
July 2018 Report

Dear Beloved,

Greetings once again in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Allow me take this privilege to thank God for enabling us get this far in tis year of the Lord. We are grateful and believe the LORD has kept you well.

It’s with great pleasure that I yet bring to you this report. July has been great with fulfilment of a number of programs.  It’s in this accord that I bring to you this report hoping this finds you in good health and wealth.

Evangelism and Outreaches

This month, a total of 2 churches were planted in Gulu district, 1,259 people were reached with the gospel and 337 people surrendered their lives to Christ with 64 baptisms recorded. A total of 203 of the new believers joined a church or small group in the communities. The outreach programs this month, a total of 1,412 children were reached through these program and 521 children surrendered their lives to Christ and a total of 2 children’s community bible clubs were established.


Name: Bajje Musa

Designation: Church planter/Associate pastor/Builder

Church Plant: Antioch Christian Centre Church

District: Busia District

“To me, the Church Planters Training program was a prayer answered and breakthrough in my ministry.  The module 1 training helped me gain more confidence and skill up in the area of evangelism which I spend most of my time doing. Learning about spiritual mapping and talking to contacts was eye opening and made me realize why I had struggled in my two attempts to plant a church a few years back.” Musa Says

Pr. Musa was born in a wealthy Muslim family in Busia district found at the Uganda/Kenya boarder. He grew up from a staunch Muslim background although he also had an opportunity to live in a Christian setting. As a Muslim, he confesses that he hated anything to do with Christianity and openly spoke against it something that would lead him in trouble during his junior school since he stayed at a pastor’s home. After completing junior school, he received his freedom from any attempts to convert him to Christianity and left home to engage in businesses that one by one collapsed after sometime which events played a role in leading to his salvation.

“My salvation was a miracle. I was introduced to a Christian intercessor by a Muslim friend called Shaban at a point when I was about to run mad from stress and depression. He actually told me I was going to run mad in a week which so happened to come as a confirmation to a dream I had earlier had. This prompted me to go with him to visit the intercessor” he says.

That would then become his path to salvation sealed with a special night when God spoke to him in a vision and commissioned him to serve Him. He would then join Antioch Christian Centre where now he serves as a co-pastor.

Pr. Musa was enrolled in the church planters program in Bugiri in Eastern Uganda in April 2018. He was endorsed by his church as a potential candidate for the program from a number of other potential church planters from his church. He has currently undertaken two module trainings in evangelism and Discipleship under the program. He is helping set discipleship programs for his church and branch churches in Busia district.

“I have tried as much as possible to disciple my co ministers at church. Most of the lessons shared at the church planters program sound foreign to most of them yet make a lot of sense when applied. I am working closely with my pastor to establish small groups and discipleship classes for the converts and church members.”

Musa plans to establish two church plants next near in the two districts of Bugiri and Mayuge as he continues to be equipped through the church planting program and mentoring leaders in his church.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • The ministry activities in the month of August including the Vision casting trainings Bwera Kasese, Masaka, Busaabala and Kiroba in Iganga Districtm, the children’s ministry programs in Bunalwenyi Iganga, Kamuli, and Bulonde and the Church Planter Programs in Busaana.

Thank you for your loyal partnership. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we have made it our responsibility to dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. It’s because of your willingness to stand with us that we are determined to endeavor to improve the well-being and holistically effect individuals and communities I the areas the Lord leads us.  Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavors.

May the almighty God Bless you.




June 2018 Report

Hello Beloved Partner,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well.

Allow me begin by thanking you for the great and timely support you offer towards the programs in Uganda especially in the area of prayer. Prayer is a great resource towards the establishment, growth, and sustainability of the different ministry programs. We are truly grateful.

Since 2013 Mercy Link officially started partnering with the local church and local grass root organizations and leaders to serve the vulnerable and needy communities, train and empower leaders and establish Christian community programs like Bible clubs and Small groups (Prayer cells) in communities and schools. The church planter and children ministry programs have thrived and continue to spread across the country causing a paradigm shift in how the church views and runs evangelistic and discipleship programs.    

