
February 2021 Report

Hello beloved,

Greetings. I hope and pray that all is well.

The post covid-19 era has come with new trends and challenges calling for new measures to reach and affect communities. Many fellowships were started and continue to get planted during and after the lockdown. The closure of churches during the pandemic caused a stall in church attendance and ministry activities throughout the country. Despite of the fact that the government has loosened restrictions on public gatherings, many believers have resorted to staying home on Sundays and carrying home with the home fellowships to which they have become accustomed through the lockdown. This trend has therefore called on new measures on how to reach, disciple and sustain such fellowships and keep them accountable to the mother church. There seems to be a shifting mindset from the church building mindset to a more dynamic home church and kingdom mindset.

As ministry through the church planter and children’s ministry programs, we are keenly with our master trainers to adopt to the change and develop a much appropriate curriculum to fit and solve the new challenges the church is facing through the post Covid era.


“I began with 20 children after attending the training program on how to run community bible clubs, in just one month the numbers have doubled to over 40. I am currently in need of more material and an assistant at the bible club. The need to reach children in the communities is much greater than I anticipated.” Says Ronald a children’s facilitator from the Masaka region.

Through the community bible club programs that have been actively working in the community through the lockdown, we register a total 785 ne contacts with 411 salvations recorded. A total of 7 new bible clubs were started in the communities with a total of 317 children actively involved in the club activities.

A total of 3,122 adults and 1522 children were reached with the gospel through the different church planter programs in the communities with 1795 salvations were recorded during the encounters.

Through our scripture portion distribution program, we distributed a total of 132 full bibles and 213 new testament bibles. We also distributed 3100 tracts and 1100 children’s literature. A total of 56 churches received children’s curriculums including Kampala community church, Joint forces for Christ Luzira, Pillars of destiny church Masindi, Kiburara Gospel Church, Gosma church Masaka and Miracle alter church Kawempe.

The youth leadership development program

We have been actively involved in reaching youths and teenagers in communities as a means to help develop the leadership potential in them using the bile as a measure to explore and instill leadership traits in the teenagers and youths. In the month of February, a total of 130 youths were incorporated in the program and have begun being impacted through the program.  By the end of this program, teenagers are usually able to Identify the qualities of a good leader, recognize ways Jesus exemplified being a servant leader, Evaluate themselves and their personal growth as leaders, practice leadership and develop their skills.


In the month of February 2021 we engaged a total of 30 parents through our weekly spiritual and music therapy programs at Mukisa foundation one of our partnering grass root organization working with children with disabilities. Part of the key activities undertaken through this program was counseling, motivation/entrepreneur talks and life skill trainings geared towards building the Parents capacity on handling children with disabilities. The program has seen at least 6 of the parents surrender their lives to Christ. From the program, we are raising potential candidates for the skills training program to minimize dependability on handouts and aid. The inclusive development program aims at

  1. Enabling needy parents of sponsored children to move into income generating ventures such as knitting, making crafts, mending, tailoring or rearing livestock to improve on incomes to be able to support their children and families.
  2. Provide Sheltered workshops, production materials for skilled cripples and deaf who would complete formal vocational school training to promote self-employment.
  3. Assist Vocational and Technical departments to start small scale industries through practical training to make incomes for the schools to ensure independence and sustainability.

We believe the answer to the brokenness of the disabled in Uganda comes only from Jesus Christ through the church and so the church has a great role to play in changing the negative attitudes and beliefs of families and communities towards people living with special needs through empowerment and exemplary living by creating equal opportunities rather than sympathy and palliative care. Through this empowerment, we believe the church then can become effective agents of change and transformation in the given communities.


As we embark on the ministry programs to the PWD, please pray for

  1. The outreaches slated for the month of march 2021
  2. Continue praying for the families already reached. Pray for Gods cover and protection for the PWD in the families. Also pray for their caretakers.
  3. Pray for our church planter and children’s ministry programs slated for March 2021. Pray for both our master trainers and children’s workers in the communities. Also pray for the new programs they are starting in the communities.
  4. Continue praying for peace and stability in the country. Pray that there will be total peace and the post-election instabilities will cease.

We can’t help but thank the Lord for His great favor. This of course could not have happened without the prayers and support of a partner like you. As we celebrate yet this great achievement, we would also like to take this privilege to thank you for the encouragement and great support you have given us through all our programs.

My prayer is that the Lord will increase you as He increases us right here.

Yours in Service