Dear Partner,
Greetings beloved partner. Allow me take this opportunity to welcome you to this page and thank you for your consistence in following our activities through the monthly ministry reports. I and the entire team greatly appreciate your commitment and interest in the work we do.
It’s with great pleasure therefore that I bring to you this report concerning our January activities praying it will be blessing.
This month 786 children were reached through our community bible clubs. 116 children surrendered their lives to Christ, 235 children booklets and tracts were distributed in the clubs.
“Clubs are an effective way to reach and disciple the children especially during this long holiday period when the children don’t attend school and are redundant” says Teddy a volunteer at the Bulange Community bible club.
A total of 23 children and youth workers were trained through our leader’s vision casting training this month. The training entirely focused on introducing the children and youth workers to basics of their ministries, Vision , goal setting, building a viable and vibrant children and youth ministry.
“The ministries are not registering much success and there is minimal breakthroughs in communities where the majority of the population is comprised of children and youth. The major reason for this being lack of skill in effective administration of the children and youth programs.” Says Maria the coordinator of the training program.mpala. The majority of the trainees had never attended any major children and youth ministry training.
Maria attended one of our training’s two years ago at the African Renewal University in Ka
“I am privileged to have been part of this training, my vision for the church has broadened and this has increased my capacity of understanding of the concept of church planting” said Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel after attending the module 3 church planters program. A total of 23 potential church planters attended the five day program and were commission to go forth and impact their communities
The church planters program is a five module training program started in December 2014 with a vision “TO PLANT A LIVING CHURCH IN EVERY COMMUNITY, PLANTED BY ORDINARY BELIEVERS WHO ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRACTICAL SKILLS AND TOOLS”. Since its inception, a total of 17 churches, 5 Children community bible clubs, and 73 prayer groups have so far been planted in different districts of the five regions of Uganda.
We believe to see even greater achievements as the program expands to new communities.
Stephen is a children’s worker at Glory temple church located approximately 15kms from Kampala city centre. Stephen attended the “connected” first module training when His church invited us to conduct a children’s ministry training at the church premises. Through the training, Stephen learnt how children develop, their characteristics, how to teach a bible lesson that meets their needs, how to lead a child to Christ, how to lead children into worship, how to lead children’s discussion/ Bible Study. With the skills attained, Stephen was more capable of effectively serving in the ministry.
“The children’s ministry training helped shape me for ministry and build confidence in me as I serve the children. It’s hard to believe but now I help my fellow facilitators develop their skill in serving children” said Stephen when we visited his church.
As a result of the training, Stephen has become instrumental in teaching and mentoring the children in the ministry. He has been granted responsibility of mentoring the other facilitators in the ministry.
As a result of the effectiveness of the children’s ministry at the church, the facilitators have become more enthusiastic and committed to serving in the ministry. There has also been an increase in the number of children in the church.
“We always had an average of 35-45 children coming for the Sunday program every weekend. But now averages of 75 children attend the Sunday programs with the numbers deemed to rise past 100 when schools break off for the Christmas holiday. I attribute this to the proper guideline and the curriculum you introduced during the training” explained Stephen.
As a result of Patrick’s contribution and flourishing in the ministry, the church has greatly benefited and is deemed to see even much more progress.
- Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for
- For the upcoming South western Uganda Church Planters Module 1 Training/program
- Pray for the evangelistic and discipleship programs in February.
- Continue sustaining the open doors to minister to the refugee camps in southern, central and northern Uganda
- Believe God with us for provision for a set of local drums for Bunazzi community church and for the completion of the Grace evangelical church Bugiri that’s currently under construction requiring iron sheets for roofing.
- Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities
We are so delighted for your continued support and we are grateful for the support towards the programs in Uganda. There is already enormous transformation and revival taking place and we believe in a short while, this transformation will not only be limited to the communities but the nation at large. Please do not hesitate to visit check out how you can support these programs by clicking the DONATE button on the top of the page to see how you can partner with us in reaching the lost and empowering/ transforming communities.
We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavors.