It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you yet this report. Greetings once again in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ; I hope the LORD has kept you well and helped you prosper in all your endeavors as He has done with us here.
This month has been exceptional with the Lord blessing us with opportunities in different communities and helping us strengthen the ties we have already established with different communities, friends and partners. I pray this finds you in good health and wealth.
Fifteen children and youth workers were yet again empowered this month through the children ministry leaders refresher training at Christ is the Rock Church Lubowa in Kampala. Many incredible stories of revived and growing children programs were shared in regard to the previous training. Emily a Sunday school teacher testified of how she had been challenged to start a children community club in her community after the previous training which currently has over 150 community children.
trainees Many of theconfessed of how the refresher training had now inspired them more to go and start new but also revive the ongoing programs. The training is surely causing revival in the church.
1,612 children were reached this month through the school outreach program this month in five schools. These include Glory Education Centre, Gava Secondary School Kiboga, Blessed Nursery and primary school, St Mary’s S. School Kiboga and Rock of Joy Antioch Primary School. A total of 1,023 received Jesus as their Lord and savior and 90 bibles were distributed. We also donated school items to the school to help in its daily running of the school activities.
“This act of generosity means a lot not only to us but to the children. Almost all these children have never had such an encounter of receiving a gift not even from their parents. I believe a new wave of opportunity to reach this community has just opened” said Ann Sagala the headmistress after the distribution.
A total of Six Prisons have been reached this month with a total of 3008 inmates reached. 1245 inmates surrendered their lives to Christ. The prisons reached included Masindi Prison, Bugiri Prison, Luwero Prison, Kawuga Prison Mukono, Nakifuma Prison, and Nyenya Prison.
The prison system in Uganda allows for free access to prisons for a state recognized religious group or organization once permission has been granted. As a result the inmates have had a benefit of accessing and gleaning from a number of life skills, religious and social benefits the programs have brought along. Some of such benefits is spiritual growth attained through fellowship groups and discipleship programs established and bibles/Christian literature distribution campaigns.
Through the community bible club program this month, 138 children were reached and 52 surrendered their lives to Christ from Busaabala Bible Club, this club has endeavoured to reach and empower the children in this community at the shores of late Victoria where promiscuity, poverty and illiteracy are high. 15 bibles were also given to the club to help in the discipleship of the children.
Communities are quickly becoming like many unreached people groups around the world. Many children don’t know what churches are about since they are not Christians yet. Many young children are exposed to unstable family situations, inappropriate sexual behavior, violence, sex, drugs etc.
If we want to reach the children in our communities, we need to go where they are and not expect them to come to our churches. We are convinced that children’s bibles clubs are a necessity and paramount in reaching and discipling the children.
Kamuli is located in Kakiri town council approximately 30kms from Kampala city centre. Its predominantly a Muslim community.
The community has approximately 8 primary school, one girls secondary school, four surviving churches with an average of 45-55 believers in each church in a community of over 800 households.
“I pastor a church of an average of 50 congregates in a parish of over 3,000 people. Despite of this, i still suffer persecution and have many times opted to leave the community but stayed out of conviction and desire to see the lost saved.” narrates Pr. John who pastors a congregation of about 55 member’s and a nursery and primary school project in the church building of 69 community children.
As a ministry, we are starting up a number of communities, evangelistic and economic empowerment programs in partnership with the existing churches and individuals.
· We have established an evangelistic outreach program in this community through school outreaches, distribution of Christian literature, establishment of Community bible programs, film outreaches, and charity/seed project activities.
· Plans are also underway to establish community Economic empowerment programs for the youth, women and school dropouts in order to empower them to become self-reliant and self-starting alleviating poverty.
· Community health and life skill programs are also underway to help in basic hygiene, enabling the control of disease and sickness
· Leadership training and development programs are also underway to through children and youth ministry trainings, church planters trainings, school of ministry and discipleship/mentorship programs.
Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for
· The ministry activities in the month of November
· Pray for this community of Kamuli and for us that we shall see transformation as the gospel gets preached.
· New ministry opportunities in the communities and prisons
We are grateful for the support and generous contributions towards these programs. You can continue to support these programs by financially or giving in kind by clicking the DONATE button and using any of the options providedใ We pray that he continues to support provide for all your individual, ministry and family needs.
Robert Sebunya