
June 2014 Report

Glad Tidings

We bless the Lord for this opportunity to yet again testify of what He has done through the ministry this month. I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe the Lord has still kept you all well and continued to guide and direct you in all the ministry activities. We are highly thrilled as we have always been during this time of the month as we sit down and recount what the Lord has done in our midst. It’s this thrill that entices us to write and with gratitude share the outcome of your support and partnership with this ministry. We pray that even as you read this report, you will be as thrilled as we are.

As we wind up the month, we are glad to having been involved in a number of ministry activities in Jinja and Kampala. These include School outreaches, trainings, prison outreaches, Movie outreach, community evangelism, and community empowerment programs.


We have had two major trainings this month. Unlike our regular vision casting trainings, we have introduced our partners in two unique and yet impacting trainings for the Children and youth workers and also school teachers. These two trainings have been conducted in Jinja and Kampala Districts to enhance the knowledge and understanding of children with practicable examples and experiences shared.

The Kampala Mailbox – Explorers Club Training

This training was conducted in Makindye Madinisa one of the suburbs in Kampala.  The training mainly focused on teachers directly working with the preteens and youth.  This program involved the introduction of the Explorers Club Curriculum which would boost the knowledge shared during the training. The Explorers Club Program is unique in that through the course:

1.    Children are evangelized through local churches.

2.  Children are discipled through local churches, and engaged to reach other

     children as witnesses for Christ!

3.This is done generationally, over and over again, harnessing the untapped

     resource of children reaching children for Christ.

The first training focused on implementing Explorer Club 1 that covers topics including, what is God Like?, Who is the Promised Savior?, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?, Four Questions, How Can I Become a Child of God?, Jesus is coming again!, Four Things God Wants Me to Know, A New Person in Christ, and Jesus is My King Forever!

A total of 28 Children and youth facilitators from 13 churches and organizations gathered for this training and fully qualified to implement the program in their different churches and organizations. We are grateful for this program and believe this will aid in transitioning children to youth programs one of the greatest challenges different institutions are currently facing.

The Jinja Child Protection training

The training was conducted at Walukuba Masese in Jinja for the teachers of Day Star, God’s Gift and Nawampendo Primary Schools in there different communities. Jinja is district infamously known for high child abuse cases. A recent study conducted found out that cases of child sexual abuse are common in the district with defilement being the highest form of child sexual abuse according to adult respondents that participated in the survey, at 47.4% for adults and 33% for children. This was closely followed by use of a sexually suggesting language (bad language) at 19%, fondling (bad touches) at 13%, CSEC at 10.3%, exposure to pornography at 6.3% and exposure of sexual organs by adults to children at 4%. The study also found out that 98% of the girls are the most vulnerable to child sexual abuse as compared to boys (2%). It was found out that vulnerability to sexual abuse increases with the age of a child. In fact, they are mainly children between 16-17 years who are at most risk of sexual abuse followed by those between 12-15 years, then 6-11 years, 1-5 years and those below one year. Children are sexually abused by neighbours, followed by parents, boda-boda cyclists, teachers, step mothers, house helps, step fathers, uncles, mothers and aunties. Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is more common in Walukuba-Masese, followed by Buwenge, Butagaya and lowest in Bugembe. In addition, the study found out that CSA occurs most in homes, followed by markets, in lodges, then road sides, at night, school, and water points and also in places of worship.

In regard to this therefore, as a measure to help curb this problem, we have decided to undertake a training program in Child protection starting with the teachers in the schools mentioned above which program afterwards will be taken to the community levels and other community schools. This 12 module program will be conducted in four training programs covering three modules each; with the first training already conducted covering the first three modules of Recognizing child abuse, Biblical perspective, and Children’s rights. Through the trainings, the participants (Teachers) shared the various child abuse cases they have received and what their greatest challenges have been the greatest of which being how to deal with the cases. This training as explained by Mrs. Rose of Day Star Primary school was key to helping overcome these challenges. As the teachers engaged in this training, they were taken through a number of challenges that they were required to come with a solution to sharing different examples. At the end of the training, they were challenged to implement these programs I their respective schools and communities.

A total of 28 participants attended the training and commissioned to go forth and begin the transformation process in their schools and communities.


We have had the opportunity to reach out to four schools through our school outreach program this month. Three of the schools are Primary one High School in Kampala, Jinja and Iganga. 

