Hello Beloved,
It’s with great pleasure that I write to you once again. Greetings in the Mighty name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ; we believe his grace has been sufficient in all areas of your lives as it has been with us here at Mercy Link. Allow me present to you this short report for March 2018 concerning our ministry activities hoping this will find you in great health and wealth.
Name: Pr. Mulawa Emmanuel
Occupation: Church Planter
“I have not effectively mentored anyone because I have not been mentored well myself” once said Emmanuel during a session on challenges of mentorship during the church planter training program in 2016. Emmanuel had said, like him, many of the leaders in his community had no mentors and even those who did had no close relationship with their mentors due to mistrust and lack of responsibility assigned by the mentors to the mentees during the mentorship.
During the training, Emmanuel had shared about the hopeless state of his community and the urgent need for establishment of churches in his and the surrounding communities. The urgency had been due to the physical and economic state of the masses in the communities living promiscuous lives, engaging in traditional worship of gods, the high rates of poverty and illiteracy as being factors eating up on the community with great need of establishment pf developmental and transformational programs based on godly principles.
The goal in the Church Planting and Training Initiative is to establish a rapid increase of indigenous Churches among unreached people groups that will be capable of sustaining evangelization and discipleship of their own communities. Through this five module training program, we tasked Emmanuel to work towards establishing churches and programs to effect his community but also counter the challenges something he committed to.
His plan was to start a mentorship program with his juniors starting with the church planters program. Motive his juniors and work towards planting a church in his community which he believed would help birth transformation in his community with only one church in his entire parish of more than 800 households, and a few primary schools.
To this effect, Emmanuel has established a community primary school at his church; God’s way primary school currently educating over 40 community children, established a training program for his church leaders, a training program for the community pastors and children workers in his community but also a mentorship program for upcoming leaders.
From January to March 2018, Emmanuel through his outreach programs has already reached over 5011 people with the gospel through the open air crusade and door to door outreach, led 521 people to Christ, baptized 174 people and already planted 3 churches.
Emmanuel attributes this success to the grace of God but also the skills obtained through the church planter training program.
“We thank God for the possibility He has given us to reach out to those areas with such activities also for being connected with Mercy link foundation Africa”
This year, our target is to reach and equip at least 280 leaders across six districts of the country and help them acquire skills pertaining to establishing a living church in their respective communities. The vision of this program is to establish a living church in every community by an ordinary believer equipped with skills and encouraged to work together.
As we strive to accomplish this God given task, please pray with us in the given areas.
- Pray for the different church planters and children’s workers joining the program this year.
- We are still in urgent need of a ministry 4-wheel drive car for the rough terrains in the rural communities
- Also pray for the evangelistic ministry outreach and for the ministry opportunities opening up in Tanzania and other neighboring countries.
- We are grateful for your continued prayer support for the programs around Uganda. It’s because of your prayers and encouragement that we are able to accomplish all that we are doing. We are truly grateful
May the almighty God bless you abundantly
Sincerely yours,