In the month of June 2018 alone Through the children’s ministry and church planter’s programs, we trained a total of 78 potential church planters equipped engaged 20 master trainers in Kampala region, we launched 2 new children worker’s trainings this month with a total of 107 children’s workers, 1,121 people were reached with the Gospel and 325 people surrendered their lives to Christ, 49 people were baptised this month.

PRAISE REPORT- Children Ministry

Name: Ssebunya Kennedy

Occupation: Community Children worker

District: Wakiso/ Eastern Uganda

“My greatest challenge through the years has not been the lack of skills and most especially literature for use as I serve children in communities as I worked towards fulfilling the calling upon my life as concerns children ministry” he says.

Kennedy a community children worker and facilitator in his church lives in Gobero community a Muslim dominated community located a one-hour drive away from Kampala city centre. For the past five years, Kenny has been running a community bible club in his community. For the past four and half years, the community bible club has been a burden with fluctuation in the numbers of children attending the program. With little skills and no resources to use for the program, the program was always running on a downward scale.  Until we got in touch with him through a partner and engaged him in our children ministry training program.

The training program was a boost to the already establish community program. Through the training, we shared with Kenny skills on the dynamics of reaching and discipling children through the Raising Hope children ministry training program. Having attained the skills, he was quick to implement what he had learnt. Within a one-month span of implementation, the number of children coming for the program has doubled and more new children have been reached says Kenny. 

With a vision of reaching the 5 villages surrounding his community, Kenny has not run short of ideas and desires to see his plans fulfilled. A few weeks ago, Kenny shared an idea of reaching the youth in the communities. One key thing needed for this program are scripture portions in terms of books and bibles which we continue to believe God for and hope in the near future to be able to avail these for the successful running of Kenny’s programs.


We are still faced with a number of challenges in these undertaking but majorly the challenge of;

1.   Christian Literature: this has still been a great challenge in as far as our ministry programs are concerned. We have and are in constant need of Bibles/ study bibles, Children booklets, leadership books for the leaders, tracts and booklets for evangelism.

2.   Pray for ministry programs of July Among these include three School Outreaches, Prison outreach, 2 children ministry and Church planter training programs.

On behalf of the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for continual faithful prayer support for the programs across the country. Please continue to pray with us for the challenge mentioned above and for potential partners to partly support the programs.

May Christ bless and increase you in every area of your life. 

Sincerely yours,



March 2018 Report


Hello Beloved,

It’s with great pleasure that I write to you once again. Greetings in the Mighty name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ; we believe his grace has been sufficient in all areas of your lives as it has been with us here at Mercy Link.  Allow me present to you this short report for March 2018 concerning our ministry activities hoping this will find you in great health and wealth.


Name: Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel 

Occupation: Church Planter

“I have not effectively mentored anyone because I have not been mentored well myself” once said Emmanuel during a session on challenges of mentorship during the church planter training program in 2016. Emmanuel had said, like him, many of the leaders in his community had no mentors and even those who did had no close relationship with their mentors due to mistrust and lack of responsibility assigned by the mentors to the mentees during the mentorship.

During the training, Emmanuel had shared about the hopeless state of his community and the urgent need for establishment of churches in his and the surrounding communities. The urgency had been due to the physical and economic state of the masses in the communities living promiscuous lives, engaging in traditional worship of gods, the high rates of poverty and illiteracy as being factors eating up on the community with great need of establishment pf developmental and transformational programs based on godly principles.

The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities. Through this five module training program, we tasked Emmanuel to work towards establishing churches and programs to effect his community but also counter the challenges something he committed to.

His plan was to start a mentorship program with his juniors starting with the church planters program. Motive his juniors and work towards planting a church in his community which he believed would help birth transformation in his community with only one church in his entire parish of more than 800 households, and a few primary schools.

To this effect, Emmanuel has established a community primary school at his church; God’s way primary school currently educating over 40 community children, established a training program for his church leaders, a training program for the community pastors and children workers in his community but also a mentorship program for upcoming leaders.

From January to March 2018, Emmanuel through his outreach programs has already reached over 5011 people with the gospel through the open air crusade and door to door outreach, led 521 people to Christ, baptized 174 people and already planted 3 churches.

Emmanuel attributes this success to the grace of God but also the skills obtained through the church planter training program.

“We thank God for the possibility He has given us to reach out to those areas with such activities also for being connected with Mercy link foundation Africa”

This year, our target is to reach and equip at least 280 leaders across six districts of the country and help them acquire skills pertaining to establishing a living church in their respective communities. The vision of this program is to establish a living church in every community by an ordinary believer equipped with skills and encouraged to work together.


As we strive to accomplish this God given task, please pray with us in the given areas. 

  •    Pray for the different church planters and children’s workers joining the program this year.
  •   We are still in urgent need of a ministry 4-wheel drive car for the rough terrains in the rural communities
  •  Also pray for the evangelistic ministry outreach and for the ministry opportunities opening up in Tanzania and other neighboring countries.
  • We are grateful for your continued prayer support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of your prayers and encouragement that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. We are truly grateful

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,



March 2018 Report


Hello Beloved,

It’s with great pleasure that I write to you once again. Greetings in the Mighty name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ; we believe his grace has been sufficient in all areas of your lives as it has been with us here at Mercy Link.  Allow me present to you this short report for March 2018 concerning our ministry activities hoping this will find you in great health and wealth. 


Name: Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel  

Occupation: Church Planter

“I have not effectively mentored anyone because I have not been mentored well myself” once said Emmanuel during a session on challenges of mentorship during the church planter training program in 2016. Emmanuel had said, like him, many of the leaders in his community had no mentors and even those who did had no close relationship with their mentors due to mistrust and lack of responsibility assigned by the mentors to the mentees during the mentorship. 

During the training, Emmanuel had shared about the hopeless state of his community and the urgent need for establishment of churches in his and the surrounding communities. The urgency had been due to the physical and economic state of the masses in the communities living promiscuous lives, engaging in traditional worship of gods, the high rates of poverty and illiteracy as being factors eating up on the community with great need of establishment pf developmental and transformational programs based on godly principles. 

The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities. Through this five module training program, we tasked Emmanuel to work towards establishing churches and programs to effect his community but also counter the challenges something he committed to.

His plan was to start a mentorship program with his juniors starting with the church planters program. Motive his juniors and work towards planting a church in his community which he believed would help birth transformation in his community with only one church in his entire parish of more than 800 households, and a few primary schools. 

To this effect, Emmanuel has established a community primary school at his church; God’s way primary school currently educating over 40 community children, established a training program for his church leaders, a training program for the community pastors and children workers in his community but also a mentorship program for upcoming leaders. 

From January to March 2018, Emmanuel through his outreach programs has already reached over 5011 people with the gospel through the open air crusade and door to door outreach, led 521 people to Christ, baptized 174 people and already planted 3 churches. 

Emmanuel attributes this success to the grace of God but also the skills obtained through the church planter training program.

“We thank God for the possibility He has given us to reach out to those areas with such activities also for being connected with Mercy link foundation Africa”

This year, our target is to reach and equip at least 280 leaders across six districts of the country and help them acquire skills pertaining to establishing a living church in their respective communities. The vision of this program is to establish a living church in every community by an ordinary believer equipped with skills and encouraged to work together. 


As we strive to accomplish this God given task, please pray with us in the given areas.

  • Pray for the different church planters and children’s workers joining the program this year.
  • We are still in urgent need of a ministry 4-wheel drive car for the rough terrains in the rural communities
  • Also pray for the evangelistic ministry outreach and for the ministry opportunities opening up in Tanzania and other neighbouring countries.

