
March 2021 Report

Dear Partner

Greetings and hoping the LORD has kept you well and helped you prosper in all your endeavors as He has done with us here. It’s with great pleasure that I bring to you yet this report. I pray this finds you in good health and wealth.

We thank and bless the good Lord especially for this first quarter that has been so fruitful especially in line with the different community activities including the trainings, evangelism and discipleship programs. We have witnessed over 180 of the trainees graduate through the programs, thousands of scripture placement materials including bibles, gospel tracts/booklets distributed and over 15,000 reached with the gospel and thousands coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. We bless the Lord. The month of march 2021 has been an exceptional month for us as well. We have witnessed more trainees graduate this month, over 60 master trainers trained in the communities and four new training programs begun in the districts. A total of 185 trainees were recruited into the programs. I pray that as you read through this report, you will find pleasure in the ministry results attained this month.

Mercy Link has been working on situation exploration on children with disability in Uganda, and particularly in Kampala as a case study. Through the study, we have been identifying areas with highest concertation of PWD and the causes, services available for PWD, the local and national actors and policy in Uganda-Kampala regarding PWD. The exploration has helped us identify a number of people with disabilities that we have and continue to reach out to in partnership with the local authorities and local community actors regarding PWD. It has been a conscious decision to start with families from Kampala and then spread outside the district to help us establish a baseline for future reference, study and comparisons as regards the challenges and impact of the program in the nation.  A total of 47 persons with disabilities were reached out to in three communities of Mengo, Lungujja and Kyengera in the Kampala city area. The activities conducted through the three outreaches three outreaches included Inclusive Education, Inclusive Education and Inclusive Education.

PWD and especially Children with disabilities are mainly kept at home, due to a lack of opportunities to go elsewhere, a lack of means to give them proper support, and basically also a lack of acceptance. We believe affordable care of acceptable quality should be provided to all people regardless of gender (men and women), age, race, ethnicity, and place of residence.  More attention should be given to those groups of the people that have more problems to access care specifically PWD. For disabled children it is very important to be stimulated and supported in their development at a very early age, as it is at an early age that children are still strongly developing and have the capacity to learn many new things (both mentally and physically). Unfortunately for many of these children, this opportunity has not been availed due to the ignorance of the parents regarding this need and the facilities available providing these services.

There is a wide gap that little intervention programs have been executed to change the life style and in order to make positive changes in educational, health, social and economic status of PWD. As an organization, we are working in partnership with these facilities to carry out welfare activities for this target groups. Over 45 PWD especially children and 40 parents are beneficiaries of these programs.


Pray with us for

  1. The next program’s in the districts of Masaka (South western Uganda), Kampala (Central Uganda), and Iganga (eastern Uganda)
  2. Continue praying for the currently running programs and families with PWD reached in the communities.
  3. Commit our teams and coordinators on ground in prayer as they strive to ensure that this program affects and transforms the lives of this vulnerable target group.

We are grateful for your continued support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of Partners like you that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. Your support and encouragement always grant us the courage and determination to keep keeping on in the midst of the different challenges. We are truly grateful.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly