
September 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings and I pray that all is well. All is well here.

I am privileged to bring to you this short report concerning our ministry programs for the month of September. It has been a great month and we have had opportunities for ministry in different communities of Uganda.



Five training were undertaken this month in the districts of Kampala central Uganda, Ishingiro in western Uganda, Kamwenge and Hoima is south western Uganda. Three of these trainings were conducted in refugee camps. A total of 127 children workers and pastors from 18 churches were trained through this program. 

The module 2 training program entirely focuses on helping children pursue godly character. Through this training program, we introduced the trainees to concept of Love, healthy relationships, discipleship, responsibility, receiving the truth among others. In camps where character is much needed, this training seemed valuable.

“We much needed this program at such a time as this” said Nzahishimante Joseph a children facilitator at one of the refugee camps. “With the ever increasing trend in crime and promiscuity, there has been need to reach and disciple the children, this is a great strategy” he added in reaction to the training program.

Two community Bible clubs and four children ministry church programs have already been started in the camps since the beginning of the program early this year.

The Community Bible club program

This month, 30 children have been graduated through the raising hope children’s ministry program. This was an initiative undertaken by Calvary Chapel Entebbe an associate partner with the ongoing raising hope children’s ministry program, We ministered to a total of 712 children in three community bible clubs in Bulange, Busabala and Kikalamojja in Kampala and Jinja districts respectively. A total of 83 new children joined the three cells this month with 53 of them giving their lives to Christ. The three clubs are undertaking different discipleship programs through which the children are being equipped to become Christ like.

We believe that before we can begin to show children how to live their lives and what principles to build their lives upon, we must first lay a foundation. The only way we can lay a foundation in the lives of our children is to show them that God created them for a reason. It’s for this purpose that we strive to help the children in the community bible clubs to understand that God made them In His Image, To Know Him, but also for a Purpose focusing on what the bible stresses on in Colossians 2:7 Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the Foundation for your life.A consignment of 452 children booklets were given to the clubs to help with the discipleship program.

The Life Skill program.

There are many distinct groups of children and youth who need ministry to address their spiritual needs, but also need the attention of missiologists to help develop effective mission strategies. As an organization, we have taken on the initiative to reach and affect the lives of children, teens and youths in the communities and schools through the teen’s life skill program to help address the different challenges children and youth face in their day today living. The life skill program complements the raising hope program and is a strategy used to reach the category of children prone to the gospel especially in schools resistant to the gospel. The urgency to undertake this program is because we believe

  • Discipleship programs must be developed to apply biblical principles in areas of necessary social and moral value formation
  • Family systems must be supported with Parents equipped to train and inform their children through teaching and role modelling.
  • Churches should promote healthy communication between families especially in communities where asking sex related questions are a taboo.
  • Counter measures must be set in place to address Subjects like teen pregnancy, homosexuality and sex to  help rectify the poor moral examples to which youth are exposed

This month we reached a total of 126 teens through the program impacting them the life skill program that is packaged with godly principles. A total of 100 booklets were distributed through the program with 37 children and youths giving their lives to Christ.


Through the church planters program this month, at least 33 new believers have been baptized, 373 reached with the gospel, with 97 surrendering their lives to Christ.  Three churches have been planted this month which brings the total number of churches planted so far to 41.

The church planting philosophy gives the responsibility of starting new churches to the ordinary believer or lay reader. This comes with the awakening to the responsibility of all pastors to duplicate themselves, every church starting a new church, and every member winning new people to Jesus Christ. Independent of the way we embrace our call, the church planters program brings the participants to the awareness that God is calling all of us to be involved in this ministry in some way. For this reason, he church planters have embraced the call to church planting.         

Over 500 tracts, 50 full bibles, 130 New Testament bibles and 300 children booklets have been distributed through these programs.       

Prayer requests                                               

Please pray with us for          

  • For Ruth, Juliet and mark, three pupils at Day Star primary school who lost their father later this month. Pray especially for provision for their education.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers unto the Lord praying for protection, guidance and provision.
  • For the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?

