Hello Beloved,
Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hoping that all is well. It is well back here.
Thank you for your loyal partnership. Through you, God graciously supplies the need resources of the organization. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we have made it our responsibility to dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. As a result, the good Lord always rewards us with fruit that we share with you in the monthly reports to the glory of His name. It’s in this accord that I bring to you this report concerning the July ministry activities.
This month we graduated 103 children’s workers who completed our training, 8 Children’s bible clubs were started, 3,214 children reached and 1,856 salvations recorded. Through our church planter and leadership development programs, 5 churches were planted. 3,215 people reached with the gospel, 1356 received Christ as their Lord and savior, 459 baptisms conducted, 653 joining churches, 13 small groups started, 2 new church planter programs started by individual master trainers.
We can’t thank God enough for this great achievement this month alone.
Two years ago, we encountered Kenny through a partner who recommended him to us after observing his plight in reaching and discipling children in his church and community in Gobero an hour’s drive in the outskirts of Kampala city Centre. We had the privilege of sharing with Kenny skills on the dynamics of reaching and discipling children through the Raising Hope children ministry training program.
A few months ago, Kenny relocated to Kyamusisi Mityana district 70kms from the city Centre and established a school program for 50 pupils and a bible club that meets every Saturday from 9am-3pm discipling the community children using the word of God. Kenny provides lunch that comprises of rice and beans every time the children come on Saturday.
“The Lord brought me to a place where no one knew me and has prospered me in this place. I have planted a children’s club and a school for children in this new community using the materials and knowledge I acquired from the training reaching over 100 children every week” says Kenny our children’s worker in Mityana.
Kenny has a vision of reaching the villages surrounding his community. We are planning a training program with him and support of his church to train children workers in these five villages through the raising hope training program next year. As a pioneer, Kenny will oversee the progress of the program in the villages.
As you pray with us for the different ministry activities, please remember to pray with us for the following.
· For the upcoming children ministry trainings in August 2019.
- Also pray for Pr. Ronald Kilimani Kabanda our master trainer confined to a prison after one of the believers drowned during a baptism ceremony
- Pray for the ministry opportunities opening up in the different communities for our master trainers.
- Also pray scripture portions in form of tracts and bibles that are needed in the communities.
We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.
May the almighty God bless you abundantly
Sincerely yours,