Hello Beloved,
Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, hoping that all is well. It is well back here.
Thank you for your loyal partnership. Through you, God graciously supplies the need resources of the organization. We don’t take this lightly. That’s why we have made it our responsibility to dutifully utilize the availed resources for the intended purpose. As a result, the good Lord always rewards us with fruit that we share with you in the monthly reports to the glory of His name.
It’s in this accord that I bring to you this report concerning the July 2016 ministry activities.
Teachers Trainings
The children’s ministry program goal is to nurture children for Personal relationship with God, Grow with healthy character, and Advance the kingdom through outreach. To meet this goal, we engage in a number of activities key of which is conducting children workers trainings through the Raising Hope Children Ministry training curriculum.
This month under the Raising Hope Children Ministry training program, we conducted a total of 2 trainings with 42 children workers in the Kampala city area.
The outreach programs were conducted in schools together with members of community churches in a quest to reach and disciple school going children.
A total of 1,232 children were reached through these program and 21 children surrendered their lives to Christ.
Community Bible Clubs
The community bible club program is a typical model through which our vision to “to Develop Leaders, Transform communities and create a Legacy of Peace” is continuously being met as we strive to nurture children for Personal relationship with God, Grow with healthy character, and Advance the kingdom through outreach.
To this effect, 15 community bible clubs are currently running across the country in partnership with the different community churches under our supervision. A total of 1,633 children have been reported to have attend the club activities with an average of 1,250 children per week. A total of 42 salvations have been recorded with an average of 7 per week. At least two other clubs have opened up a section for the teens who have been raised through the children’s club for the sake of continuity.
Ministry Activities
This month, a total of 2,562 people have been reached with the gospel and 345 surrendered their lives to Christ. 37 people were baptised from the lot that surrendered their lives to Christ. Two new Home cells were started bringing the total number to 86 with 13 new people joining the home cells/groups.
“The people in the community now welcome the gospel because we don’t tell them to come to our local church but to the home near them where they meet and pray with members from the local church who they are familiar to. Slow by slowly they are being to join the church” writes Betty Angera a trainee with the church planters training in her testimony of the effect of home groups to her ministry.
Like Betty, many of the church planters have adopted the small group strategy to reach and disciple the communities.
This month through Pr. Akili Safari a church planter in Rwamwanja Resettlement camp, we donated a consignment of full bibles, booklets and tracts, bags, shoes, women and baby clothes to the people at the refugee camp. This was done in conjunction with the support of local churches, and individuals in a quest to reach and impact communities with the love of Jesus. Rwamwanja Resettlement camp is located approximately 336 km from south west of Kampala City with a total population of nearly 70,000 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Through our church planters program, we already have 10 churches planted and children ministry programs beginning at the camp. This initiative was carried out through the light of the world church; a church plant at the settlement camp.
Scripture portions are an effective way to share the gospel especially in Muslim dominated communities, refugee camps and restricted institutions where the Gospel is hard to be preached.
This month through the school and community outreaches, children cells, Leaders trainings and church planters follow-up programs, we distributed a consignment of 4200 tracts, 3,250 children booklets and 180 New Testament bibles and 20 full bibles.
Please as you pray for us, remember to specifically pray for
- The ministry activities in the month of August especially the Raising Hope Graduation and the Church planters module 2 training program in South western Uganda
- Church planters and community church plants
- For the community discipleship programs including the community bible clubs and small group programs for the adults.
- New ministry opportunities in refugee camps specifically in Nakivale and the communities.
- We are still believing God for a ministry car. Please stand with us even as we continue trusting God for this need.
We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.
May the almighty God bless you abundantly?
Sincerely yours,