
October 2017 Report

Hello Beloved,

Glad tidings in the mighty name of Jesus; I am privileged to once again reach out and connect with you at this awesome moment when we all look into the last part of the year with great anticipation eager to engage and embrace the new opportunities opening before us. I am truly excited because such opportunities have not ceased to come knocking at our doors even as I write to you now.  We already have new communities, refugee camps, districts lined up for us to reach and replicate our programs in the different regions of the country where we are rapidly replicating these programs.

I am grateful for what God is already doing and for this reason I would like to share some of these experiences/testimonies even as we look ahead to the end of the month praying that you will be encouraged and moved to believe for even greater opportunities to embrace.


This month two church planter training programs were undertaken in the Eastern part of the country namely Amuria and Busaana districts. The trainings saw a total of 67 church planters trained and equipped through the two separate trainings. The module trainings focused on inducting skills pertaining to the importance of discipleship and conducting progressive discipleship, inductive bible study lessons among new believers preparing discipleship Bible study lessons to spiritually nurture new and growing believers.

“I think now I understand the essence of discipleship especially why Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of nations and not converts. Matthew 28:18-20 is a life time call” said joseph a trainee at the program.

Since the first Module training, at least 10 small groups have been begun by the church planters, over 320 people reached with the gospel and 83 conversions registered through the evangelistic programs.

General Report

This month, 913 people were reached with the gospel through the evangelistic with 165 confessions registered and 3 of the new believers joining the fellowships and churches.  

22 new believers were baptized this month including and 1 church planted.


“I didn’t know how easy and effective it was to start a children’s community club until I took after the continuous conviction I receive whenever I bypassed children in my community. Today I am proud to say I have two children clubs” said Pr. Elwalu David a children’s facilitator from Achowa.

Two trainings were undertaken in Asamuk and Achowa with a total of 124 children workers. The essence of the training was to help the trainees develop programs to facilitate the children’s desire to pursue godly character. The major topics covered under the program included Love, Humility, Receiving Truth, Repentance, Mercy and Forgiveness, Embracing Discipleship, Dying to Self, Servanthood, Childlikeness, Emotional Stability and Wholeness, Healthy Relationships and Taking Responsibility. The major emphasis through the training was to disciple the children into developing Christ-like character build a sense of godliness in them.

The community bible program initiative exists to among other things build a relationship between children, their community and the church. So far, the program spiritually nurtures children in a number of churches across the country, help solve community issues including peace building, restoring hope to the hopeless through the raising hope curriculum and life skill programs to enable combat life challenges like early marriages, drug abuse among others. 

Community evangelistic and discipleship program

A total of 956 children were reached with the gospel this month with 256 of the children surrendering their lives to Christ.

One children’s community bible club was started in Eastern Uganda.


525 children booklets, 25 Raising Hope Teachers Manual, and 2,800 tracts, 30 full Bibles and 100 New Testament Bibles were distributed through the different outreaches and trainings for both children workers and church planters.


We kindly request your prayers in the following areas  

  1. The church planters and children workers through the country.
  2. The New door opening in Refugee camps in West Nile Regions of Adjumani and Moyo Districts.
  3. For the upcoming church planter and Raising Hope training programs in south western Uganda.
  4. Pray for support for the printing of Raising Hope and that I may know Him booklets but also Bibles in English, Luganda and other Local Dialects.


As we await answers to the prayers stated above, we look forward to attaining the following targets for the next quarters.

  • Our November outreach programs in southern and southwestern Uganda
  • Our end of year evangelistic and discipleship programs in schools, communities and Refugee camps.
  • Jimmy’s Wedding that is Happening this month. Pray specifically for provision.

We are truly grateful for your generous support for these programs and the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of your prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


Robert Sebunya 