We are grateful for your continued prayer support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of your prayers and encouragement that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,



February 2018 Report


Name: Pr. Ayume Israel

“This training is fulfilling and has kindled a fire in me. Evangelism had become a challenge to. But with what I have experienced, I can’t wait to do the first module training” said Ayume Israel

Pr. Ayume is a potential church planter from Yeyi South Sudan currently living as a refugee in Arua. He is one of the 35 potential church planters who attended our vision casting training in Arua district in March 2018. Through this training we introduce the church planters, pastors and leaders to the key ministry aspects pertaining to church planting and children ministry. I so doing, we increasing the capacity of the leaders through building their knowledge and skills on church planting, management and multiplication but also child growth and development, based on Biblical foundations, for relevance and sustainability. Through this training, also envisioned the leaders on the training programs we are set to introduce in the near future.

“I was challenged about what you shared especially the five steps in planting a living church. I believe our being here is not a mistake but a time to be prepared to go back to Sudan and do what God has called us to do. But this time do it right” he continued to emphasize. 

Our goal through all this is to ensure that the potential church planters are equipped with the necessary skills and commissioned to go forth and plant living churches in their communities so as to fulfill the God given mandate of planting a living church in every community by ordinary believers. This is a vision that Ayume grasped and committed himself to even as preparation begin for the launch of the program in the district. 

“I am already prepared for this training. I believe this is one training all pastors in the refugee camp need for us to effectively plant churches and disciple our brothers in the Camp. If only they had the opportunity to witness what you have shared, I believe they would demand like me that this training begins tomorrow so that they become better leaders. I pray you shorten the time of the training” he concluded. 

This training program is set to be launched in December 2019 through which Ayume and the trainees will go through a one and a half year hands on training in church planting. 


Remember in prayer the many significant ministry events taking place around the country. We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  • The church planters and children workers especially those currently facing persecution across the country.
  • For the 160 Children’s worker trainees expected to graduate in march 2018
  • Pray for the prison ministry program that’s falling apart as a result of opposition and competition from other faiths.
  • For the boda boda (Bikers) outreach program that we planning to undertake in form of a seed project. 
  • The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani, Arua and Moyo Districts.
  • For the next programs set to be launched starting April 2018.
  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of every man and woman attending the trainings.
  • Pray that these programs would have an eternal impact on people

As we embrace the year, opportunities have continued to knock at our doors even as we reach the communities. We have already witnessed four doors opening for us in four communities in the month of January and February 2018. Opportunities have also opened for us in 2 refugee camps in Northern Uganda with over 100,000 refugees. We believe with His grace that by the end of the year, we would have engaged and established some of our programs in these communities. Thank you for faithfully standing with us in all circumstances. 

We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


Robert Sebunya



January 2018 Report


A children’s ministry praise story 

“I am pastor, I love and have a vision to reach children, but because I lack the skills to do so, honestly speaking I have failed to fulfil this vision and in so doing been ineffective in reaching them this I must admit,” says Pr. James a pastor at Christ our Rock church.  

Located in Kabowa village South West Kampala in the outskirts of the city, the church has been faithful in reaching and impacting the masses from the slum community through its discipleship and humanitarian outreaches.  As the founder, Pastor James has been instrumental in overseeing the programs and fulfilling the vision of the church in this community.  However, despite of all the success, the children ministry had been lagging behind. The Pastor attributes this to the unskilled volunteers who had been working with the children ministry.

