o beloved partner,
Gracious greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you very much for your commitment and love towards both the lost and God’s people. I believe you are well and everything is working out well! All is well back her and the good Lord has prospered us in all that we have been doing. We would like to appreciate you for the enormous work you are doing of winning souls to the Kingdom.
It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you yet this report. August has been a great month with fulfilment of a number of programs that have enormously yielded great results. I pray this finds you in good health and wealth.
This month, we launched a brand new church planter training program equipping up to 30 potential church planters in Rwamwanja refugee camp, located approximately 290kms from Kampala city Centre in Kamwenge district, south western Uganda in module 1 church planter training. The refugee camp is one of the largest camps hosting Congolese refugees in Uganda with a total population of over 70,000 refugees.
A total of 864 were reached with the gospel this month and a total of 193 received Christ as their personal Lord and savior through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs. 98 converts joined the discipleship programs this month and 53 baptisms conducted. 1 church was planted by the end of the Month.
The goal of this Church Planting and Training Initiative was to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among the refugees with a capability of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of the refugee communities in Rwamwanja. The initiative was coordinated and run by trained church planters from the just concluded Ibanda church planters program.
About 1,755 children were reached with the gospel this month in communities around the country through the different evangelistic outreach programs conducted by different children workers with 489 seen surrendering their lives to Christ. Three community bible clubs were started and established with an average of 22 children attending the club programs every weekend.
Two children’s ministry trainings were conducted this month in Makindye Kampala and Kabimbiri in Wakiso districts. A total of 115 children workers and workers from 43 churches were trained through this program. The Module 2 “Perfected” Training program entirely focuses on equipping trainees with basic skills on helping a child pursue godly character. Topics including understanding Gods love, healthy relationships, taking responsibility, embracing discipleship and receiving truth are key areas of interaction during the training.
A consignment of 2,000 children booklets, 47 New Testament bibles and 23 full bibles, 113 that I may know him booklets and 10 Raising Hope Teachers Manuals were distributed through the trainings and community outreaches.
We are currently in great need of Christian literature ranging from training manuals, bibles, children scripture portions, tracts and evangelistic booklets.
Please as you pray for us, we request you to focus the prayers targeting meeting of the following needs.
- We are in great need of Raising Hope Children Ministry materials for teacher trainings and children ministry outreaches. We seem to have run out of stock for the year.
- There is great need for bibles among church planters for both use and use in the small groups across the country. The need is enormous especially I the local dialect.
- For our next Outreach programs this month which include one church planter program and five children’s ministry training programs.
- Also pray for a PA system for the Jesus film ministry in the communities and a ministry vehicle for upcountry programs.
We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.
May the almighty God bless you abundantly
Sincerely yours,