Hello Beloved Partner,
Greetings, I pray all is well;
Allow me bring to you a brief report about our ministry activities this month from the areas of School programs, community outreaches, church planters programs, trainings, prisons, and scripture placement programs in ten districts.
We trained a total of 46 potential church planters comprised of lay readers, ordinary believers and mission’s pastors in Amuria District, Eastern Uganda. 85 children’s workers and 20 Master Trainers were also trained through the children’s ministry trainings.
Through the church planters program this month, 1,504 people were reached, 20 Small groups formed, 561 commitments to Christ, 38 Baptisms, 125 New church members joined the churches, 41 Bible Study Groups formed and 5 Churches Planted this month through these programs.
Of the 10 schools reached in three districts this month, 3,335 children heard the gospel with 1,649 surrendering their lives to Christ in Kampala, Kamuli and Amuria Districts.
We also reached a total of 180 children through the community clubs through the gift box distribution program. 67 new converts were recorded during the program.
A total of 4,518 inmates from six prisons were reached this month through the open air evangelism, Bible, tracts and booklet distribution programs. 2,277 inmates surrendered their lives to Jesus during the evangelistic outreaches.
A total of 900 NT Bibles, 4,800 tracts, 2,600 booklets for the youth and humanitarian items in form of sugar, foodstuffs, nets and soap were distributed.
Meet Pr. Samuel Magumba one of our partners from Iganga District, Eastern Uganda. Pr. Samuel serves as children’s worker but also a church planter in our church planters program. He runs children’s ministry programs in the rural communities of his district reaching out to schools, partnering with churches, training leaders, and different other children related programs including advocacy.
This month, we invited Samuel to attend two of our children workers trainings. These trainings aimed at helping the trainees design programs for their children ministries with a goal of developing a focused program that honors God, creating a viable plan for training pastors, church planters and children’s ministry workers in launching and sustaining children’s ministries throughout their communities and also the basics of forming a team of trained volunteers to run the children’s ministry. We also introduced the trainees to a hands-on “king of creation, King of my heart” curriculum. Having attained the various skills through the training, Magumba vowed to implement what he had learnt upon his return.
Barely three weeks after the training, Pr. Samuel, sent us this report.
“Hi, praise God, Thank God for the training. Since then I realized how special the children are in the kingdom of God. This material brings the salvation to the children in real truth. It made me realize that most of our children in the Sunday school had not confessed Jesus Christ. It also led to the children’s teachers to discover how fit they are for children ministry demonstrating real commitment to God for both teachers and children.
Because of all that here are my plans; Am going to organize a roll out trainings for all children teachers and pastors in our Sub-county churches and children ministries, Reach out schools with the material, organize a one day gathering for children who have accepted Jesus Christ for activities like drama, music, games and testimonies.
On Friday we used the material at Bunalwenyi Church of God Primary School and 243 gave life to Christ. Hallelujah”
Like Samuel, many ministries, churches, organizations and individuals have been beneficiaries of our programs thanks to your generous support and prayers. Please continue to pray with us for
- Pray for the up coming National church planters training Scheduled for 27th -30th July 2015 in Kampala.
- Also pray for the replication of these programs in the communities through the children’s workers and church planters but also new genuine partners in communities.
Remember to support one or more of our programs this month when you visit the donate page by clicking the DONATE button at the top of this page to see how and where you can send your financial support.
We are truly grateful for your continued and look forward to partner with you in reaching the communities with a goal to raise leaders, transform communities and create a legacy of peace.
May the almighty God bless you abundantly
Sincerely yours,