Through an in house training organized at the church, we helped the trainees identify and write a vision and basics on how to start and run a children’s ministry. We also helped the already existing ministries improve in their service to the children. Having attended the training, the children’s pastor immediately put the skills learnt into action bringing changes in the ministry something that impressed Pr. James. The impact of the training prompted the pastor to summon the church elders and deacon’s to focus the church funds into building a children’s church complex in contrast to building a permanent church structure as originally planned a decision greatly seconded by the council. Four months down the road the children’s church complex was completed and gradually opened for the  

“It’s time to focus on the children so the inputs they get will serve them to be Gods servants in the years beyond the age 14” Louis B 

Prayer Request

Remember in prayer the many significant ministry events taking place around the country. We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  • The church planters and children workers through the country.
  • For the next programs set to be launched starting April 2018.
  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of every man and woman attending the trainings.
  • Pray that these programs would have an eternal impact on people
  • Pray for the different churches planted and currently facing persecution across the country. 
  • The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani and Moyo Districts.
  • For the upcoming Raising Hope training and graduations in south western Uganda.

We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs. Thank you for joining with us to always bring our praises and requests before God!  We have so much to look forward to in this coming month. Especially concerning the areas of evangelism, discipleship, and trainings across the country. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.



December 2017 Report

Hello beloved partner,

Seasonal greetings hoping that all is well. The Lord has been awesomely great back here.

We grateful to bring to you this report concerning the ministry activities for December 2017 hoping they find you in great health and wealth.


This month, we undertook the module 2 church planter training equipping 30 potential church planters in Rwamwanja refugee camp. Located approximately 290kms from Kampala city Centre in Kamwenge district, south western Uganda, the discipleship making module training saw the trainees empowered with skills pertaining to raising disciples out of the converts raised through the module one Evangelism program. The goal of this Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among the refugees with a capability of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of the refugee communities in Rwamwanja. The program focused on equipping the trainees with skills pertaining to *The dynamics of  small study groups, How to start small, study bible groups, How t conduct them, How to teach basic doctrines, How to care, How to teach Music, How to Pray and How to forgive other.


This month we conducted a refresher training with 30 children ministry master trainers from across the country. The training encompassed a number of Key ministry concepts added to the syllabus from the African children ministry program concept underlying key topics such as conscience, relating with children, building confidence in children, how to empower teachers to reach children, teaching techniques just to mention a few. Over 400 children workers have been trained through the master trainers this year alone. The goal of the master trainers program is to establish a rapid multiplication of the children ministry program across the country in different districts and communities.

A total of 113 children workers were trained from Kampala area and in the outskirts of Kampala through trainings conducted in Kampala and Kabimbiri in Kampala and Wakiso districts respectively. The module focus on topics such as spiritual warfare, evangelism, giving, spiritual and natural gifting’s, hearing god, intercession focusing on helping the children advance the kingdom of God. The children workers having completed the third module trainings now await graduation as of February 2017.

General Outreaches and Discipleship Report.

562 children were reached with the gospel this month in communities around the country through the different evangelistic outreach programs conducted by different children workers with 217 surrendered their lives to Christ.

One community bible clubs waslaunched with 49 children attending the club program.

569 people were reached with the gospel this month and a total of 211 received Christ as their personal Lord and savior through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs.

47 baptisms conducted.

2 church was planted by the end of the Month.


420 children booklets, 100 New Testament bibles and 50 full bibles, were distributed through the trainings and community outreaches.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

·         The upcoming church planters training. Specifically pray that they will continue running with the vision and implement the church planter programs in the communities.

·         Also pray for the national children ministry programs.

·        Pray for the new openings in Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of ministry programs in the country.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda this year 2017. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. It’s because of your willingness to stand with us that we are determined to endeavor to improve the well-being and holistically effect individuals and communities I the areas the Lord leads us.  Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavors.

May the almighty God Bless you. 

Robert Sebunya



November 2017 Report

Dear Beloved,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray all is fine. It is with a great sense of excitement and an overwhelming feeling of responsibility that I write these opening remarks.  

I am delighted and honored to yet again write this ministry report concerning our ministry programs for the month of June 2017. This report will hopefully define, the goals, direction, and atmosphere of the ministry I pray you will be blessed as you read through this report.


The Isingiro Church Planter Program.

