Dear Beloved,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; I pray all is fine. It is with a great sense of excitement and an overwhelming feeling of responsibility that I write these opening remarks.
I am delighted and honored to yet again write this ministry report concerning our ministry programs for the month of July 2017. This report will hopefully define, the goals, direction, and atmosphere of the ministry I pray you will be blessed as you read through this report.
This month through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs we reached a total of 1,856 people in the communities with 567 individuals surrendering their lives to Christ. A total 98 people were baptized through the church baptism programs including 16 inmates in Ibanda district.
This month marked the conclusion of the five module church planter program in south western Uganda. A total of 26 church planters were graduated through after completing the five module training that was launched in March 2016. The program through the 16 months of training has seen a total 24 churches planted, 32 small prayer groups, 4,124 people reached with over 1,898 people surrendering their lives to Christ. The churches are wide spread in Uganda including refugee camps, the two bordering countries of Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
“Before I Joined this program, I always desired to plant churches but was limited by the technical knowhow. We only had two churches by then. From March 2016 when I joined the program to date, we have planted six churches; four in refugee camps, one in D.R. Congo and the other in Rwanda.” Says semivumbi Stephen one of the church planters.
As we concluded the church planter program in Ibanda, we yet launched a new program in Isingiro district in the south western part of Uganda. This program saw 52 church planters recruited in this training program. This five module church planter program established is based on the created standard core process and adaptable training curriculum for church planting and training used in East and Horn of Africa. The first module program which entirety focuses on Evangelism covered the core areas of Survey- Finding a target area or place, How to meet people, How to share your testimony, How to talk to people about Jesus, How to follow-up, How to invite, among others.
The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities coordinated and run by trained local believers within a specific people group. The church planters have and are taking the initiative of reaching and establishing churches in their own communities.
This month through the outreach and community bible club programs in schools and communities, we reached out to 2,148 children with the gospel. 543 of the children surrendered their lives to Christ. This month we trained a total of 172 children ministry workers in the three districts of Isingiro, Ibanda and Lwengo in southern and Southwestern parts of Uganda. One of the key ministry trainings targeted children at Nakivale refugee camp Uganda’s biggest refugee camp with over 7 nationalities.
Our next set of trainings in these regions are set for November 2017.
This month through the community outreaches, children cells, Leaders trainings and church planters follow-up programs, we distributed a consignment of 3,762 children booklets and 227 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles and 213 that I may know him booklets and 52 Raising Hope Teachers Manuals.
Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for
- For the upcoming South western Uganda Church Planters Training/program and children ministry programs
- Continue sustaining the open doors to minister to the refugee camps in southern, central and northern Uganda
- Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities and a ministry vehicle for upcountry programs.
We are so delighted for your continued support and we are grateful for the support towards the programs in Uganda. There is already enormous transformation and revival taking place and we believe in a short while, this transformation will not only be limited to the communities but the nation at large.
We never cease to thank God for your generosity but also pray that He continues to prosper you in all your endeavours.