
August 2018 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come our way as the Lord enables us take over new territories. The Almighty God has enabled us engage and expands our ministry activities to diverse communities of the different regions of Uganda. We pray that in sharing this report, you will like we do be encouraged.

This month we graduated a total of 65 church planters after concluding the five module church planter’s programs, A total of 912 adults were reached with the gospel and 211 surrendered their lives to Christ. 106 people were baptised from the lot that surrendered their lives to Christ.   

A total of 109 children’s workers were training through which a total of 43 churches were represented South and east of Uganda. 4 community bible clubs were established this month with a total 106 children joining the clubs. 452 children were reached with the gospel with 127 surrendering their lives to Christ.


NAME: Pr. Akili Safari

CHURCH: Light The World Evangelical Church

AREAS OF OPERATION: Kampala/ Rwamwanja, Kyangwali Refugee Camps and DR Congo

“I planted my first church after the module 1 church planters training in 2015 and after that I have never ceased to plant churches. The training taught me a lot concerning church planting in the simplest form possible but also dealt with the myth that church planting could only be done by pastors and bishops and as a result I have been able to raise leaders who now pastor churches” he says.

16 churches have been planted by Pr. Akili under the Light of the World Evangelical Church plant program he founded since December 2014 when he joined the church planters program in Kampala Uganda. 11 of the church plants are in Uganda (8 of these in 2 refugee camps), 3 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1 in Kenya, and 1 in Rwanda. Over 30 small groups, 105 recorded baptisms, 4 children’s community bible clubs and an orphanage for refuge children’s are among some of his achievements attained after joining the church planter program. Through the church planter replication program 19 potential church planters have graduated as church planters from the refugee camps and 25 are currently undertaking the forth module church planters program in Rwamwanja refugee camp in South western Uganda through his leadership training program.

Being a refugee from Congo living in Uganda, Akili has not lost the passion to reach his own people currently living in the different refugee camps. Besides the refugee camps, Akili has also had church plants among the unreached people groups among which include the Batwa Pygmies in DR Congo.

“About 7 years ago, God gave me a burden to reach the Pygmies people in Congo. I have been reaching them with the gospel since and have planted a church among them pastored by one of the natives” He says.

The Congo Pygmies (southern Batwa) are a group of unreached, uncivilized (approximately 0.5% educated) tribal societies, traditionally surviving in a searcher and hunter-gatherer lifestyle and very spiritual in nature worshiping spirits and ancestral gods.

Prayer requests

Please pray with us for

  • The church planters and children workers through the country.
  • For the upcoming training programs in Isingiro, Gulu Wakiso and Kayunga Districts.
  • For a continuous flow for the provision of scripture portions through the year and a strong ministry Car.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