This Month, 52 church planters were trained through the module 2 training in Isingiro district in south western Uganda. The second module training focuses on teaching the importance of discipleship and imputing practical skills to conduct progressive discipleship, inductive bible study lessons among new believers and being able to teach others, imputing practical experience and skills to prepare discipleship Bible study lessons to spiritually nurture new and growing believers, Church planters gaining skills and understanding for teaching the Word of God person to person or in a group session, Church planters acquiring skills and best practices in follow up.

The second module training program focuses more on equipping the church planter with skills on discipleship on how to disciple the new believer into a mature Christian. In order to do this, the church planters are expected to have evangelized and followed-up new believers, started small groups through which to disciple the new.  The church planter training concept is a five module program composed of Evangelism, Discipleship, membership, Leadership and Worship as key church strategy.

General Outreaches and Discipleship Report.

A total of 755 people in the communities were reached with 167 individuals surrendering their lives to Christ.  A total 26 people were baptized through the church baptism programs


110 children workers undertook the Module 2 Perfected raising hope children ministry training. The module 2 training focuses on equipping trainees with basic skills on helping a child pursue godly character. The program covers” topics including understanding Gods love, healthy relationships, taking responsibility, embracing discipleship and receiving truth are key areas of interaction during the training.

The major reason being their attitude towards children but most of all because they lack the required skills to do this. The raising hope program is geared to help tackle these problems.

Evangelism and Outreaches

This month through the outreach and community bible club programs in schools and communities, we reached out to 2,148 children with the gospel. 543 of the children surrendered their lives to Christ.


This month through the community outreaches, children cells, Leaders trainings and church planter’s follow-up programs, we distributed a consignment of 3,762 children booklets and 227 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles and 213 that I may know him booklets and 52 Raising Hope Teachers Manuals.


Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for

  • For the upcoming South western Uganda Church Planters Training/program and children ministry programs
  • Pray for our December community outreach programs.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers praying specifically for protection, provision and favour in their ministry outreach areas. 
  • Pray for the effective establishment of the Raising hope program in the different communities and relevance for the new curriculum set to be introduced.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs in Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. We are truly grateful. We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavors.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly




October 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last part of the year with great anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come knocking at our doors even as I write to you now.  We already have new communities, refugee camps, districts lined up for us to reach and replicate our programs in the different regions of the country where we are rapidly replicating these programs.

I am grateful for what God is already doing and for this reason I would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead to the end of the month praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even greater opportunities to embrace.


This month two church planter training programs were undertaken in the Eastern part of the country namely Amuria and Busaana districts. The trainings saw a total of 67 church planters trained and equipped through the two separate trainings. The module trainings focused on inducting skills pertaining to the importance of discipleship and conducting progressive discipleship, inductive bible study lessons among new believers preparing discipleship Bible study lessons to spiritually nurture new and growing believers.

“I think now I understand the essence of discipleship especially why Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of nations and not converts. Matthew 28:18-20 is a life time call” said joseph a trainee at the program.

Since the first Module training, at least 10 small groups have been begun by the church planters, over 320 people reached with the gospel and 83 conversions registered through the evangelistic programs.

General Report

This month, 913 people were reached with the gospel through the evangelistic with 165 confessions registered and 3 of the new believers joining the fellowships and churches.  

22 new believers were baptized this month including and 1 church planted.


“I didn’t know how easy and effective it was to start a children’s community club until I took after the continuous conviction I receive whenever I bypassed children in my community. Today I am proud to say I have two children clubs” said Pr. Elwalu David a children’s facilitator from Achowa.

Two trainings were undertaken in Asamuk and Achowa with a total of 124 children workers. The essence of the training was to help the trainees develop programs to facilitate the children’s desire to pursue godly character. The major topics covered under the program included Love, Humility, Receiving Truth, Repentance, Mercy and Forgiveness, Embracing Discipleship, Dying to Self, Servanthood, Childlikeness, Emotional Stability and Wholeness, Healthy Relationships and Taking Responsibility. The major emphasis through the training was to disciple the children into developing Christ-like character build a sense of godliness in them.

