
December 2017 Report

Hello beloved partner,

Seasonal greetings hoping that all is well. The Lord has been awesomely great back here.

We grateful to bring to you this report concerning the ministry activities for December 2017 hoping they find you in great health and wealth.


This month, we undertook the module 2 church planter training equipping 30 potential church planters in Rwamwanja refugee camp. Located approximately 290kms from Kampala city Centre in Kamwenge district, south western Uganda, the discipleship making module training saw the trainees empowered with skills pertaining to raising disciples out of the converts raised through the module one Evangelism program. The goal of this Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among the refugees with a capability of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of the refugee communities in Rwamwanja. The program focused on equipping the trainees with skills pertaining to *The dynamics of  small study groups, How to start small, study bible groups, How t conduct them, How to teach basic doctrines, How to care, How to teach Music, How to Pray and How to forgive other.


This month we conducted a refresher training with 30 children ministry master trainers from across the country. The training encompassed a number of Key ministry concepts added to the syllabus from the African children ministry program concept underlying key topics such as conscience, relating with children, building confidence in children, how to empower teachers to reach children, teaching techniques just to mention a few. Over 400 children workers have been trained through the master trainers this year alone. The goal of the master trainers program is to establish a rapid multiplication of the children ministry program across the country in different districts and communities.

A total of 113 children workers were trained from Kampala area and in the outskirts of Kampala through trainings conducted in Kampala and Kabimbiri in Kampala and Wakiso districts respectively. The module focus on topics such as spiritual warfare, evangelism, giving, spiritual and natural gifting’s, hearing god, intercession focusing on helping the children advance the kingdom of God. The children workers having completed the third module trainings now await graduation as of February 2017.

General Outreaches and Discipleship Report.

562 children were reached with the gospel this month in communities around the country through the different evangelistic outreach programs conducted by different children workers with 217 surrendered their lives to Christ.

One community bible clubs waslaunched with 49 children attending the club program.

569 people were reached with the gospel this month and a total of 211 received Christ as their personal Lord and savior through the church planter outreach and discipleship programs.

47 baptisms conducted.

2 church was planted by the end of the Month.


420 children booklets, 100 New Testament bibles and 50 full bibles, were distributed through the trainings and community outreaches.


As you pray with us, please stand with us in prayer for

·         The upcoming church planters training. Specifically pray that they will continue running with the vision and implement the church planter programs in the communities.

·         Also pray for the national children ministry programs.

·        Pray for the new openings in Tanzania. Pray that God will connect us with genuine partners and individuals/churches and for the successful establishment of ministry programs in the country.

On behalf of myself, the entire team and beneficiaries of our ministry programs, we wish to express our heart filled appreciation and gratitude for your generous support towards the ministry programs in Uganda this year 2017. Your incredible support has made a positive difference in the lives of people and communities throughout the country. It’s because of your willingness to stand with us that we are determined to endeavor to improve the well-being and holistically effect individuals and communities I the areas the Lord leads us.  Thanks can’t convey how truly grateful we are. Our prayer is that the almighty will continue to prosper you in all your endeavors.

May the almighty God Bless you. 

Robert Sebunya
