
October 2016 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray that all is well. All is well back here and the Lord has surely blessed and increased us in all our dealings. Thank you for your daily labor in the Lord and support towards our programs. We truly do appreciate.

Allow me therefore share with you our achievements from the ministry outreaches undertaken in the month of September.



This month, two children’s ministry training’s were conducted in Wakiso and Kiboga districts. The two FIRM Foundation training’s brought together a total of 43 participants from 3 churches. Through this training, we emphasized on the need to reach and impact community through children especially in most communities where the gospel has for long been resisted but also not receptive.

One way to do this is through the introduction and implementation of Christ-centered, theologically sound curriculum which focuses at putting Christ at the center of what is being taught, teaching the absolute truth of the Bible in its entirety, training the next generation of Christians and equipping them to go out into communities and reach, disciple and transform communities. It’s at this point that we introduced the Firm Foundation Curriculum something that the trainees gladly embraced.

A total Visuals and Charts, 2,000 Tracts booklets were also given to three churches.

School Outreaches

This month, we reached a total of 3 schools through our school outreach program. Busaana Primary School, Day Star Primary school and Glory Education Center. A total of 931 children were reached through these programs and a total of 257 children surrendered their lives to Christ.

The school outreach program is a counter measure to the challenge of radical Islam, high levels of early child pregnancies, infiltration of Homosexuality in schools, religious cults and the growing challenge of insecurity and moral decay in communities. Through the ministry, we reach the children with the Gospel leading them to salvation and planting them in school fellowship groups through which they are disciple to become strong believer’s resistant to cult and misleading groups. The outreach program has been an effective way to reach and impact the children.

A consignment of 720 booklets were distributed to the children during the outreach programs


This month, we reached a total of five communities through our community outreach programs in the districts of Kampala, Jinja, and Isingiro. These included the communities, of Katanga, Kikalamoja, Busana Island, Walukuba and Nakivale refugee camp. Through these outreaches, 3,322 people were reached directly. 123 surrendered their lives to Christ. 

3,500 booklets and 950 tracts were distributed through the program through door to door, in the market places and churches.  

Prayer requests

 Please pray with us for                 

  • The upcoming Training program in Ibanda District, Kayngwali and Rwamwanja Refugee camps.
  • Financial Provision for the different Ministry programs.
  • Lift our church planters and children workers unto the Lord praying for protection, guidance and provision.
  • For the New doors opening in Congo specifically in Goma and Eastern Congo.

We are grateful for the awesome and great things the Lord is doing in our midst and all this is possible because of you prayers and support that has enabled us to reach and touch these communities. We can’t explain how much this means to us but one thing we know for sure is that the Good Lord is surely proud of you. We pray that even as he has been good to us through you, his goodness will never cease to manifest in your life as it has been in ours.


May the almighty God bless you abundantly?
