
September 2017 Report

Hello Partner,

Grace and peace to you in the mighty name of Jesus. Greetings and I pray all is well. All is well back here as the great and faithful God continues to prosper and expand our scope of reach in communities and schools.

We are so encouraged to have friends like you coming alongside us in ministry. Thank you for faithfully standing and standing with us in prayer and in the area of finances but best of all for joining with us to evangelize and disciple communities through the different evangelistic and discipleship programs. In this accord, allow me write to you this report concerning our ministry programs for this month and bring to light what the good Lord has enabled us to accomplish.


This month, we conducted a total of six different raising hope training programs in the Eastern parts of Uganda. A total of 253 children and youth workers were equipped with skills pertaining to helping children pursue godly character through the module two children ministry training program.

We alsolaunched a children’s ministry training program in Adjumani district in Northern Uganda west Nile region. A total of 44 children workers and pastors were involved in this training that saw 15 children workers and potential church planters from 10 different refugee camps attending the training.

The main objective of this program is to train at least 100 church planters and 150 children workers in the next 2 years from the communities and the refugee camps, Plant at least 15 churches and 30 children’s community bible clubs inside and around the refugee camps in the next 3 years.

Through our discipleship and outreach programs, we reached a total of 2,145 children in schools and the community bile clubs across the country. A total of 5 community bible clubs were started in two different districts. An average of 250 children attend the new bible club activities every weekend.

A total of 589 children surrendered their lives to Christ through the outreach programs.


This month, one church planter program was undertaken in Kampala city area. The program brought together a total of 24 church planters across Kampala city area. The module 3 program focused on equipping the trainees with skills pertaining to membership; developing members from the new believers being discipled, qualities and requirements of a church member.

A total of 752 people were reached through the program this month with 128 commitments to Christ recorded.

At least 36 people were baptised this month and a total of one church planted in South western Uganda Area.

Prayer Request

We thank God for the different churches that are partnering with us across the country and new doors opening every month. Remember in prayer the many significant ministry events taking place around the country.

  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of every man and woman attending the trainings.
  • Pray that these programs would have an eternal impact on people
  • Commit our need for a Ministry Car unto the Lord.
  • Pray for the different churches planted and currently facing persecution across the country.

Thank you for joining with us to bring these praises and requests before God! We have so much to look forward to in this coming month. We thank God for your continued effort in ensuring that we fulfill the mandate to evangelize, disciple, training and equip leaders across the country through your generous support. May the good Lord bless and increase you.