The community bible program initiative exists to among other things build a relationship between children, their community and the church. So far, the program spiritually nurtures children in a number of churches across the country, help solve community issues including peace building, restoring hope to the hopeless through the raising hope curriculum and life skill programs to enable combat life challenges like early marriages, drug abuse among others. 

Community evangelistic and discipleship program

A total of 956 children were reached with the gospel this month with 256 of the children surrendering their lives to Christ.

One children’s community bible club was started in Eastern Uganda.


525 children booklets, 25 Raising Hope Teachers Manual, and 2,800 tracts, 30 full Bibles and 100 New Testament Bibles were distributed through the different outreaches and trainings for both children workers and church planters.


We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  1. The church planters and children workers through the country.
  2. The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani and Moyo Districts.
  3. For the upcoming church planter and Raising Hope training programs in south western Uganda.
  4. Pray for support for the printing of Raising Hope and that I may know Him booklets but also Bibles in English, Luganda and other Local Dialects.


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

  • Our November outreach programs in southern and southwestern Uganda
  • Our end of year evangelistic and discipleship programs in schools, communities and Refugee camps.
  • Jimmy’s Wedding that is Happening this month. Pray specifically for provision.

We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs and the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of your prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


Robert Sebunya 



September 2017 Report

Hello Partner,

Grace and peace to you in the mighty name of Jesus. Greetings and I pray all is well. All is well back here as the great and faithful God continues to prosper and expand our scope of reach in communities and schools.

We are so encouraged to have friends like you coming alongside us in ministry. Thank you for faithfully standing and standing with us in prayer and in the area of finances but best of all for joining with us to evangelize and disciple communities through the different evangelistic and discipleship programs. In this accord, allow me write to you this report concerning our ministry programs for this month and bring to light what the good Lord has enabled us to accomplish.


This month, we conducted a total of six different raising hope training programs in the Eastern parts of Uganda. A total of 253 children and youth workers were equipped with skills pertaining to helping children pursue godly character through the module two children ministry training program.

We alsolaunched a children’s ministry training program in Adjumani district in Northern Uganda west Nile region. A total of 44 children workers and pastors were involved in this training that saw 15 children workers and potential church planters from 10 different refugee camps attending the training.

The main objective of this program is to train at least 100 church planters and 150 children workers in the next 2 years from the communities and the refugee camps, Plant at least 15 churches and 30 children’s community bible clubs inside and around the refugee camps in the next 3 years.

Through our discipleship and outreach programs, we reached a total of 2,145 children in schools and the community bile clubs across the country. A total of 5 community bible clubs were started in two different districts. An average of 250 children attend the new bible club activities every weekend.

A total of 589 children surrendered their lives to Christ through the outreach programs.


This month, one church planter program was undertaken in Kampala city area. The program brought together a total of 24 church planters across Kampala city area. The module 3 program focused on equipping the trainees with skills pertaining to membership; developing members from the new believers being discipled, qualities and requirements of a church member.

A total of 752 people were reached through the program this month with 128 commitments to Christ recorded.

At least 36 people were baptised this month and a total of one church planted in South western Uganda Area.

Prayer Request

We thank God for the different churches that are partnering with us across the country and new doors opening every month. Remember in prayer the many significant ministry events taking place around the country.

  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of every man and woman attending the trainings.
  • Pray that these programs would have an eternal impact on people
  • Commit our need for a Ministry Car unto the Lord.
  • Pray for the different churches planted and currently facing persecution across the country.

Thank you for joining with us to bring these praises and requests before God! We have so much to look forward to in this coming month. We thank God for your continued effort in ensuring that we fulfill the mandate to evangelize, disciple, training and equip leaders across the country through your generous support. May the good Lord bless and increase you.


