of believers to our continued discipleship programs.



Having done a vision casting training in Bugiri District Eastern Uganda last month during the mission outreach, Sharon one of the trainees/ Children facilitator from Bugiri Jubilee Church wrote to us concerning the children’s curriculum we had introduced during the training.

“Praise God Pastor, this is Sharon from Bugiri Jubilee Church.  Thank you for teaching us. At church I have 40 children. My teaching was successful when I used the course.”

Sharon like many other trainees had admitted to having problems with teaching the children during the training something we committed ourselves to help them overcome. Her involvement in the training was divine. Although her church was close to the training venue, she had not received news of the training. She was however drawn to the venue by the children booklets that were being distributed to the children. She had come with the intention of getting some for her Sunday school while carrying her hoe having been digging that morning. On learning about the training, she immediately ran home, took a shower and came for the training. Today, she is running the program with her Sunday school children.

We are blessed indeed to having been able to help them take a step in overcoming this basing on Sharon’s response. And thank you very much for the monthly financial support


We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  • We still believe God for finances to facilitate our programs and a ministry car.
  • As school commences, we are faced with a challenge of raising fees for some of the children under our girl child and Hidden children programs. Pray for partners in this area who will commit themselves to stand with these children.
  • We are also in need of Bibles in English, Luganda and other Local Dialects.


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

  • Honor invitations from the new districts
  • Follow-up program to Adjumani district and evaluate the programs established through the Reach Out South Sudan Program.

The ministry is expanding far greater than we have imagined, while at the same time, the financial support we need to pay our month to month bills has dwindled. Sadly we are unable to fully honor the invitations we are receiving from the different communities as we don’t have adequate funds to do so. In regard to this, we kindly request you to consider supporting these programs financially,  prayerfully or giving in kind by clicking the DONATE  button on the website or reaching us through the addresses and phone contacts provided.

May the Good Lord bless and increase you

Yours in Service

Robert Sebunya – Team Leader