
May 2015 Report

Hello Beloved,

Greetings in the name of Jesus; I pray that all is well. Allow me to extend my sincere appreciation for all that you have done and still doing to let us reach and impact communities through your prayers and the different ministry activities you support each and every month. We are truly grateful. 

This month we had the privilege of partnering with Light the World Evangelical Church to reach out to Rwamwanja refugee camp in Kamwenge district. Subdivided into 32 sections referred to as zones with a total of approximately 55,500 refugees mostly of Congolese and Rwandese descent, most of the refugees came to the camp in 2011 after the political persecutions in Rwanda and insurgency caused by the M23 rebels in Congo with the numbers currently steadily increasing due to the breakout of yet another political turmoil in the country. Through two of our church planters in the area Pr Akili and Rev. Moses, five churches have so far been planted in the camp since January 2015. But this number is still inadequate in comparison with the need and numbers at the camp.


Church Planters Vision Casting Training.

In our Leadership and development training program this month, we trained a total of 62 Pastors and church leaders from 37 denominational churches through the Church planter’s vision casting trainings in the districts of Ibanda and Kamwenge at Rwamwanja Refugee camp. The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities. With the rapid increasing population in these two districts, there is need for a program to impact church leaders to rise up and develop strategies to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the population hence the need for the church planters training.

Through the training we emphasized the need to develop leaders and equip them for ministry encouraging the pastors to identify Gifted, Mature, Committed and Submitted ordinary people among the congregates to be enrolled for the program.

 Children Workers Trainings

We had two major Children’s leaders training this month in the districts of Kampala and Ibanda. A total of 45 leaders participated in these two trainings through which we equipped them with skills on topics like who is a teacher, A child, Leading a child to Salvation, Worship, Leading a children’s Bible study, Lesson Preparation and presentation. We also introduced the trainees to a two year curriculum called “King of Creation. King of my Heart.” The curriculum is comprised of lesson plans covering the life of Jesus from the book of Genesis through the entire books of the bible.

The main goal of these trainings is to equip the leaders with skills on how to evangelize communities through children’s and youth ministries.

School Outreaches,

In our school outreach program this month, we reached a total of 3 schools in Kamwenge and Ibanda districts. Alpha and Omega Vocational Secondary School and Rwamwanja primary school are two of the schools where we shared the gospel with the children and did a scripture placement program at the third school. A total of 622 children were reached through this program and 213 children gave their lives to Christ upon invitation to commit their lives to Christ. 

The school outreach program is a counter measure to the challenge of radical Islam, high levels of early child pregnancies, infiltration of Homosexuality in schools, religious cults and the growing challenge of insecurity and moral decay in communities.


In our prison outreach program this month, we reached out to a total of 2,200 inmates through scripture placement and evangelistic outreach programs. These include Kyazanga, Kiburara, Kamwenge, Nyabwiki, and Kiruhura Prisons. We ministered to 576 inmates of which 133 gave their lives to Christ.

Prison ministry is a key arm of our ministry outreach trough which we reach and impact fathers. With a population of over 40,000 inmates, Uganda prison is a great avenue to reach and impact Fathers in the nation. We believe just like any other unreached groups, prisoners deserve the right to be reached. For this reason, we are incorporating trainings for prison outreach into our training programs for pastors and encouraging them to engage in prison outreaches stating with the small prison cells in their communities.


We placed a total of 9,800 tracts and booklets through our prison, Trainings and community outreaches in Kampala, Ibanda and Rwamwanja refugee camp in Kamwenge.  We also distributed approximately 3,400 children booklets in schools, and the camp during the outreaches. 45 children curriculum booklets were also distributed during the trainings.

Scripture placement programs have been an effective way to reach unreachable communities and individuals due to a number of factors like time and inaccessibility due to lack of permission (Prisons) and religious limitations. Through scripture placement, we have been able to spread the gospel and do follow-ups through touch persons in such areas through which we reach and obtain reports on the progress of events.  We thank God for this great and effective strategy.


After a church planters training in February 2015, two of our church planters from Ibanda attending the training programs went ahead to implement what they had learnt. Pr. Franco and Rev. Moses established four prayer groups (Cells) in Ibanda among high school students between the ages of 13-20 of Alpha and Omega Vocational school in Ibanda.  In a period of just two months, the cell has birthed three more cells with an average of 122 students attending every weekend. The team went ahead to train leaders among the students to counter the challenge of leaders and today all the cells are led by students under the supervision of the Patron at the school.

The main emphasis behind this program is so that the participants will learn the dynamics of a small group Ministry and demonstrate through role play how to invite contacts to a bible study group as well as how to facilitate a session.


As you pray with us for the different ministry activities, please remember to pray with us for the following.

·         For the upcoming children ministry training in two weeks time with 20 master trainers abs 40 children workers in Kampala

·         Also pray for the evangelistic ministry outreach in Amuria and Iganga in Eastern Uganda

·         Pray for the ministry opportunities opening up in Goma Congo and Tanzania.

·         Also pray for the right ministry partners in the different communities.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly

Sincerely yours,