Good Hope Primary School

Found in the outskirts of Nakulabye slum three kilometers from the city centre, Good Hope provides education services to up to 512 children in the primary section. Through this outreach, we had the opportunity to minister and share the Gospel with the children from the creation story. Together with the help of the teaching staff, we shared the story of the salvation plan of God for man using the CSB booklet at the end of which we made an invitation to receive Christ as Lord and savior of which 379 children responded by raising their hands and saying the sinners prayer together with the whole school. One intriguing thing about the outreaches was how the children showed much interest even as the story was. To many of the children has never been told using visuals so many had never had a glimpse of what the bible characters could possibly have looked like.  To build on this trend, we therefore gave out a pack of visuals to the school. We have also been given two slots every week in the school program to implement the 17 stories course for the lower and upper classes.

Though these outreaches, we distributed a total of 5,800 booklets, 1,300 Tracts, Visuals, Teaching Curriculums and Bibles.


The community film ministry has been one key ministry by which massive souls have been won this month. Kamwookya is one such community that has been impacted through this outreach. TLC was our outreach centre for the movie ministry located in the heart of this community and a hung out area for youth and children from the community,

We engaged the administrator of the centre with the proposal to show a movie and perhaps start a discipleship program for them there after an idea that was gladly bought and thus the show. At the time of the show, the centre had up to 620 youths at the venue hanging out with friends with the news about the show having been spread; they were equipped and ready for the school.

We had 323 youths and children surrendering their lives to Jesus after watching the Godman movie. Together with Light of The Youth Kamwokya a Local NGO we look forward to do a follow-up program to the youths.

2,000 tracts were distributed during the two outreach 1,200 booklets, 1,294 people reached and 779 surrendering their lives to Jesus


As we reach out to the prisons, we always have the two purposes of prison as laid by the prison authorities behind our minds

1.    It’s a deterrent, preventing a culprit from committing crime again, preventing him from becoming a repeat offender.

2.   It’s a place for an inmate to reform. He or she abandons his or her past and becomes a new creature.

These two we believe are not possible without the divine intervention of God. It’s for this reason that ministry outreaches to the prisons have never been an option to. This for this reason that we reach out sharing he gospel, bibles, tracts, showing movies and establishing discipleship programs in the prisons.

With our outreach program to Kirinya prison this month, we yet again had the opportunity to share the gospel with the inmates as we have always done. Through this outreach we had the opportunity to share from the bible with 987 inmates from both the male and female sections engaging both the old and new inmates at the remand sections. During the outreach, 457 inmates gave their lives to Christ with 18 bible distributed at the two prison centers. At least 800 tracts were distributed and the new converts adopted into the new believer’s discipleship programs at the prisons.

This month, we have reached out to a total of four prisons of Murchison Bay Prison, Kirinya Prison, Kasangati and Luzira Women, 7,322 inmates with 4231 giving their lives to Christ. 10,000Traxcts distributed 35 Bibles and 2,400 booklets.


STEVEN is our touch person in the Busoona area in Nawampando Jinja district. Located over 25Km away from Jinja town, we encountered this community through one of the prison wardens at Kirinya prison. During our school outreach to Nawampando Primary school, we met Mr. Steven who happens to be the religious leaders at the mentioned school. From this moment on, Steven has since never ceased to attend the different trainings and sessions we have held.

Through these trainings, Steven has been able to establish different programs in his community. He has single handedly started a fellowship group in the school where children gather every weekday for fellowship. He has mobilized the community pastors for the first Vision casting program in the community. Coupled to this, he is currently conducting trainings for the community school teachers on the basic topics on child development focusing on who a child is and the roles of teacher.

Steven was not excluded from the child protection program this month. With the news of the training shared with different community teachers, he managed to be the only representative to attend from Busoona community. With the knowledge and experience attained, he hopes to implement the programs in his community. With this commitment displayed, Mr. Stephen has become our key touch in the area and steadily working towards transforming his community.


We still believe God in these areas in which we pray that you will stand with us I prayer

 ·         The planned Children’s Vocation Bible School program to be held in Jinja early December 2014

·         Budget: Pray that God will avail us with more funding to help us meet our targets and reach thee new communities.

·         Mission Car (4 Wheel Drive): We have been in constant need of a mission car that would enable us reach these communities at a cheaper cost being that renting these cars is so costly with our budget unable to meet the costs.

·         A mission House: We believe God for a mission house that will house our training centre for the leaders in and around Kampala.


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

 ·         Establish our programs in Kamuli and Mbale Districts

·         Follow-up program to Adjumani district and evaluate the programs established through the Reach out South Sudan Program.

·         Begin the Community Health Evangelistic programs in Kikalamoja and Makenke.

·         Replicate the discipleship programs in other prisons in the Eastern Region.

·         Introduce a discipleship program at the adult literacy program at Day Star Primary School.

Thank you once more for your prayer support and all the vital encouragement it brings into any ministry.

God Bless You

Robert Sebunya


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